What is't? (The paradigm.*** files) %June, 1996 ---------- The purpose of the series is to explain and foster \TeX ing paradigms, with emphasis on what has been used in BLUe's format system. Submitted: Paradigm: Plain's \item extended MAPS 94.2 (paradigm.itm; about items) Paradigm: Headache? MAPS 94.2 (paradigm.hea; about headings) Paradigm: Two-part macros MAPS 95.1 (paradigm.two; about two-part macros) Paradigm: Parameterization I---Options MAPS 95.1 (paradigm.opt; about \this..., \every...) Paradigm: Winds and halfwinds ---Details matter MAPS 96.1 (paradigm.lin; about turtle graphics) Paradigm: It's all in the game MAPS 96.1 (paradigm.gam; about tic-tac-toe) Paradigm: Loops MAPS 96.2 (paradigm.lps; about loops and tail recursion) Paradigm: Searching MAPS 96.2 (paradigm.src; about searching) Paradigm: Sorting MAPS 96.2 (paradigm.srt; about sorting) Paradigm: Just a little bit of PostScript MAPS 96.2 (paradigm.postscript; about creating epsf) and (paradigm.ps with .ps pictures included). Kees van der Laan, Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB, Garnwerd, The Netherlands. Phone: (31) (0)594 62 1525, email: cgl@rc.service.rug.nl.