%%% Copyright (C) 2020 Vincent Goulet %%% %%% Ce fichier fait partie du projet %%% «Rédaction avec LaTeX» %%% http://github.com/vigou3/formation-latex-ul %%% %%% Cette création est mise à disposition selon le contrat %%% Attribution-Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 %%% International de Creative Commons. %%% http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ @Manual{ASCII, title = {ANSI X3.4-1986: Coded Character Set. 7-Bit {A}merican {S}tandard {C}ode for {I}nformation {I}nterchange}, organization = {{A}merican {N}ational {S}tandards {I}nstitute}, key = {{ANSI}}, address = {New York}, year = 1986, language = {english} } @Book{Burden:numerical:2011, author = {Burden, R. L. and Faires, J. D.}, title = {Numerical Analysis}, publisher = {Brooks/Cole}, year = {2011}, edition = 9, isbn = {978-053873351-9}, language = {english} } @Manual{IEEE:754, title = {754-1985 {IEEE} Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic}, key = {{IEEE}}, organization = {{IEEE}}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, year = 2003, isbn = {978-155937653-2}, language = {english} } @Manual{ISO:8859-1, title = {{ISO/IEC} 8859-1:1998. Information Technology -- 8-bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets -- {P}art 1: Latin Alphabet No. 1}, organization = {{I}nternational {O}rganization for {S}tandardization}, key = {{ISO}}, address = {Geneva}, year = 1998, language = {english} } @Book{Kernighan:style:1978, author = {Kernighan, B. W. and Plauger, P. J.}, title = {The Elements of Programming Style}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, year = 1978, edition = 2, isbn = {0-07034207-5}, language = {english} } @Book{Knuth:ACP:vol2:1997, author = {Knuth, D. E.}, title = {The Art of Computer Programming}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = 1997, volume = {2, Seminumerical Algorithms}, address = {Reading, MA}, language = {english} } @Book{Monahan:numstat:2001, author = {Monahan, J. F.}, title = {Numerical Methods of Statistics}, publisher = {Cambridge {U}niversity {P}ress}, year = 2001, address = {Cambridge, UK}, isbn = {0-52179168-5}, language = {english} } @Article{Ripley:Rnews:2005a, author = {Ripley, Brian D.}, title = {Internationalization features of {R} 2.1.0}, journal = {R News}, year = {2005}, volume = {5}, issue = {1}, issn = {1609-3631}, pages = {2-7}, url = {https://journal.r-project.org/articles/RN-2005-001/}, language = {english} } @Book{Unicode:5.0, author = {{Unicode Consortium}}, title = {The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0.0}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, year = 2007, address = {Boston}, isbn = {0-32148091-0} } @Misc{Wikipedia:IEEE754, author = {Wikipedia}, title = {{IEEE} 754-2008 --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia}, year = 2012, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating-point_standard}, language = {english} }