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As we can't imagine all typographic rules required to process correctly any language, we can ---in a first approach--- look at the basic control sequences provided by a standard \TeX{} ``motor''. \subsection*{Standard \TeX{} mechanisms for language processing} Generally speaking, all \TeX{} control sequences have been designed to bring a specific typographic feature but only few of them characterize a language. For example, \verb|\par| is a basic control sequence that has the same meaning in all languages (not necessarily the same processing): basically end a paragraph\footnote{We simplify a lot here, intensionaly. The accuracy is not fully requested to understand the proposed discussion.}. Reversely, there are parameters, counters or other control sequences that have different values or contents from one language to another. Here are the most important ones : \begin{description} \item[]\verb|\language| [primitive integer parameter] is an integer which gives the sequence number of the hyphenation pattern table to use then. When the current language differ from \verb|\language| a ``whatsit node'' specifying the current language is inserted. Notice that no change is done (i.e. no language whatsit inserted) in ``inner hmode''; if \verb|\language<0| or \verb|\language>255|, then 0 is used internally. As pointed by Frank Mittelbach, this name is really inappropriate and should probably be renamed something like this clearer name: \verb|\hyphenpatternnumber|. Value from 0 to 255, so up to 256 ``languages''. \item[]\verb|\setlanguage| [primitive command] activates an hyphenation pattern file (inserting the whatsit) without changing the value of \verb|\language|. Very restricted use (really useful in inner hmode, see \verb|\language|). \item[]\verb|\patterns| [primitive command] allows to introduce in \TeX{} memory related to languages an hyphenation pattern file associated with the current language number. (up to 256 files). Control sequence only allowed at \verb|initex| time for {\em format} creation. \item[]\verb|\hyphenation| [primitive command] allows \TeX{} to learn about a list of words to be hyphenated differently from the usual \TeX{} algorithm in the current language. This list can be introduced in \TeX{} memory at \verb|initex| time or later and can be modified or completed at any time. \item[]\verb|\lefthyphenmin| \& \verb|\righthyphenmin| [primitive integer parameters] are numbers specifying the amount of characters starting and ending a word that must be never hyphenated with the {\em current} language. These values are not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. \item[]\verb|\uchhyph| [primitive integer parameter] specifies whether words written with one or more upper case letters are candidates or not for hyphenation. (defaultly \verb|plain| \TeX{} and \verb|lplain| allow hyphenation of words with capital letters). This value is not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. \item[]\verb|\discretionary| [primitive command] permits to specify how a character sequence must be hyphenated, providing the {\em pre-break text} with its discretionary hyphen and the {\em post-break text}. It inhibits hyphenation in the rest (before and after the discretionary) of the word. \verb|\-| is the abbreviation of the most common case of discretionary break e.g. \verb|\discretionary{-}{}{}|. This is a setting inserted in a word, for that word, at input time. So it can't be saved any way. \item[]\verb|\hyphenchar| [primitive command] is the hyphen of a font, can be coded to point out the hyphen character to use for a font. \verb|\hyphenchar\font=-1| suppress all hyphenation for the current font. Notice that \verb|\hyphenchar\font=`\-| is the common way to provide a default hyphen character for the current font. There is a default hyphen character that is set in \verb|plain| \TeX{} for all fonts, this is: \verb|\defaulthyphenchar=`\-|. \verb|\defaulthyphenchar| is the default hyphen to be used, if \verb|\hyphenchar| isn't set; The `-' character as hyphen character is hard-wired in some other commands (e.g. \verb|\hyphenation|). Notice that \verb|\hyphenchar| changes are global. These values are not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. \item[]\verb|\hyphenpenalty| \& \verb|\exhyphenpenalty| [primitive integer parameters] are penalties at a discretionary break. First one is used if the {\em pre-text} is not empty otherwise it is the second value that is used. These values are not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. \item[]\verb|\tolerance| \& \verb|\pretolerance| [primitive integer parameters] are values saying ``how much'' the \TeX{} hyphenation algorithm must be severe or not. They have to be adjusted with the line size. These values are not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. NB: \verb|\hyphenpenalty10000| \verb|\exhyphenpenalty10000| \verb|\pretolerance10000| \\ can be introduced when we need no hyphenation