% This file is part of TeX by Topic % Copyright 2007 Victor % see file TeXbyTopic.tex for copying conditions %\storecat\" \catcode`\"=12 \hbox{}\vskip-80pt \hbox{} %\point Character tables\par \section{Character tables} \hbox{}\vskip-40pt \hbox{} %% fonts \def\titlefont{\SansSerif \pointSize:10 \Style:roman } \let\titlefont\relax \def\bitfont{\SerifFont \pointSize:7 \Style:Roman } \let\bitfont\relax \def\codefont{\SansSerif \pointSize:5 \Style:roman } \let\codefont\relax \def\namefont{\SansSerif \pointSize:11 \Style:roman } \let\namefont\relax \let\commentfont\titlefont \font\cmtenrm=cmr10 \font\cmtenit=cmti10 %% counts and dimens \newdimen\thinlinewidth \thinlinewidth=.25mm \newdimen\fatlinewidth \fatlinewidth=.5mm \newdimen\rowheight \rowheight=.85cm %1cm \newdimen\colwidth \colwidth=1.2cm %1.6cm \newdimen\Colwidth \Colwidth=2\colwidth \advance\Colwidth by \thinlinewidth \newdimen\topwhite \topwhite=2pt \newdimen\botwhite \botwhite=3pt \newdimen\leftwhite \leftwhite=0pt %2pt \newdimen\rightwhite \rightwhite=1pt %1pt \newcount\rowcount \newcount\colcount \rowcount=-1 %% note! \colcount=0 \newcount\thenumber %% tidbits \def\\{$\backslash$}\def\-{\_$\!$\_}\def\^{\char94} \def\hh#1{\char'136\char'136 {#1}\ignorespaces} \def\thinline{\vrule width \thinlinewidth} \def\fatline{\vrule width \fatlinewidth} \tolerance=10000 \vbadness=10000 %% code conversion \def\calcnumber{{\multiply\colcount by 16 \advance\colcount by \rowcount \global\thenumber=\colcount}} \def\deccode{\number\thenumber} \def\octcode{{\ifnum\thenumber>63 \advance\thenumber by -64 \count0=\thenumber \divide\count0 by 8 1\number\count0 \else \count0=\thenumber \divide\count0 by 8 \ifnum\count0>0 \number\count0 \fi\fi \multiply\count0 by 8 \advance\thenumber by -\count0 \number\thenumber}} \def\hexdigit#1{\ifcase#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or 8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\or \edef\tmp{\message{illegal hex digit \number#1}}\tmp \fi} \def\hexcode{{\count0=\thenumber \divide\count0 by 16 \ifnum\count0>0 \hexdigit{\count0}\fi \multiply\count0 by 16 \advance\thenumber by -\count0 \count0=\thenumber \hexdigit{\count0}}} %% the heading \def\threebit#1#2#3{\vbox to 1.2\rowheight{\bitfont \vskip\topwhite \hbox to \colwidth{\hskip\leftwhite#1\hfil} \vss %\vfill \hbox to \colwidth{\hfil#2\hfil} \vss %\vfill \hbox to \colwidth{\hfil#3\hskip\rightwhite} \vskip\botwhite}} \def\comment#1{\vbox to \colwidth{ \vfil \hbox to \Colwidth{\commentfont\hfil#1\hfil} \vfil}} \def\dcomment#1#2{\vbox to \colwidth{ \vfil \hbox to \Colwidth{\commentfont\hfil#1\hfil} \vskip \botwhite \hbox to \Colwidth{\commentfont\hfil#2\hfil} \vfil}} \def\bithead{\vbox to \colwidth{\hsize=1.5\colwidth \vskip\topwhite \hbox to \hsize{\commentfont\hfil BITS\hfil} \vfil \hbox to \hsize{\bitfont\ b4 b3 b2 b1 } \vskip\botwhite}} %% routines for single chars \def\fourbit#1\fb{\vbox to \rowheight{ \vfil \hbox to 1.5\colwidth{\bitfont \spaceskip=3pt plus 30pt#1\ }%1.5\colwidth \vfil}% \global\advance\rowcount by 1 \global\colcount=0\relax } \def\thechar#1{\namefont\hfil#1\unskip\hfil} \def\asc#1\ii{\calcnumber \vbox to \rowheight{\offinterlineskip \vskip\topwhite \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont \hskip\leftwhite \deccode\hfil} \vss %\vfil \hbox to \colwidth{\vrule width 0cm height 10pt depth 2pt \thechar{#1}} \vss %\vfil \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont \hskip\leftwhite \hexcode\hfil\octcode \hskip\rightwhite} \vskip\botwhite}% \global\advance\colcount by 1} \def\complexhead{ \omit\hfil\threebit{b7}{b6}{b5} &\omit\span\omit\fatline\threebit000&\omit\span\omit\thinline\threebit001% &\omit\span\omit\fatline\threebit010&\omit\span\omit\thinline\threebit011% &\omit\span\omit\fatline\threebit100&\omit\span\omit\thinline\threebit101% &\omit\span\omit\fatline\threebit110&\omit\span\omit\thinline\threebit111& \cr \noalign{\nointerlineskip} \omit& \multispan{16}\leaders\hrule height\thinlinewidth\hfill\cr \noalign{\vskip-.5mm} %brute force \omit\bithead &\omit\span\omit\fatline\comment{CONTROL}\span\omit\span\omit &\omit\span\omit\fatline\dcomment{SYMBOLS}{NUMBERS}\span\omit\span\omit &\omit\span\omit\fatline\comment{UPPERCASE}\span\omit\span\omit &\omit\span\omit\fatline\comment{LOWERCASE}\span\omit\span\omit& \cr } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and now the tables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \label{ascii:table}\term table, \ascii\par \tabskip=0pt \halign to 30pc{\fourbit#\fb\tabskip=0ptplus1fil& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \omit\span\omit&\multispan{12}\hskip\thinlinewidth \titlefont ASCII CONTROL CODES\hfil &\multispan2\hskip\fatlinewidth \hbox{\vrule \vbox to \rowheight{ \offinterlineskip \hrule\vskip \topwhite \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont\hskip\leftwhite dec\hfil} \vfil \hbox to \colwidth{\namefont\hfil CHAR\hfil} \vfil \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont\hskip\leftwhite hex\hfil oct \hskip\rightwhite} \vskip\botwhite \hrule}\vrule}\cr \noalign{\nointerlineskip\vskip3pt \hrule} \complexhead \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 0 0&&NUL&&DLE&&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 0 1&&SOH&&DC1&&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 1 0&&STX&&DC2&&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 1 1&&ETX&&DC3&&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 0 0&&EOT&&DC4&&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 0 1&&ENQ&&NAK&&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 1 0&&ACK&&SYN&&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 1 1&&BEL&&ETB&&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 0 0&&BS &&CAN&&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 0 1&&HT &&EM &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 1 0&&LF &&SUB&&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 1 1&&VT &&ESC&&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 0 0&&FF &&FS &&, &&$<$&&L &&\\ &&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 0 1&&CR &&GS &&$-$ &&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 1 0&&SO &&RS &&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 1 1&&SI &&US &&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o &&DEL&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\eject \rowcount=-1 \colcount=0 \label{char:table}\term table, character codes\par \message{Undersc*r*s !!!} \hbox{}\vskip0pt plus 20pt \halign to 30pc{\fourbit#\fb\tabskip=0ptplus1fil& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \omit\span\omit&\multispan{12}\hskip\thinlinewidth \titlefont \TeX\ CHARACTER CODES\hfil &\multispan2\hskip\fatlinewidth \hbox{\vrule \vbox to \rowheight{ \offinterlineskip \hrule\vskip \topwhite \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont\hskip\leftwhite dec\hfil} \vfil \hbox to \colwidth{\namefont\hfil CHAR\hfil} \vfil \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont\hskip\leftwhite hex\hfil oct \hskip\rightwhite} \vskip\botwhite \hrule}\vrule}\cr \noalign{\nointerlineskip\vskip3pt \hrule} \complexhead \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 0 0&&\hh @&&\hh P &&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 0 1&&\hh A&&\hh Q &&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 1 0&&\hh