################################################################ # Rewrite entries for all accents to put them under "accents". # # Author: Scott Pakin # ################################################################ # ---------------------- accents with an argument ---------------------- # This entry must appear before other "\|" entries. # What is this accent actually called? [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\encfour{\blackacchack{\FCbar}}' item = ["accents", "fang"] # This entry must appear before other "ring" entries. [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\blackacc{\ABXwidering}', '\blackacc{\FOURmathring}', '\blackacc{\FOURwidering}', '\blackacc{\YHwidering}' ] item = ["accents", "combination ring and arc"] [[rewrite]] matches = "`" item = ["accents", "grave"] [[rewrite]] matches = "." render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "dot"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = [ '\blackacc{\STIXdot}', '\blackacc{\dot}' ] item = ["accents", "dot"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["acutus", "'"] item = ["accents", "acute"] [[rewrite]] matches = "APLcirc" item = ["accents", "circle overlay"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["APLnot", "textsuperimposetilde"] item = ["accents", "tilde overlay"] [[rewrite]] matches = "APLvert" item = ["accents", "vertical line overlay"] [[rewrite]] matches = "asteraccent" item = ["accents", "asterisk"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["bar", "_magicequalname"] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "macron"] [[rewrite]] matches = "bibridge" item = ["accents", "bridge above and below"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["b", "underbar", "ushort", "ushortw"] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "bar below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "c" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "cedilla"] [[rewrite]] matches = "C" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "grave, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "crtilde" item = ["accents", "tilde, crossed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "candra" item = ["accents", "candrabindu"] [[rewrite]] matches = "cb" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "comma below"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["check", "v", "varwidecheck", "widecheck"] item = ["accents", "caron"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["circumflexus", "~", "Umd", "varwidetilde"] item = ["accents", "tilde"] [[rewrite]] matches = "closure" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "macron"] [[rewrite]] matches = "Cyrillic breve" item = ["accents", "breve, Cyrillic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dental" item = ["accents", "bridge below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "d" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "dot below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ddot" item = ["accents", "dot, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dddot" item = ["accents", "dot, triple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ddddot" item = ["accents", "dot, quadruple"] [[rewrite]] matches = "droang" item = ["accents", "angle, left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "mathring" item = ["accents", "ring"] [[rewrite]] matches = "dottedtilde" item = ["accents", "homothetic"] [[rewrite]] matches = "doubletilde" item = ["accents", "almost equal to"] [[rewrite]] preserve_escapes = true matches = ["diaeresis", '"'] item = ["accents", "diaeresis"] word = 'di{\ae}resis' [[rewrite]] matches = ["D", "td", "textsubumlaut"] render_contains = "blackacc" preserve_escapes = true item = ["accents", "diaeresis below"] word = 'di{\ae}resis below' [[rewrite]] matches = [ "f", "inverted breve", "newtie", "ohill", "Cyrillic flex", "textroundcap" ] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "breve, inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "finpartvoice" item = ["accents", "voiced consonant, final partial"] [[rewrite]] matches = "finpartvoiceless" item = ["accents", "voiceless consonant, final partial"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["G", "textdoublegrave", "Cyrillic umlaut"] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "grave, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["grave", "gravis"] item = ["accents", "grave"] [[rewrite]] matches = "H" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "acute, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "h" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "hook"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["hat", "^", "varwidehat", "widehat"] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "circumflex"] [[rewrite]] matches = "hat" render_matches = "" item = ["accents", "circumflex"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["hill", "textsubarch", "underarch"] item = ["accents", "breve below, inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "inipartvoice" item = ["accents", "voiced consonant, initial partial"] [[rewrite]] matches = "inipartvoiceless" item = ["accents", "voiceless consonant, initial partial"] [[rewrite]] matches = "k" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "ogonek"] [[rewrite]] matches = "middlebar" item = ["accents", "macron overlay"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["middleslash", "Ohne"] item = ["accents", "solidus overlay"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ocommatopright" item = ["accents", "comma"] [[rewrite]] matches = "od" item = ["accents", "ring below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "oturnedcomma" item = ["accents", "comma, inverted"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:a)?over(arc|bar|brace|bracket|bridge|group|parenthesis)\*?$' item = ["accents", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^over(left|right)(pitchfork|broom)$' item = ["accents", '\2, \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(left|right)arrowaccent$' item = ["accents", 'arrow, \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(left|right)harpoonaccent$' item = ["accents", 'harpoon, \1 up'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:short)?over(left|right)harp(?:oon)?