at all (\TeX book page 394). \item[]\verb|\lccode| [primitive command] tells \TeX{} which is the lower-case character of a specific one but telling ``0'' instructs \TeX{} that no hyphenation can occur around that character (whatever font is in use). This value is not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. %As we discuss about \verb|\lccode| we must say few words about the 2 %following items: %\begin{itemize} \item[]\verb|\uccode| [primitive command] is not exactly the opposite of \verb|\lccode|; it only instructs \TeX{} which is the upper-case character of a specific one. This primitive is deeply related to the font encoding which will be discussed later in this chapter. This value is not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. \item[]\verb|\sfcode| [primitive command] gives a {\em space factor} to a specific character. It is usually used to add stretchability to punctuation marks typed in the text (primitive used inside the well known \verb|\frenchspacing| macro; which name is improper...). This is typically a typographic feature. This value is not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. %\end{itemize} \item[]\verb|\allowhyphens| [macro] allows the following word to be hyphenated (appendix D: Dirty Tricks of the \TeX book p 394). \item[]\verb|\doublehyphendemerits| \& \verb|\finalhyphendemerits| [primitive integer parameters] are values of demerits assessed to \TeX{} when breaking a paragraph into lines. These values take their effect when two consecutive lines end with discretionary breaks or if it is the second-last line of the entire paragraph. These values are not saved in the \TeX{} memory related to languages. \end{description} There are probably a lot of other control sequences that might be, as a side effect, considered specific of a language. For example, consider \verb|\font|; is-it really language dependent? It's obvious that some languages use specific fonts but we can't consider that these fonts are a characteristic of specific languages because they can be used for other purposes than writing a given language and that often we have a choice between several fonts when we want to write in that given language. Therefore we can say that a language isn't characterized by the fonts used for writing a document in that language. \subsection*{Other mechanisms for language processing} There are also other {\em non-standard\/} mechanisms for language processing, I think in particular to the direction of writing. \begin{description} \item[]\verb|\beginR \endR| and \verb|\beginL \endL| used with a {\tt TeX--XeT} motor offer the opportunity to write from right to left and from left to right. \end{description} There is certainly something similar with \TeX{} motors used in Japan... to say whether the first direction of writing is from top to bottom or not. {\em\% Don't hesitate to send me proposals to complete this part...} \bigskip Originally, Ml\TeX{} was the first \TeX{} extension to write multi-lingual documents. Is any control sequence of Ml\TeX{} still language specific nowadays? We have in fact two cases for consideration: \begin{enumerate} \item When the user has 8 bit fonts (assuming the appropriate encoding i.e. the Cork standard) he don't need the feature supplied by Ml\TeX{} which allows words with diacritics to be correctly hyphenated. \item When the user has only 7 bit fonts and use frequently a language having a lot of diacritics, then he can request the \verb|\charsubdef| feature of Ml\TeX{} which allows to input 8 bit characters, hyphenate words and substitute the corresponding pair: accent macro and letter of the 7 bit font for printing. \end{enumerate} This feature is no more the only way to achieve hyphenation of words with diacritics. With the virtual fonts we can do that processing, even we use 7 bit real fonts. As we imagine that in a short next future people will use either DC/EC fonts either VF fonts, it would be useless to keep this feature in mind when creating a multi-lingual standard for the next decade. \subsection*{The character set, filters and font encoding} There are, at least, 3 character sets: one used by the user to produce his \verb|.tex| file, one which is understood by \LaTeX{} and one used to output the document. \subsubsection*{The input character set} Each language has his own character set but does it mean that the printed output depends of a specific character set? It's sure that usually we use, for example, the string ``YES'' to print YES, but there are a lot of other ways to print the same word, the simpliest being a macro like \verb|\YA| \ldots Obviously different languages have the same character set. With Personal Computer (PC) running DOS, for example, the user can specify his country ``code-page'' and then the \TeX{} motor has to be adapted to the input encoding. The feature proposed by em\TeX{} is based on filters which can be customized by the user. We think that it is the most efficient technic to process a linguistic