B&&\hh R &&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 0 1 1&&\hh C&&\hh S &&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 0 0&&\hh D&&\hh T &&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 0 1&&\hh E&&\hh U &&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 1 0&&\hh F&&\hh V &&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 0 1 1 1&&\hh G&&\hh W &&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 0 0&&\hh H&&\hh X &&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 0 1&&\hh I&&\hh Y &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 1 0&&\hh J&&\hh Z &&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 0 1 1&&\hh K&&\hh [ &&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 0 0&&\hh L&&\hh{\\}&&, &&$<$&&L &&\\&&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 0 1&&\hh M&&\hh ] &&$-$&&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 1 0&&\hh N&&\hh{\^}&&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} {} 1 1 1 1&&\hh O&&\hh{\-}&&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o &&\hh ?&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\eject \def\fonttitle#1{\noalign{\hbox{\titlefont \uppercase{#1}} \nointerlineskip\kern3pt\hrule}} \def\drop{\hbox{}\vskip3.5pt\vskip12pt} %\point Computer modern fonts \section{ Computer modern fonts} \term font tables\par \rowcount=-1 \colcount=0 \def\fourbit#1\fb{% \global\advance\rowcount by 1 \global\colcount=0\relax } \def\thechar#1{\hfil$\textfont0=\cmtenrm \mathchar\thenumber$\hfil} \label{cmr:table}\term tables, font\par \message{really cmr table?} \halign to 30pc{\tabskip=0ptplus1fil\relax\fourbit\fb \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \fonttitle{Computer Modern Roman Font Layout} &@&& P &&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &A&& Q &&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &B&& R &&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &C&& S &&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &D&& T &&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &E&& U &&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &F&& V &&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &G&& W &&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &H&& X &&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &I&& Y &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &J&& Z &&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &K&& [ &&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &L&&{\\}&&, &&$<$&&L &&\\&&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &M&& ] &&$-$&&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &N&&{\^}&&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &O&&{\-}&&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o && ?&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\vfill\eject %% typewriter \rowcount=-1 \colcount=0 \def\thechar#1{\hfil\tt\char\thenumber\hfil} \drop \halign to 30pc{\fourbit\fb\tabskip=0ptplus1fil \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \fonttitle{Computer Modern Typewriter Font Layout} &@&& P &&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &A&& Q &&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &B&& R &&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &C&& S &&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &D&& T &&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &E&& U &&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &F&& V &&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &G&& W &&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &H&& X &&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &I&& Y &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &J&& Z &&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &K&& [ &&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &L&&{\\}&&, &&$<$&&L &&\\&&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &M&& ] &&$-$&&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &N&&{\^}&&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &O&&{\-}&&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o && ?