\iffalse The \TeX\ Users Group (TUG) was founded in 1980 to provide an organization for people who are interested in typography and font design, and/or are users of the \TeX\ typesetting system invented by Donald Knuth. TUG is a not-for-profit organization by, for, and of its members, also representing the interests of \TeX\ users worldwide. It is almost entirely member-supported, so if you use any \TeX-related programs (\TeX, \LaTeX, Con\TeX t, \MetaFont, \MetaPost, Texinfo, et al.), please consider joining TUG (or any other TeX user group). %TUG membership benefits include our journal TUGboat (available both in print and online), as well as the TeX software collection (TeX Live, proTeXt, MacTeX, etc.). TUG also runs an annual TeX conference. (See links at left for more TUG activities.) \else DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.\,V., was founded on April 14, 1989 in Heidelberg, Germany. The principal aim of the association is to encourage advice and cooperation among German language \TeX\ users. This includes consulting via WWW, electronic mail and usual letter mail concerning purchase, implementation and user problems of TeX, distribution of software for members and information about everything that's going on in the \TeX\ world. But this is not the only intention. \fi %CJ Last sentence sounds odd - either say more about the associations aims or delete this sentence. %The user group examines proposals of members for new TeX software, if there are some. Besides all this, DANTE e.V. cooperates with other related national and international TeX groups. %%% used another text