character set. %%%The relationships between the input character set and the printed %%%glyphs are not always obvious. The input character set is in fact extendible up to the keyboards limits. It is difficult to imagine a user inputing a bilingual document with two keyboards! So: \begin{quote} \em The character set used to input a multilingual document is text and user dependent, but not language dependent. \end{quote} Reversely, a language can't be characterized (i.e. defined) by a specific character set. \subsubsection*{The \LaTeX{} character set} Defaultly, the character set used by \LaTeX{} is composed of the 256 chars of \TeX{} itself adapted by the installation to match internally the ASCII (128 first chars) standard and optionaly define {\em local\/} characters. That way, we can say there is only one \TeX{} character set in the world (for all languages). As everybody knows, 256 characters are not enough to process complex languages like Chinese, but this is a \TeX{} feature we can't change\ldots \subsubsection*{The font character set} Each font can print individual characters but \TeX{} often use 2 or more font characters to print a significant piece of text or math. So the font character set is not the good notion to keep in mind and we prefer the notion of {\em font encoding}. NFSS2 brings 5 classes of encoding: text, math letter, math symbol, math extended and other (unknown encoding). We have already seen that \verb|\lccode| of characters and capital letters are important data for hyphenation processing; do we need to specify which are the lower-case and upper-case letters of each character and for each language? We are speaking here in fact about the default font encoding which process the \verb|\uppercase| and \verb|\lowercase| mechanism. Printout is extremely dependent of that encoding. The EC text encoding (T1 inside NFSS2) defined at Cork in 1990 was designed particularly for European languages; it remains a little useless for languages like US-English. Thus some people will use it and other will not. The font encoding is an important information to be known by each language specific coding (style) to be able to print the appropriate glyphs. Therefore we suggest that: \begin{quote} \em \LaTeX{} V3 will take account, for each language, of the font encoding scheme to use. \end{quote} We think that the ISO coding is not of real interest because \TeX{} fonts which can contain 256 characters are basically more efficient and also are, de facto, a standard. We know that the font encoding is not fully coherent for the CM fonts (OT1, OM1, etc. inside NFSS2) but many installations are using them and will still use them for a long time. So this information about the font encoding scheme must be available for the language processing code. Due to this high level notion of font encoding we don't need at all, now, the sub-mechanisms of \verb|\lccode| and \verb|\uccode| to teach \LaTeX{} which are the uppercase or lowercase letters of a specific one. \bigskip As noticed by Bernd Raichle: \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} TeX does some things wrong, because it mixes between the input character encoding and font position encoding in `hmode' (e.g. a token `A' with \catcode 11 (= input encoding) is the same as \`\A (= font encoding) and produces the character in position 65 of the current font. In `mmode' you can distinguish between input and font encoding using \mathcode (and \mathchar) and the something similar should exist for the normal text mode. Because of this mixing, the \lccode array is used for \lowercase (= input character coding) and for the hyphenation process (= font encoding, because an `hlist' consists of font/char pairs). For this reason, \lowercase/\uppercase can't be used without restrictions for lowercasing/uppercasing text in the output. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} \subsection*{Some classification} The previous survey shows us that we have handled only three kinds of process: \begin{enumerate} \item[I] hyphenation (standard \TeX{}) \item[II] direction of writing (\TeX{} extensions) \item[III] font encoding (as in NFSS2) \end{enumerate} Now let's try to classify the hyphenation part to find the appropriate items that are characteristic of a language. Firstly we can say that something is characteristic of a language when we can keep it in \TeX{} mind and when it doesn't depend only of user's actions at input time. Thus we eliminate the following control sequences: \verb|\setlanguage|, \verb|\discretionary|, \verb|\hyphenpenalty|, $\!$\verb|\exhyphenpenalty|, $\!