% jpbook.ist - general settings, part of mendex package. % also works with makeindex. % これは mendex スタイルファイルのサンプルです % (Last update: 2021/06/17 texjporg) %% Use general commands (M. Yamamoto, @munepi) headings_flag 1 heading_prefix "\n\\makeidxhead{" heading_suffix "}" % delim_0 "\\idxdelim " delim_1 "\\idxdelim " delim_2 "\\idxdelim " % symhead_positive "\\symbolindexname" % % for mendex % * heading_flag <=> headings_flag difference (limitation) % * symhead_positive unrecognized if character_order is changed % (bug: https://github.com/texjporg/tex-jp-build/issues/117) heading_flag 1 symbol "\\symbolindexname" %% Custom settings for mendex % 見出しをひらがなで出力: 2(既定値はカタカナ: 1) letter_head 2 % 並べ替え順を日本語→英字→記号/数字に変更するなら以下を有効に %character_order "JESN" % 日本語と英字の間に半角スペースを入れてソートするなら以下を有効に %priority 1 %% Output design based on dot.ist by Y. Kumazawa %% - sample definitions are provided below. %% - you can customize the design by redefining %% \idxdelim, \makeidxhead and \symbolindexname in your LaTeX file. preamble "\\begin{theindex}\n \\providecommand\\idxdelim{\\space\\dotfill\\space} \\providecommand\\makeidxhead[1]{{\\vbox{\\hbox to \\linewidth{\\sffamily\\bfseries #1\\ \\hskip\\fill}\\vskip1pt\\hrule}}\\nopagebreak} \\providecommand\\symbolindexname{Symbols}\n" postamble "\n\n\\end{theindex}\n"