(up|down)$' item = ["accents", 'harpoon, \1 \2'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overrightharp", "overrightharpoon", "shortoverrightharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon, right up"] # This rule should precede the following one. [[rewrite]] render_contains = '\FDSYMoverleftharpoon' item = ["accents", "harpoon, left down"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overleftharp", "overleftharpoon", "shortoverleftharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon, left up"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overrightleftharp", "shortoverrightleftharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon, right up, left down"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overleftrightharp", "shortoverleftrightharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon, left up, right down"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overleftrightvecc", "shortoverleftrightvecc"] item = ["accents", "arrow, double-ended"] [[rewrite]] matches = "overline" item = ["accents", "bar"] [[rewrite]] matches = "overlinesegment" item = ["accents", "line segment"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["overparen", "texttoptiebar", "wideparen"] item = ["accents", "parenthesis"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ovhook" item = ["accents", "hook"] [[rewrite]] matches = "partvoice" item = ["accents", "voiced consonant, partial"] [[rewrite]] matches = "partvoiceless" item = ["accents", "voiceless consonant, partial"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["r", "ring"] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "ring"] [[rewrite]] matches = "rc" item = ["accents", "cedilla, reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["shortunderleftrightvecc", "spreadlips", "underleftrightvecc"] item = ["accents", "arrow below, double-ended"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(short)?(straight)?lvecc$' item = ["accents", "arrow, left"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(short)?(straight)?vecc$' item = ["accents", "arrow, right"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(short)?under(straight)?lvecc$' item = ["accents", "arrow below, left"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(short)?under(straight)?vecc$' item = ["accents", "arrow below, right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "sliding" item = ["accents", "arrow below, right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "spiritusasper" item = ["accents", "spiritus asper"] [[rewrite]] matches = "spirituslenis" item = ["accents", "spiritus lenis"] [[rewrite]] matches = "subcorner" item = ["accents", "angle below, left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "strokethrough" item = ["accents", "solidus overlay"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["subdoublebar", "ushortdw"] item = ["accents", "bar below, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "subdoublevert" item = ["accents", "vertical line below, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "sublptr" item = ["accents", "arrowhead below, left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "subrptr" item = ["accents", "arrowhead below, right"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["syl", "textsyllabic"] item = ["accents", "vertical line below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "t" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "tie"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(acute|breve|grave|ring|tilde)(dot|macron)$' item = ["accents", 'combination \1 and \2'] [[rewrite]] matches = "textacutewedge" item = ["accents", "combination acute and caron"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textadvancing" item = ["accents", "tack below, left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textbottomtiebar" item = ["accents", "arc below, inverted"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textcircum(acute|dot)$' item = ["accents", 'combination circumflex and \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textdot(acute|breve)$' item = ["accents", 'combination dot and \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "textdoublevbaraccent" item = ["accents", "vertical line, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textfallrise" item = ["accents", "falling and rising tone"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textgravecircum" item = ["accents", "combination grave and circumflex"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textgravemid" item = ["accents", "combination grave and macron"] [[rewrite]] matches = "texthighrise" item = ["accents", "high rising tone"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textinvsubbridge" item = ["accents", "bridge below, inverted"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textlowering" item = ["accents", "tack below, down"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textlowrise" item = ["accents", "low rising tone"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textmidacute" item = ["accents", "combination macron and acute"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textovercross" item = ["accents", "X"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textoverw" item = ["accents", "arch, inverted double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textpolhook" item = ["accents", "hook below, inverted and reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textraising" item = ["accents", "tack below, up"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textretracting" item = ["accents", "tack below, right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrisefall" item = ["accents", "rising and falling tone"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textseagull" item = ["accents", "seagull below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textsubcircum" item = ["accents", "circumflex below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textsublhalfring" item = ["accents", "half ring below, left"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textsubrhalfring" item = ["accents", "half ring below, right"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textsub(acute|grave)$' item = ["accents", '\1 below, inverted'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^textsub(bar|bridge|dot|plus|ring|square|tilde)$' item = ["accents", '\1 below'] [[rewrite]] matches = "textsubw" item = ["accents", "arch below, inverted double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textsubwedge" item = ["accents", "caron below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textvbaraccent" item = ["accents", "vertical line"] [[rewrite]] matches = "u" render_contains = "blackacchack" item = ["accents", "breve"] [[rewrite]] matches = "U" render_contains = '\blackacchack{\smtrU}' item = ["accents", "breve, below"] # What is this accent actually called? [[rewrite]] matches = "U" render_contains = '\encfour{\blackacchack{\U}}' item = ["accents", "fang, double"] [[rewrite]] matches = "U" render_contains = '\enctwoA{\blackacchack{\U}}' item = ["accents", "breve, Cyrillic"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:a)?under(arc|brace|bracket|group|parenthesis)$' item = ["accents", '\1 below, inverted'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^under(left|right)(pitchfork|broom)$' item = ["accents", '\2 below, \1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "underline" render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", "bar below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "underparen" item = ["accents", "parenthesis below, inverted"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(?:short)?under(left|right)harp(?:oon)?