$\verb|\pretolerance|, \verb|\tolerance|, \verb|\allowhyphens|, \verb|\doublehyphendemerits| and finally \verb|\finalhyphendemerits|. Regarding \verb|\hyphenchar| the problem is that it is font dependent. As already explained, a font isn't a characteristic of a language in itself. A font is generally used by various languages and at least by dialects. \bigskip What is remaining? \begin{enumerate} \item\verb|\language|, an integer from 0 to 255. \item\verb|\patterns|, a list of {\em patterns}, i.e. strings of characters and numbers. May be large or not, depending of the language structure. We must keep in mind that this list is a {\em one time} definition (\verb|initex|). \item\verb|\hyphenation|, a list of words specially hyphenated. Normally reduced; various lists, like US one, are becoming really long. \item\verb|\lefthyphenmin|, an integer from 1 to n. \item\verb|\righthyphenmin|, an integer from 1 to n. \item\verb|\uchyph|, an integer being 1 or -1. \item\verb|\lccode|, a list of characters. As already said, we reject \verb|\uccode| which is in fact a conponent of the font encoding. The primitive \verb|\sfcode| is also eliminated because it isn't fully related to a language, this is a typographic feature that might be easily introduced in any language style file. \setcounter{languageitems}{\value{enumi}} \end{enumerate} About the direction of writing, we think that we can't take in consideration that standard \TeX{} has no facilities provided to the user because it would eliminate a lot of languages of our planet. So, a language must also be defined by: \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{\value{languageitems}} \item The {\bf first} direction of writing i.e. top-down (TD) or bottom-up (BU) or left to right (LR) or right to left (RL). \item The {\bf second} direction of writing, complementary from the first one i.e. if the first one is TD then the second can be either LR or RL. \setcounter{languageitems}{\value{enumi}} \end{enumerate} And as we already stated: \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{\value{languageitems}} \item The font encoding scheme identifier used for text (OT1, T1, ...) as defined with NFSS2. \setcounter{languageitems}{\value{enumi}} \end{enumerate} \subsection*{Other components of a language?} Of course, there are other components, we can list: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf Typographic rules} applied in each linguistic country, one is, for example: {\em the title caption of a table is printed before it in French} or {\em the first paragraph in a section is never indented in US-English}. (Will be deeply discussed in next parts). Notice, as written by Klaus Lagally, that: the general document layout is related to, but neither determined nor specific to the default language. The structure of a paper in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu is basically the same. \item {\bf Linguistic titles} used at the high level language of \LaTeX{}, we think to the translation of ``table of contents'' or the dates. (Will be deeply discussed in next parts). \item {\bf Country abbreviations} which are as much typographic as linguistic, for example: {\em Mister is abbreviated Mr in English} or {\em primo is abbreviated 1$^o$ in French}. (Will be deeply discussed in next parts). \end{itemize} Are they specific to a language? Perhaps but we are unable to have a complete overview of these peculiarities. It can't be formulated in terms of a value or even a list of strings. Also there are a lot of countries which have no official standard and therefore any definition would be seen greatly wrong by a lot of people. So, we rather prefer to let these topics for the language-style definition level which should be treated by the appropriate linguistic groups. At this step of language definition it seems appropriate to associate a {\em style-file-name} for further linguistic peculiarities. So a language is also defined by: \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{\value{languageitems}} \item The \LaTeX{} style file to apply each time the corresponding language is in effect. This is a name which is optional. If omitted a default file name ($\NonTerminal\right.${\it language}$\left.\endNonTerminal$% \verb|.sty|) could be searched for. We will come back about this default in the next paragraph. \setcounter{languageitems}{\value{enumi}} \end{enumerate} \subsection*{The language definition} As already stated, a language ---in \TeX--- is defined by its internal number. Everybody prefer to manipulate languages by their names. Obviously people writing English documents don't use all the same English language, accordingly all English languages printed in the world have not the same \TeX{} internal number, and it's more true for other languages. Thus it is better to give a symbolic name to each language. We suggest that the default language style file name for a language were the language name itself (shortened to 8 chars, plus \verb|.sty|). What happens if this file is not present on the system? We suggest that in that specific case a generic style file called ---for example--- \verb|language.sty| were loaded (we will see later exactly when) in order to establish the appropriate relationships, mechanisms, default values, etc. This style file could look like a skeleton for other linguistic style files but could also be the default language style file of \LaTeX{} itself when no language is specified by the user at any time. Then the suggestion proposed to the \LaTeX{} V3 team is to implement a language definition that could look like this one: \bigskip ({\em assignments undefined here can be found in the \TeX book}). \bigskip\noindent $\begin{bnf} -> \end{bnf}$\verb|\languagedef| $\begin{bnf} \\ -> % \\ -> % \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}% \! