% WICSADV.TEX % Last modification : 30.10.91, M.Reed (CUP) % Please make the following changes to your source file. % The file WICSBOOK.sty should be used as an option as follows: \documentstyle[twoside,wicsbook]{article} % Please alter the \title command using \vspace{-3pc}\titlesize\bf as follows \title{\vspace{-3pc}\titlesize\bf This is an Example of a Title with only the Main Words in Capitals} % The address should be broken into "logical" units with each unit preceded % by \normalsize. Each author name should be preceded by the command \large % as shown. % \date{} removes the date of the last version of your paper. % In the case of multiple authors the "logical" units should be long enough % to avoid the authors/adresses being sided. \author{\large First Author\\ \normalsize Institute or Department (optional), University or College\\ \normalsize City and Country\and \large Second Author\\ \normalsize Institute or Department (optional), University or College\\ \normalsize City and Country \date{}} \begin{document} \maketitle % Include \noindent and \ninesize in the abstract as shown. \begin{abstract}\ninesize \noindent The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. The text of the abstract, if there is one, or a 3 line space if an abstract is not supplied. \end{abstract} % The remainder of the file requires no special treatment. \section{Comments} Your cooperation in complying with the instructions provided in example.tex will add considerably to the overall appearance of the volume. Any suggestions that could improve the admittedly crude WICSBOOK.sty file would be appreciated and should be addressed to the publisher. \section{Example of a second level heading (the title is the first level)} \subsection{Example of a third level heading} \subsubsection{Example of a fourth level heading} A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. {\bf Example of an equation} \[ x=\frac{y+2/2}{y^{2}+1}.\] {\bf The text following an equation is automatically indented unless the following is adopted} \[ x=\frac{y+2/2}{y^{2}+1}\] \noindent {\bf in which case the text is flush left.} A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. {\bf Example of a reference. Either of \LaTeX\rq s systems may be adopted\ }\cite{ref1}. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not \subsection{Example of a third level heading} indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. A fifth level heading is indicated by a line space above with the heading in normal type not indented. \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{ref1} A. Author, Paper title, Publication ({\bf if book} then page numbers, publisher details, date of publication) ({\bf if Journal} then vol. and page numbers \end{thebibliography} \end{document}