&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\vfill\eject \rowcount=-1 \colcount=0 \def\thechar#1{\hfil$\textfont1=\cmtenit \advance\thenumber256\relax\mathchar\thenumber$% \hfil} \drop \halign to 30pc{\fourbit\fb\tabskip=0ptplus1fil \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \fonttitle{Computer Modern Italic Font Layout} &@&& P &&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &A&& Q &&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &B&& R &&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &C&& S &&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &D&& T &&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &E&& U &&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &F&& V &&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &G&& W &&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &H&& X &&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &I&& Y &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &J&& Z &&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &K&& [ &&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &L&&{\\}&&, &&$<$&&L &&\\&&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &M&& ] &&$-$&&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &N&&{\^}&&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &O&&{\-}&&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o && ?&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\vfill\eject %% Symbol \rowcount=-1 \colcount=0 \def\thechar#1{\hfil$\advance\thenumber512\relax\mathchar\thenumber$\hfil} \drop \halign to 30pc{\fourbit\fb\tabskip=0ptplus1fil \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \fonttitle{Computer Modern Symbol Font} &@&& P &&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &A&& Q &&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &B&& R &&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &C&& S &&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &D&& T &&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &E&& U &&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &F&& V &&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &G&& W &&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &H&& X &&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &I&& Y &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &J&& Z &&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &K&& [ &&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &L&&{\\}&&, &&$<$&&L &&\\&&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &M&& ] &&$-$&&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &N&&{\^}&&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &O&&{\-}&&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o && ?