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}% \! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}\! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}\! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}\! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}% \! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}\! \end{bnf}$\verb|,|\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}\!\\ -> \\ \phantom{ -->}\! | \end{bnf}$\verb|,| $\begin{bnf} \\ -> \quad\%\enspace being [1- 255]\\ -> \quad\%\enspace \mbox{\TeX book} \enspace p\enspace 453\\ -> \quad\%\enspace idem\\ -> \\ -> \\ -> \quad\%\enspace being\enspace either\enspace 1 \enspace or\enspace -1\\ -> | \\ -> \end{bnf}$\verb|,|$\begin{bnf}\\ \phantom{ -->}\!\! | \end{bnf}$\verb|,|$\begin{bnf}\\ -> \end{bnf}$\verb|LR|$\begin{bnf} |\end{bnf}$\verb|RL|\\ $\begin{bnf} -> \end{bnf}$\verb|TD|$\begin{bnf} |\end{bnf}$\verb|BU|\\ $\begin{bnf} -> \quad\%\enspace cf\enspace nfss2\enspace text\enspace font \enspace encoding.\\ -> \end{bnf}${\space\space\em \% Default being the name of the }\\ $\begin{bnf} \phantom{ -->}\! | \end{bnf}$\verb|.sty |{\em \% } $\begin{bnf} \end{bnf}${\em above.} \section{What is a dialect?} Generally speaking a dialect is a language that differs from its parent (or twin) language at one or more levels: \begin{itemize} \item pronunciation, \item meaning of words, \item phrase syntax, \item use of verbs, \item \ldots \end{itemize} Of course, a dialect has his own typographic requirements. Due to pronunciation differencies, for example, hyphenation may differ. Patterns file is often different because ancient words that might be no more used in its parent language, could be frequently used in a dialect. Typesetting of dates, formating of titles, sectioning, etc. may differ, depending of country habits or legal rules or historical events. At a generic level, we don't see something commonly specific in all written dialects that need to be defined differently from a language. A dialect is also a word that is a little pejorative. Therefore we think that there is no real advantage to offer any command like \verb|\dialectdef| which would bring nothing different than \verb|\languagedef|. So we suggest that: \begin{quote} \em A dialect, inside \LaTeX{}, is just like a language. \end{quote} \section{Area of language application} \subsection*{Where a language apply?} Basically, Donald Knuth defined on which shortest entity a language could be applied: ``\TeX{} is able to work with several languages in the same paragraph.'' Saying that we can really switch to another language anywhere in a paragraph. Does our \verb|\languagedef| parameters apply anywhere? In fact, it may exist parameters which apply to a whole paragraph (\verb|uchyph| ?) or even on a larger entity like the page. Obviously, the language style file can also have effects at specific boundaries. Let's imagine a style that would require each page were printed with a dropped initial letter. This kind of effect has to be typeset. If the typesetting has already started with another style (of another language) we can't produce this facility in that new language before the next page boundary arise. So we can switch to any language at any time and anywhere but some feature may be postponed after a specific boundary, or even not applied at all if the current environment is not appropriate. \subsection*{How the user switchs from one language to another?} Assuming we have defined {\em language1\/} and {\em language2\/} via the appropriate commands \verb|\languagedef\|{\em language1\/}\verb|{...}| and \verb|\languagedef\|{\em language2\/}\verb|{...}| respectively, we can imagine to type \verb|\|{\em language1\/} to switch to {\em language1\/} and then provide all typesetting facilities given in that language (idem with {\em language2\/}). Well, what about the \TeX{} grouping mechanism? We have here three test cases to consider: \begin{description} \item{Test 1:} \verb|\|{\em language1\/} ... text1 \verb|{\|{\em language2\/} ... text2\verb|}| ... TEST1 ... ``text1'' will be printed as in {\em language1\/}, ``text2'' accordingly to {\em language2\/} and ``TEST1''? Normally ``TEST1'' has to be printed as in {\em language1\/} but it will be done only if: \begin{quote} \em A language definition is local. \end{quote} This is an important rule. Does it mean that no global definition is allowed to be issued at the language switch time? No, it only means that no linguistic feature is allowed to be applied globally (\verb|\global| defs or \verb|\xdef|). \item{Test 2:} \verb|\|{\em