% Save file as: OVERHEAD2.TEX Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET %%% overhead.tex: %%% under the guise of showing how to create a typical overhead "slide", %%% this little example actually slides in illustrating landscape mode, %%% and use of PostScript fonts. "God forgive me, I know not what I do." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% rotate the overhead 90 degrees so the long axis is horizontal \special{landscape} %%% %%% cancel pagenumbers since this is just a single overhead we're doing \nopagenumbers %%% %%% adjust the default page size to something appropriate for landscape mode \hsize=9in \vsize=6.5in %%% %%% declare a couple of PostScript native fonts at overhead size dimensions \font\thtyhvbld=Helvetica-Bold at 30pt \font\thtyhv=Helvetica at 30pt %%% %%% make sure that our inter-line spacing is reasonable for those behemoths; %%% note that the values I set might look terrible to you -- pick your own! \normalbaselineskip=32pt \normalbaselines %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% %%% okay, enough screwing around. let's do it... %%% %%% our default font will be 30 pt Helvetica... \thtyhv %%% set up them tab stops... \settabs\+--\ &\hglue 8.0 truein\cr %%% set the title of the overhead, then let's set the body of the table \+{\thtyhvbld THE ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY MODEL}\cr \bigskip\bigskip \+--&EOQ minimizes total inventory costs\cr \+&by balancing carrying and ordering costs\cr \bigskip\bigskip \+--&EOQ represents the solutions to the first\cr \+&differential of the total cost function\cr \bigskip\bigskip \+--&EOQ assumes non-lumpy demand patterns,\cr \+&instantaneous deliveries, known and constant\cr \+&ordering and carrying costs, and no price\cr \+&breaks.\cr \bigskip\bigskip \+--&If these assumptions aren't met, consider\cr \+&using a more advanced technique such as\cr \+&MRP II or the Wagner-Whitin Algorithm.\cr \vfill\eject