&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\vfill\eject \rowcount=-1 \colcount=0 \def\thechar#1{\hfil\ifodd\thenumber\else\hskip3pt\relax\fi $\advance\thenumber768\relax\mathchar\thenumber$\hfil} \rowheight=1.2\rowheight \advance\rowheight 4pt \message{Vertical spacing cmex table} \halign to 30pc{\fourbit\fb\tabskip=0ptplus1fil \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \fatline#&\asc#\ii&\thinline#&\asc#\ii& \tabskip=0pt\fatline#\cr \fonttitle{Computer Modern Math Extension Font} &@&& P &&SP &&0 &&@ &&P &&` &&p &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &A&& Q &&! &&1 &&A &&Q &&a &&q &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &B&& R &&" &&2 &&B &&R &&b &&r &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &C&& S &&\# &&3 &&C &&S &&c &&s &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &D&& T &&\$ &&4 &&D &&T &&d &&t &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &E&& U &&\% &&5 &&E &&U &&e &&u &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &F&& V &&\& &&6 &&F &&V &&f &&v &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &G&& W &&' &&7 &&G &&W &&g &&w &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &H&& X &&( &&8 &&H &&X &&h &&x &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &I&& Y &&) &&9 &&I &&Y &&i &&y &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &J&& Z &&* &&: &&J &&Z &&j &&z &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &K&& [ &&+ &&; &&K &&[ &&k &&$\{$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &L&&{\\}&&, &&$<$&&L &&\\&&l &&$|$ &\cr \noalign{\hrule} &M&& ] &&$-$&&= &&M &&] &&m &&$\}$&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &N&&{\^}&&. &&$>$&&N &&\char94 &&n &&\char126&\cr \noalign{\hrule} &O&&{\-}&&/ &&? &&O &&\char95 &&o && ?&\cr \noalign{\hrule} } \pagebreak %\vfill\eject %\point[math:sym:tables] Plain \TeX\ math symbols \section{Plain \TeX\ math symbols} \label{math:sym:tables} \term math symbols, lists of\par \def\class#1{\ifcase#1ordinary\or large operator\or binary operation\or relation\or open symbol\or closing symbol\or punctuation\or variable family\fi} \def\prevclass{}\def\prevfaml{} \def\bodyfont{\SerifFont \pointSize:9 \Style:roman } \let\bodyfont\relax \def\colmfont{\SerifFont \pointSize:10 \Style:bold } \let\colmfont\relax \def\headrule{\noalign{\kern6pt\hrule height.5pt\hbox{}\kern2pt}} %\spoint Mathcharacter codes \subsection{ Mathcharacter codes} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{mathcode}\gr{8-bit number}\gr{equals}\gr{15-bit number} \end{disp} assignment. \par\leavevmode\par \tabskip=0cm \begingroup\bodyfont \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil\tt\char#\hfil&\tt\hfil#\hfil& \xdef\testclass{\class#}\ifx\testclass\prevclass \else\testclass\gdef\prevfaml{}\fi \global\let\prevclass\testclass\hfil& \gdef\testfaml{#}\hfil\ifx\testfaml\prevfaml\else\testfaml\fi \global\let\prevfaml\testfaml\hfil& \hfil#\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \omit \colmfont Character\strut& \omit \colmfont \cs{mathcode}& \omit \colmfont \hfil Class\hfil& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position\cr \headrule `\.&"013A&0&1&3A\cr `\/&"013D&0&1&3D\cr `\\&"026E&0&2&6E\cr `\|&"026A&0&2&6A\cr `\+&"202B&2&0&2B\cr `\-&"2200&2&2&00\cr `\*&"2203&2&2&03\cr `\:&"303A&3&0&3A\cr `\=&"303D&3&0&3D\cr `\<&"313C&3&1&3C\cr `\>&"313E&3&1&3E\cr `\(&"4028&4&0&28\cr `\[&"405B&4&0&5B\cr `\{&"4266&4&2&66\cr `\!&"5021&5&0&21\cr `\)&"5029&5&0&29\cr `\?&"503F&5&0&3F\cr `\]&"505D&5&0&5D\cr `\}&"5267&5&2&67\cr `\;&"603B&6&0&3B\cr `\,&"613B&6&1&3B\cr `\ &"8000\cr `\'&"8000\cr `\_&"8000\cr } \endgroup \vfill \pagebreak %\vfil\eject %\spoint Delimiter codes \subsection{ Delimiter codes} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{delcode}\gr{8-bit number}\gr{equals}\gr{24-bit number}\end{disp} assignment. They can be used with \cs{left} and~\cs{right}. \par\leavevmode\par \begingroup\bodyfont \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil\tt\char#\hfil&\tt\hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil&\hfil#\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \multispan2\hfil& \multispan2\colmfont \hfil small