language1\/} ... text1 \verb|{\|{\em language2\/} ... TEST2\verb|}| ``TEST2'' will be printed as in {\em language2\/} but also ---probably--- as in {\em language1\/} if an elaborated {\em language1\/} style file is in use. Why? Obviously, the two languages can have different typesetting or formating technics. Let's imagine that the first one never print blank spaces, i.e. words are never separated by a space. Then there is a good chance that ``TEST2'' were printed with that feature due to the lack of explicit order to disactivate the first and it may happen that the second language doesn't matter with the {\em nospace} feature. Let's suppose now that the language switching mechanism has been designed so that: when there is a call to another language, then the former facilities or features are stopped immediately. That is the choice we show here by the mean of the \verb|\switchto| command: \item{Test 3:} \verb|\switchto\|{\em language1\/} ... text1 \verb|{\switchto\|{\em language2\/} ... text2\verb|}| ... TEST3 ... {\em language1\/} is stopped when \verb|\|{\em language2\/} is executed. ``text2'' is printed as in {\em language2\/}. Since {\em language2\/} is enclosed within \verb|{| and \verb|}| it has not effect outside the braces. So we can't decide which is the language to apply to ``TEST3''! In reality, it should be the default \TeX{} language number 0, but that's all we can say... \end{description} We suggest another way, in 2 parts, which is a kind of compromise: \begin{enumerate} \item A complete language environment. \verb|\begin{language}[|{\em language1\/}\verb|]|\\ \hspace*{2em} text1\\ \verb|\end{language}|\\ \verb|\begin{language}[|{\em language2\/}\verb|]|\\ \hspace*{2em} text2\\ \verb|\end{language}|\\ TEST3 That way, {\em language1\/} is ended explicitly. ``TEST3'' is printed as in the default language and there is no possibility that ``text2'' were printed with some features of {\em language1\/}. It implies that: \begin{quote} \em Two \verb|\begin{language}| must be separated by one \verb|\end{language}|. \end{quote} This rule is really a great constraint when we need to print few words in another language, so we suggest also the following for short inserts: \item A temporary language switch. \verb|\begin{language}[|{\em language1\/}\verb|]|\\ \hspace*{2em} text1\\ \verb|{\|{\em language2\/} text2\verb|}|\\ \hspace*{2em} text1 continued\\ \verb|\end{language}|\\ TEST3 In this scheme, {\em language1\/} application is just deferred when {\em language2\/} is called. ``text2'' is printed as in {\em language2\/} and after the closing brace {\em language1\/} is automatically enabled again. \begin{quote} \em At one time there is at most two activated languages and only one enabled. \end{quote} This will reduce efficiently the memory usage and avoid complexity. \end{enumerate} People will have also the possibility to use the shortest form of language switching: \medskip%\noindent \verb|\|{\em language1\/} text1 \verb|\|{\em language2\/} text2 \verb|\| {\em language1\/} text3 \medskip \noindent but this way people must be warned to avoid surrounding braces, as we stated previously, for the third test case. This unstructured form should be unused if we want to be respectful of the structured standards like SGML. But we strongly suggest to the \LaTeX{} V3 team that this feature were still available for its simplicity and for upwards compatibility. We wrongly said that there was only two languages at the same time because, in fact, there is always the default language. So the loaded languages might be, at most, up to three at the same time. \subsection*{What is the default language?} We suggest first that the default language would be an arbitrary language, artificial i.e. specially created for only one purpose: be recognizable (a \verb|\languagedef| without any realistic interest). This default \LaTeX{} language would normally never be used. It could be the language number zero. \LaTeX{} could check frequently, for example at each beginning of environment in case of the language name were wrongly become the default language and then inform the user. Secondly, we suggest that the user has the possibility to chose his own default language for all his documents. This language will be called the {\em main language}. The internal language number one could be reserved for that usage, letting the installator the possibility to customize it (we will propose a specific way in a next chapter). These two proposals will bring an important drawback: a few incompatibility with \LaTeX{} V2 documents. Since \TeX{} V3 origin (in 1989), language number zero was dedicated to US-English. So any document in English could be typeset without any change all around the world. It was really a great facility for few people having to exchange their documents with foreign colleagues but we are convinced that it doesn't concern the great majority of \LaTeX{} end users. In fact there are two points to discuss here: \begin{itemize} \item {\bf