(?:up|down)$' item = ["accents", 'harpoon below, \1 down'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["underleftharp", "underleftharpoon", "shortunderleftharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon below, left up"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["underrightharp", "underrightharpoon", "shortunderrightharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon below, right up"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["underleftrightharp", "shortunderleftrightharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon below, left up, right down"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["underrightleftharp", "shortunderrightleftharp"] item = ["accents", "harpoon below, right up, left down"] [[rewrite]] matches = "underlinesegment" item = ["accents", "line segment below"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["ut", "utilde"] item = ["accents", "tilde below"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["vec", "vv"] item = ["accents", "arrow, right"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^wide(arc|bar|ring|tilde|triangle)$' item = ["accents", '\1'] [[rewrite]] matches = "whistle" item = ["accents", "arrow below, up"] [[rewrite]] matches = "widebridgeabove" item = ["accents", "bridge"] [[rewrite]] matches = "wideOarc" item = ["accents", "arrow, curved right"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^double\s+(.*)$' render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", '\1, double'] [[rewrite]] matches = ["Fermi", "Ferli"] item = ["accents", "fermata"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "acute", "breve", "macron", "tilde" ] render_contains = "blackacc" item = ["accents", '\g<0>'] # ... halloweenmath accents ... # Here we lump together various halloweenmath decorative accents that # aren't particularly useful individually. [[rewrite]] regex = '^over.*(bat|ghost)\*?' item = ["accents", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^over(?:left|right)witchon(broom|pitchfork)\*?$' item = ["accents", 'witch on \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^under.*(bat|ghost)\*?' item = ["accents", '\1 below'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^under(?:left|right)witchon(broom|pitchfork)\*?$' item = ["accents", 'witch on \1 below'] # --------------- diacritics (accents with no argument) ---------------- [[rewrite]] matches = "underwedge" item = ["diacritics", "wedge below"] [[rewrite]] regex = '^text(acute|grave)dbl$' item = ["diacritics", '\1, double'] [[rewrite]] matches = "textdownstep" item = ["diacritics", "arrow down"] # I'm just guessing what "celtpal" means. [[rewrite]] matches = "textceltpal" item = ["diacritics", "Celtic palatal"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textupstep" item = ["diacritics", "arrow up"] [[rewrite]] matches = "texthalflength" item = ["diacritics", "half-length vowel"] [[rewrite]] matches = "texthooktop" item = ["diacritics", "hook"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textlptr" item = ["diacritics", "less than"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrptr" item = ["diacritics", "greater than"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["textpalhook", "textpalhookvar", "textpalhooklong"] item = ["diacritics", "palatal hook"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textprimstress" item = ["diacritics", "primary stress"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textsecstress" item = ["diacritics", "secondary stress"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrectangle" item = ["diacritics", "rectangle"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textretractingvar" item = ["diacritics", "retracting"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrevapostrophe" item = ["diacritics", "apostrophe, reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrthook" item = ["diacritics", "hook right"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrthooklong" item = ["diacritics", "hook right, long"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textrhoticity" item = ["diacritics", "rhoticity"] [[rewrite]] matches = "undertilde" item = ["diacritics", "tilde below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "textasciidieresis" item = ["diacritics", "diaeresis"] word = 'di{\\ae}resis' [[rewrite]] matches = "textasciicircum" item = ["diacritics", "circumflex"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\^{})' item = ["diacritics", "circumflex"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\corner)' item = ["diacritics", "corner"] [[rewrite]] matches = [ "open", "stress", "syllabic" ] item = ["diacritics", '\1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down|left|right)t$' item = ["diacritics", 'tack \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^(up|down|left|right)p$' item = ["diacritics", 'pointer \1'] [[rewrite]] regex = '^under(dots|ring|tilde|wedge)$' item = ["diacritics", '\1 below'] [[rewrite]] matches = "overring" item = ["diacritics", "ring"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ain" item = ["diacritics", "apostrophe, reversed"] [[rewrite]] matches = "polishhook" item = ["diacritics", "Polish hook"] [[rewrite]] matches = "secstress" item = ["diacritics", "secondary stress"] [[rewrite]] matches = "midtilde" item = ["diacritics", "tilde, middle"] [[rewrite]] matches = "halflength" item = ["diacritics", "half length"] [[rewrite]] matches = "obrbrak" item = ["diacritics", "down bracket, below"] [[rewrite]] matches = "ubrbrak" item = ["diacritics", "up bracket, above"] [[rewrite]] matches = ["barOver", "BarOver"] item = ["diacritics", "macron"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\magicequal{})' item = ["diacritics", "macron"] [[rewrite]] render_contains = '(\~{})' item = ["diacritics", "tilde"] # This rule should appear near the end of this section. [[rewrite]] regex = '^textascii(.+)$' item = ["diacritics", '\1']