2024-02-02 Kjell Ahlstedt 2.78.1 2024-01-17 Chun-wei Fan README.win32.md: Mention about Visual Studio with libsigc++-3.6.x Make a note to users that Visual Studio 2019 or later is recommended if building against libsigc++-3.6.x or later as warnings are being generated as C++-17 support is not that well done in 2017 when building against libsigc++-3.6.x or later. 2024-01-17 Chun-wei Fan NMake Makefiles: Make dep paths configurable This way, one may opt to pass in a base include|libpath|tools_path, plus conrresponding paths to GLib and libsigc++ as needed to assist NMake in finding the headers, .lib's and tools from the dependencies as needed so that building things with NMake is made easier with more flexibility. 2024-01-15 Kjell Ahlstedt meson.build: Update htmlrefpub 2023-12-15 Daniel Boles ustring: TODO to avoid copies from operator string Our conversion operator to std::string always returns a copy but that is wasteful when it could be a const& reference or moved-out from an rvalue – especially bad since conversions can occur silently & harm performance without users realising. We can split to const&/&& overloads at next ABI 2023-12-15 Daniel Boles ustring: Add TODOs for C++20 move from outstreams C++20 adds `ostream.str() &&` for rvalue `this`, which will move out the stream's owned string. We can use that once we are on C++20 to avoid the extra copy of the string (although we do then copy that AGAIN via GLib!) 2023-12-11 Kjell Ahlstedt meson.build: Don't fail if warning_level=everything 2023-11-16 Kjell Ahlstedt Glib::Dispatcher: Allow destroy during emit If a signal handler deletes a Dispatcher, a DispatchNotifier can be deleted while its pipe_io_handler() method is executing. Stop its execution if this happens. Fixes #116 2023-10-24 Kjell Ahlstedt tools/defs_gen/h2def.py: Make return types that are unsigned work GdkDmabufTextureBuilder contains functions that return unsigned int.