language number 0} was the default language, it might have been tested by any code to check if US-English was activated. We think that this case is extremely rare now. The original German style was assuming that language zero was US-English but all other multilingual mechanisms (Babel, French) didn't make this assumption. \item {\bf US-English} was the default language. \LaTeX{} was designed for \TeX{} V2 and so used the only one language provided with \verb|plain| \TeX{}: US-English. Nothing was changed about this topic when \LaTeX{} moved to \TeX{} V3. The major drawback of having US-English as default language was that people thought there was no alternatives. Therefore \LaTeX{} was known to be a typesetting tool for Americans and more largely for English-speaking users. In our opinion \LaTeX{} worldwide expansion suffered this default value and we think that it would be extremely fruitful that the version 3 were not so linked to any concrete language. We will propose instead a compatibility option to let this former default active. \end{itemize} \subsection*{A language option with \mediumseries{\tt\char'134% begin\char'173 document\char'175}} It would be useful to add an {\em optional} parameter to \verb|\begin{document}| in order to allow the user to specify the language to use for the whole document. This method may look simplier for the user: \bigskip\noindent \verb|\begin{document}[mainlanguage=|{\em any language}\verb|]| \bigskip\noindent as opposed to: \bigskip\noindent \verb|\begin{document}|\\ \verb|\begin{language}[|{\em any language}\verb|]|\\ \verb|...|\\ \verb|\end{language}| \bigskip In a multi-user installation it may occur that no user default language can be chosen. Therefore it will be absolutely necessary to specify a language when beginning a document; this way is really easy. It's now becoming obvious to say that: \begin{quote} \em Language(s) application in \LaTeX{} is bounded inside \verb|\begin{document}| and \verb|\end{document}|. \end{quote} This rule will raise the problem of processing the auxiliary files which are ordinary read at the begining and at the end of the document; we will discuss this point later in part III. We all know that there are in \LaTeX{} V2 few facilities to typeset many documents at a time; the letter style offers this facility. So we suggest that the same kind of language specification apply to such sub-documents: \bigskip\noindent \verb|\begin{letter}[|{\em any language}\verb|]|\\ \verb|...|\\ \verb|\end{letter}| \section{What is a multi-lingual document?} OThe input file did not have the correct format. It should contain a line which has the word "checksum" and no other alphabetic characters. bviously a multilingual document is a collection of texts in different languages. The length of texts is a determinant point of multilingualism complexity. When the only foreign words used in a document are the authors names cited in reference, we can say that such document is the less multilingual one. In the other side, an example like an EEC document, in 9 languages, can be evaluated as deeply multilingual but in fact each language is entirely disconnected from each other: this is only a translation in different languages of the same text, each translated part having to fit the same area in the page when typeset in columns. This example is really a medium multilingual document because the typographic rules required to format the pages are not specific of any language but they obey to the EEC page layout. The most complex multilingual document is probably made of pages printed according to several languages, one page obeying to typographic rules of one language and another page typeset in another language. Such document is not really usual. More realisticly and frequently we can see documents typeset according to typographic rules of one language but with some inserts (often quotations) in other languages. We will try to list in a next chapter all typographic mechanisms that would be necessary to implement the almost multilingual facilities required in the world. One of these is for example the ability to simply typeset a table in which each row is printed in a different language. To simplify at most we can say that each \LaTeX{} document printing mathematics is, de facto, a multi-lingual document. Notice (as pointed by Klaus Lagally) that a mathematic formula is not a sequence of character glyphs, but a picture. Maths can be printed within text or displayed, anywhere, requiring specific typographic rules, etc. just like a language. More really, there are even slight differencies between linguistic countries to print math, so we are suggesting that: \begin{quote} \em With \LaTeX{} V3, each document is multi-lingual. \end{quote} This rule will allow to apply linguistic and typographic modifications to a document using only one language. A real multi-lingual document, i.e. using more that one language, is not toomuch more complex: the only difference concerns only the internal language switching mechanism that we will discuss in the next part. \section{Summary about language levels} As you probably notice we distinguished 5 levels of language application: \begin{enumerate} \item \LaTeX{} internals (the default language). \item Main document (user default language or main language). \item Long parts (\verb|\begin{language}...