variant\hfil& \multispan2\colmfont \hfil large variant\hfil\strut\cr \omit \colmfont Character\hfil\strut& \omit \colmfont \cs{delcode}& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position\cr \headrule `\(&"028300&0&28&3&00\cr `\)&"029301&0&29&3&01\cr `\[&"05B302&0&5B&3&02\cr `\]&"05D303&0&5D&3&03\cr `\<&"26830A&2&68&3&0A\cr `\>&"26930B&2&69&3&0B\cr `\/&"02F30E&0&2F&3&0E\cr `\|&"26A30C&2&6A&3&0C\cr `\\&"26E30F&2&6E&3&0F\cr }\endgroup \vfil\eject \def\prevclass{}\def\prevfaml{} %\spoint \gr{mathchardef tokens}: ordinary symbols \subsection{ \gr{mathchardef tokens}: ordinary symbols} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{mathchardef}\gr{control sequence}\gr{equals}\gr{15-bit number} \end{disp} assignment. \par\leavevmode\par \begingroup\bodyfont \setbox0\hbox{\cs{diamondsuit}} \setbox2\hbox{\colmfont Control Sequence} \tempdima=\wd2 \advance\tempdima-\wd0 \global\divide\tempdima2 \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil#\hfil&\kern\tempdima\cs{#}\hfil&\tt\hfil#\hfil& \gdef\testfaml{#}\hfil\ifx\testfaml\prevfaml\else\testfaml\fi \global\let\prevfaml\testfaml\hfil& \hfil#\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \omit \colmfont Symbol\strut& \omit \colmfont Control Sequence& \omit \colmfont \cs{mathcode}& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position\cr \headrule $\partial$&partial& "0140&1&40\cr $\flat$&flat& "015B&1&5B\cr $\natural$&natural& "015C&1&5C\cr $\sharp$&sharp& "015D&1&5D\cr $\ell$&ell& "0160&1&60\cr $\imath$&imath& "017B&1&7B\cr $\jmath$&jmath& "017C&1&7C\cr $\wp$&wp& "017D&1&7D\cr $\prime$&prime& "0230&2&30\cr $\infty$&infty& "0231&2&31\cr $\triangle$&triangle& "0234&2&34\cr $\forall$&forall& "0238&2&38\cr $\exists$&exists& "0239&2&39\cr $\neg$&neg& "023A&2&3A\cr $\emptyset$&emptyset& "023B&2&3B\cr $\Re$&Re& "023C&2&3C\cr $\Im$&Im& "023D&2&3D\cr $\top$&top& "023E&2&3E\cr $\bot$&bot& "023F&2&3F\cr $\aleph$&aleph& "0240&2&40\cr $\nabla$&nabla& "0272&2&72\cr $\clubsuit$&clubsuit& "027C&2&7C\cr $\diamondsuit$&diamondsuit& "027D&2&7D\cr $\heartsuit$&heartsuit& "027E&2&7E\cr $\spadesuit$&spadesuit& "027F&2&7F\cr }\endgroup \vfil\eject \def\prevclass{}\def\prevfaml{} %\spoint \gr{mathchardef tokens}: large operators \subsection{ \gr{mathchardef tokens}: large operators} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{mathchardef}\gr{control sequence}\gr{equals}\gr{15-bit number} \end{disp} assignment. \par\leavevmode\par \begingroup\bodyfont \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil#\hfil&\cs{#}\hfil&\hfil\tt#\hfil& \gdef\testfaml{#}\hfil\ifx\testfaml\prevfaml\else\testfaml\fi \global\let\prevfaml\testfaml\hfil& \hfil#\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \omit \colmfont Symbol\strut& \omit \colmfont \hfil Control Sequence\hfil& \omit \colmfont \cs{mathcode}& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position\cr \headrule $\smallint \displaystyle\smallint$& smallint& "1273&2&73\cr $\bigsqcup \displaystyle\bigsqcup$& bigsqcup& "1346&3&46\cr $\ointop \displaystyle\ointop$& ointop& "1348&3&48\cr $\bigodot \displaystyle\bigodot$& bigodot& "134A&3&4A\cr $\bigoplus \displaystyle\bigoplus$& bigoplus& "134C&3&4C\cr $\bigotimes \displaystyle\bigotimes$& bigotimes& "134E&3&4E\cr $\sum \displaystyle\sum$& sum& "1350&3&50\cr $\prod \displaystyle\prod$& prod& "1351&3&51\cr $\intop \displaystyle\intop$& intop& "1352&3&52\cr $\bigcup \displaystyle\bigcup$& bigcup& "1353&3&53\cr $\bigcap \displaystyle\bigcap$& bigcap& "1354&3&54\cr $\biguplus \displaystyle\biguplus$& biguplus& "1355&3&55\cr $\bigwedge \displaystyle\bigwedge$& bigwedge& "1356&3&56\cr $\bigvee \displaystyle\bigvee$& bigvee& "1357&3&57\cr $\coprod \displaystyle\coprod$& coprod& "1360&3&60\cr }\endgroup \vfil\eject \def\prevclass{}\def\prevfaml{} %\spoint \gr{mathchardef tokens}: binary operations \subsection{ \gr{mathchardef tokens}: binary operations} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{mathchardef}\gr{control sequence}\gr{equals}\gr{15-bit number} \end{disp} assignment. \par\leavevmode\par \begingroup\bodyfont \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil#\hfil&\cs{#}\hfil&\tt#\hfil& \gdef\testfaml{#}\hfil\ifx\testfaml\prevfaml\else\testfaml\fi \global\let\prevfaml\testfaml\hfil& \hfil#\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \omit \colmfont Symbol\strut& \omit \colmfont \hfil Control Sequence\hfil& \omit \colmfont \cs{mathcode}& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position\cr \headrule $\triangleright$&triangleright& "212E&1&2E\cr $\triangleleft$&triangleleft& "212F&1&2F\cr $\star$&star& "213F&1&3F\cr $\cdot$&cdot& "2201&2&01\cr $\times$×& "2202&2&02\cr $\ast$&ast& "2203&2&03\cr $\div$&div& "2204&2&04\cr $\diamond$&diamond& "2205&2&05\cr $\pm$&pm& "2206&2&06\cr $\mp$&mp& "2207&2&07\cr $\oplus$&oplus& "2208&2&08\cr $\ominus$&ominus& "2209&2&09\cr $\otimes$&otimes& "220A&2&0A\cr $\oslash$ø& "220B&2&0B\cr $\odot$&odot& "220C&2&0C\cr $\bigcirc$&bigcirc& "220D&2&0D\cr $\circ$&circ& "220E&2&0E\cr $\bullet$&bullet& "220F&2&0F\cr $\bigtriangleup$&bigtriangleup& "2234&2&34\cr $\bigtriangledown$&bigtriangledown& "2235&2&35\cr $\cup$&cup& "225B&2&5B\cr $\cap$&cap& "225C&2&5C\cr $\uplus$&uplus& "225D&2&5D\cr $\wedge$&wedge& "225E&2&5E\cr $\vee$&vee& "225F&2&5F\cr $\setminus$&setminus& "226E&2&6E\cr $\wr$&wr& "226F&2&6F\cr $\amalg$&amalg& "2271&2&71\cr $\sqcup$&sqcup& "2274&2&74\cr $\sqcap$&sqcap& "2275&2&75\cr $\dagger$&dagger& "2279&2&79\cr $\ddagger$&ddagger& "227A&2&7A\cr }\endgroup \vfil\eject \def\prevclass{}\def\prevfaml{} %\spoint \gr{mathchardef tokens}: relations \subsection{ \gr{mathchardef tokens}: relations} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{mathchardef}\gr{control sequence}\gr{equals}\gr{15-bit number} \end{disp} assignment. \par\leavevmode\par \begingroup\bodyfont \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil#\hfil&\cs{#}\hfil&\tt#\hfil& \gdef\testfaml{#}\hfil\ifx\testfaml\prevfaml\else\testfaml\fi \global\let\prevfaml\testfaml\hfil& \hfil#\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \omit \colmfont Symbol\strut& \omit \colmfont \hfil Control Sequence\hfil& \omit \colmfont \cs{mathcode}& \omit \colmfont Family& \omit \colmfont Hex position\cr \headrule $\leftharpoonup$&leftharpoonup& "3128&1&28\cr $\leftharpoondown$&leftharpoondown& "3129&1&29\cr $\rightharpoonup$&rightharpoonup& "312A&1&2A\cr $\rightharpoondown$&rightharpoondown& "312B&1&2B\cr $\smile$&smile& "315E&1&5E\cr $\frown$&frown& "315F&1&5F\cr $\asymp$&asymp& "3210&2&10\cr $\equiv$&equiv& "3211&2&11\cr $\subseteq$&subseteq& "3212&2&12\cr $\supseteq$&supseteq& "3213&2&13\cr $\leq$&leq& "3214&2&14\cr $\geq$&geq& "3215&2&15\cr $\preceq$&preceq& "3216&2&16\cr $\succeq$&succeq& "3217&2&17\cr $\sim$&sim& "3218&2&18\cr $\approx$&approx& "3219&2&19\cr $\subset$&subset& "321A&2&1A\cr $\supset$&supset& "321B&2&1B\cr $\ll$&ll& "321C&2&1C\cr $\gg$&gg& "321D&2&1D\cr $\prec$&prec& "321E&2&1E\cr $\succ$&succ& "321F&2&1F\cr $\leftarrow$&leftarrow& "3220&2&20\cr $\rightarrow$&rightarrow& "3221&2&21\cr $\leftrightarrow$&leftrightarrow& "3224&2&24\cr $\nearrow$&nearrow& "3225&2&25\cr $\searrow$&searrow& "3226&2&26\cr $\simeq$&simeq& "3227&2&27\cr $\Leftarrow$&Leftarrow& "3228&2&28\cr $\Rightarrow$&Rightarrow& "3229&2&29\cr $\Leftrightarrow$&Leftrightarrow& "322C&2&2C\cr $\nwarrow$&nwarrow& "322D&2&2D\cr $\swarrow$&swarrow& "322E&2&2E\cr $\propto$&propto& "322F&2&2F\cr $\in$&in& "3232&2&32\cr $\ni$&ni& "3233&2&33\cr $\not$¬& "3236&2&36\cr $\mapstochar$&mapstochar& "3237&2&37\cr $\perp$&perp& "323F&2&3F\cr $\vdash$&vdash& "3260&2&60\cr $\dashv$&dashv& "3261&2&61\cr $\mid$&mid& "326A&2&6A\cr $\parallel$¶llel& "326B&2&6B\cr $\sqsubseteq$&sqsubseteq& "3276&2&76\cr $\sqsupseteq$&sqsupseteq& "3277&2&77\cr } \endgroup \vfil %\spoint \cs{delimiter} macros \subsection{\protect\cs{delimiter} macros} The following characters have been defined in a \begin{disp}\cs{def}\gr{control sequence}\lb\cs{delimiter}\gr{27-bit number}\rb \end{disp} assignment. \par\leavevmode\par \halign to 30pc {\tabskip=1pc plus 3pc \hfil$\left#\null\right.$\hfil& \cs{#}\hfil&\hfil\tt#&\class{#}\hfil\tabskip=0cm\cr \omit \colmfont Delimiters\hidewidth\strut\cr \omit \colmfont Symbol\hfil\strut& \omit \colmfont Control Sequence\hfil& \omit \colmfont \hfil Hex code\hfil& \omit \colmfont \hfil Function\hfil\cr \headrule \lmoustache&lmoustache& "4000340&4\cr \rmoustache&rmoustache& "5000341&5\cr \lgroup&lgroup& "400033A&4\cr \rgroup&rgroup& "500033B&5\cr \arrowvert&arrowvert& "33C&0\cr \Arrowvert&Arrowvert& "33D&0\cr \bracevert&bracevert& "33E&0\cr \Vert&Vert& "26B30D&0\cr \vert&vert& "26A30C&0\cr \uparrow&uparrow& "3222378&3\cr \downarrow&downarrow& "3223379&3\cr \updownarrow&updownarrow& "326C33F&3\cr \Uparrow&Uparrow& "322A37E&3\cr \Downarrow&Downarrow& "322B37F&3\cr \Updownarrow&Updownarrow& "326D377&3\cr .\backslash&backslash& "26E30F&0\cr \rangle&rangle& "526930B&5\cr \langle&langle& "426830A&4\cr \rbrace&rbrace& "5267309&5\cr \lbrace&lbrace& "4266308&4\cr \rceil&rceil& "5265307&5\cr \lceil&lceil& "4264306&4\cr \rfloor&rfloor& "5263305&5\cr \lfloor&lfloor& "4262304&4\cr } \vfil\eject %\restorecat\" % \begin{comment} % \let\cr % \def\sqrt{\radical"270370 } % \def\`#1{{\accent18 #1}} % \def\'#1{{\accent19 #1}} % \def\v#1{{\accent20 #1}} % \def\u#1{{\accent21 #1}} % \def\=#1{{\accent22 #1}} % \def\^#1{{\accent94 #1}} % \def\.#1{{\accent95 #1}} % \def\H#1{{\accent"7D #1}} % \def\~#1{{\accent"7E #1}} % \def\"#1{{\accent"7F #1}} % \def\t#1{{\edef\next{\the\font}\the\textfont1\accent"7F\next#1}} % \def\acute{\mathaccent"7013 } % \def\grave{\mathaccent"7012 } % \def\ddot{\mathaccent"707F } % \def\tilde{\mathaccent"707E } % \def\bar{\mathaccent"7016 } % \def\breve{\mathaccent"7015 } % \def\check{\mathaccent"7014 } % \def\hat{\mathaccent"705E } % \def\vec{\mathaccent"017E } % \def\dot{\mathaccent"705F } % \def\widetilde{\mathaccent"0365 } % \def\widehat{\mathaccent"0362 } % \mathchardef\alpha="010B % \mathchardef\beta="010C % \mathchardef\gamma="010D % \mathchardef\delta="010E % \mathchardef\epsilon="010F % \mathchardef\zeta="0110 % \mathchardef\eta="0111 % \mathchardef\theta="0112 % \mathchardef\iota="0113 % \mathchardef\kappa="0114 % \mathchardef\lambda="0115 % \mathchardef\mu="0116 % \mathchardef\nu="0117 % \mathchardef\xi="0118 % \mathchardef\pi="0119 % \mathchardef\rho="011A % \mathchardef\sigma="011B % \mathchardef\tau="011C % \mathchardef\upsilon="011D % \mathchardef\phi="011E % \mathchardef\chi="011F % \mathchardef\psi="0120 % \mathchardef\omega="0121 % \mathchardef\varepsilon="0122 % \mathchardef\vartheta="0123 % \mathchardef\varpi="0124 % \mathchardef\varrho="0125 % \mathchardef\varsigma="0126 % \mathchardef\varphi="0127 % \mathchardef\Gamma="7000 % \mathchardef\Delta="7001 % \mathchardef\Theta="7002 % \mathchardef\Lambda="7003 % \mathchardef\Xi="7004 % \mathchardef\Pi="7005 % \mathchardef\Sigma="7006 % \mathchardef\Upsilon="7007 % \mathchardef\Phi="7008 % \mathchardef\Psi="7009 % \mathchardef\Omega="700A % \end{comment}