2007-02-11 Willie Walker * configure.in, NEWS, RELEASE-HOWTO: prep for 0.4.9. 2007-02-11 Gilles Casse * drivers/viavoice/viavoicespeaker.c, drivers/viavoice/viavoicesynthesisdriver.h, drivers/viavoice/viavoicesynthesisdriver.c: fix for bug 398916. Helps to select one of the Viavoice Chinese voices. A very basic test (once sentence said) has been done using Firefox 2.0 + Orca (2.17.90) + Gnome-speech (0.4.8) + IBM TTS (6.7.5). More details: fix length of voice names (UCS-2); convert the UTF-8 text to the relevant charset (previously ISO-8859-1); the returned locale string can now include a variant (for example, instead of zh_CN, is returned zh_CN_GB or zh_CN_PinYin); and a memory leak has been fixed. 2007-01-22 Leonardo Boshell Fix for bug 399512 to handle config parameters better. * configure.in: Use AC_HELP_STRING consistently and handle --without-* parameters correctly. Fix the espeak_INCLUDES definition when --with-espeak-dir is used. * drivers/freetts/java/Makefile.am: Use $(GNOME_SPEECH_CLASSPATH) instead of $(GNOME_SPEECH_JAR_DIR) so any java-related parameters passed to configure actually apply. 2007-02-02 Willie Walker * configure.in: Add -lm to swift_LIBS so it will compile on Feisty. Fixes bug 403763. 2007-01-28 Gilles Casse * drivers/viavoice/viavoicesynthesisdriver.c: partial fix for bug 398916 to handle IBM TTS voices offer names which are not coded in a unibyte character set.