\end{language}|). \item Short inserts (\verb|{\|{\em language}\verb|...}|). \item Mathematics. \end{enumerate} In order to allow that the linguistic codes run efficiently in any of these levels we recommand that: \begin{quote} \em \LaTeX{} V3 will keep in mind what level of language application is actually running, anywhere during the typesetting of the document. \end{quote} (notice that, probably, the information will not always come from \LaTeX{} but also from the linguistic style.) %\section{More comments about Part I} %\bibliographystyle{plain} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{tub:JBr93} Johannes Braams. \newblock {\em Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with \LaTeX's standard document styles.} \newblock {\em {TUG}boat}, 12, no. 2, 1991, pp. 291-301. \bibitem{tub:JBr93b} Johannes Braams. \newblock {\em An update on the {\tt babel} system.} \newblock {\em {TUG}boat}, 14, no. 1, April 1993, pp. 60-62. \def\Accent^\TeX{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{\^E}\kern-.125emX} \bibitem{f1:MF85} Michael J. Ferguson. \newblock {\em A Multilingual \Accent^\TeX.} \newblock {\em {TUG}boat}, 6, no. 2, 1985, pp. 57-59. \bibitem{f1:MF87} Michael J. Ferguson. \newblock {\em A Multilingual \Accent^\TeX} \newblock {Rapport technique de l'INRS-T\'el\'ecomunications}, 87-23, 1987. \bibitem{gut1:YH92} M. Fanton \& Y. Haralambous, Conference: \newblock \TeX{} et les langues Orientales \newblock december 1992, to appear in the {\em Cahiers GUTenberg}. \bibitem{Kluwer:EvHe90} Eric van Herwijnen. \newblock {\em Practical {SGML}}. \newblock Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1990. \bibitem{A-W:DKn91} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock Computers \& {T}ypesetting / A. {\em The \TeX book}. \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1991. \bibitem{KD:daly93} H. Kopka \& P.W. Daly \newblock {\em A guide to \LaTeX.} \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1993. \bibitem{A-W:LLa86} Leslie Lamport. \newblock {\em {\LaTeX:} A Document Preparation System}. \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986. \bibitem{cahgut:MS92} Frank Mittelbach \& Rainer Sch{\"o}pf. \newblock {\LaTeX} V3 conference in Paris, \newblock june 1992. \bibitem{cahgut:MS90} Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch{\"o}pf. \newblock {\em {\LaTeX} dans les ann\'{e}es 90.} \newblock {\em Cahiers {GUT}enberg}, (6):2--14, July 1990. \bibitem{ast93:LS93} Laurent Siebenmann. \newblock{\em A format Compilation Framework for European Languages}. \newblock {\em {TUG}boat}, 14, no. 2, 1993, to appear. \bibitem{cpc:RWo90} Reinhard Wonneberger. \newblock {\em Structured document processing: the {\LaTeX} approach.} \newblock {\em Computer Physics Communications}, (61):177--189, 1990. \end{thebibliography} \newpage \vfill \def\contentsname{Contents of Part I: Definitions} \tableofcontents \vfill \section*{To appear} {\small\begin{verbatim} Part II, LANGUAGE HANDLING ========================== Section 1: Hyphenation loading mechanism Section 2: Hyphenation exceptions handling Section 3: Related file names standard Section 4: Switching mechanism \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} Part III, TYPOGRAPHY HANDLING MECHANISMS ======================================== \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} What are the required mechanisms to apply typographic features for various (numerous) languages? For example we don't know when it is required to apply the french guillemets BUT we must know that there are cases where specific characters (here the french guillemets) need to be inserted in front of each line and at \everypar. \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} Section 1: Line level Section 2: Paragraph level Section 3: Page level Section 4: Column level Section 5: Table row and column levels Section 6: Two-sides sheet level Section 7: Math levels (text and display) Section 8: Sectioning level as well as start/end of documents Section 9: \shipout level \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} Part IV, OTHER LANGUAGE REQS ============================ This part will address features not processed in previous parts and not allready solved in the current LaTeX version or via appropriate style files. So it isn't exhaustive. Are they specific mechanism required to process the following: Section 1: Bibliography Section 2: Index Section 3: Glossary Section 4: Typographic abbreviations Section 5: Country Fonts Section 6: Table of..., abstracts, summaries, keywords,... Section 7: ?? Thanks for your effort to cooperate, --bg \end{verbatim}} \end{document}