%% %% Ein Beispiel der DANTE-Edition %% %% %% Copyright (C) 2010 Herbert Voss %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% %% %% ==== % Show page(s) 1 %% \documentclass[]{exaarticle} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength\textwidth{352.81416pt} \setlength\parindent{0pt} \StartShownPreambleCommands \usepackage{pstricks,pstricks-add} \newcommand{\hoch}[1]{\textsuperscript{#1}} % \hoch{2}1986 wird >1986 \makeatletter \def\psErrorPlot{\pst@object{psErrorPlot}} \def\psErrorPlot@i#1{\begin@SpecialObj\expandafter\psErrorPlot@ii#1} \def\psErrorPlot@ii#1{\pst@cntc=1\psErrorPlot@iii#1} \def\psErrorPlot@iii(#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7){% %%%% die Liniengruppen % Laengenabkuerzungen \def\oZ{\the\pst@cntc\space .5 sub\space}% oben \def\mZ{\the\pst@cntc\space .2 sub\space}% mitte \def\uZ{\the\pst@cntc\space .1 add\space}% unten \def\enden{.12\space}% %% Trennlinien \psline[linewidth=.2pt, dash = 4pt 1pt, linestyle = dashed]% (!\Xmin\space \the\pst@cntc\space .3 add)% (!\Xmax\space \the\pst@cntc\space .3 add)% % erster Effekt \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=red](!#2 #3 sub \oZ \enden add) (!#2 #3 sub \oZ)(!#2 #3 add \oZ) (!#2 #3 add \oZ \enden add) % \psdot[dotangle = 180](!#2 \oZ)% % dritter Effekt \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=green](!#6 #7 sub \uZ \enden sub) (!#6 #7 sub \uZ)(!#6 #7 add \uZ) (!#6 #7 add \uZ \enden sub)% \psdot(!#6 \uZ)% % zweiter Effekt (Diamant ueber Dreiecke) \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue](!#4 #5 sub \mZ) (!#4 #5 add \mZ)% \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue](!#4 #5 sub \mZ \enden sub)(!#4 #5 sub \mZ \enden add)% \psline[linewidth=1pt,linecolor=blue](!#4 #5 add \mZ \enden sub)(!#4 #5 add \mZ \enden add)% \psdot[dotstyle = Bdiamond](!#4 \mZ) % \rput[rC]{0}(!\Xmin\space \the\pst@cntc\space .2 sub){\small\strut#1}%Y-Achse \rput[rC]{0}(!\Xmin\space \the\pst@cntc\space .2 sub){\small\strut#1}%Y-Achse \advance\pst@cntc by 1 % Eine EInheit weiter nach rechts \@ifnextchar({\psErrorPlot@iii}{\end@SpecialObj}% noch Daten da? } \makeatother \def\data{ % UV1 KI-UV1 UV2 KI-UV2 UV3 KI-UV3) (UV1 , .01 , .06 , .01 , .06 , .01 , .04) (UV2 , -.23 , .06 , .05 , .03 , .2 , .08) (UV3 , -.12 , .08 , -.04 , .05 , -.09 , .06) (UV4 , -.2 , .07 , -.1 , .06 , -.24 , .05) (UV5 , -.24 , .04 , -.1 , .1 , .08 , .08)} \StopShownPreambleCommands \begin{document} \psset{dotstyle=Btriangle,linewidth= .6pt, tickstyle=top,dotsize = 6pt, framearc = .2, yunit= -1,% negativ, damit 1 Effekt oben xunit = 15}% % Längenabkürzungen für die Legende \def\Zeilen{5\space}% \def\Xmin{-.32\space}\def\Xmax{.31\space}% Effektrange \def\legx{.2\space} \def\legy{3.4\space}% Position der Legende \def\uZ{\legy\space 1 add\space}% \def\mZ{\legy\space .5 add\space}% \def\enden{.12\space}% \def\TrBoy{.3 add} \def\pshlabel#1{\footnotesize#1} \begin{pspicture}(-.5,-1)(5,\Zeilen) % Achsendefinition \psaxes[showorigin=false,linewidth=.4pt,yAxis=false,Dx = .1](0,.1)(\Xmin, 0)(\Xmax,30) % Mittellinie \psline[linewidth=.1pt, dash=4pt 1pt,linestyle = dashed](0,.4)(!0 \Zeilen) %% Trennboxen für verschiedene Variablenblöcke \psset{linewidth = .3pt}% \psframe(!-.39 .1) (!.33 3 \TrBoy)% \psframe(!-.39 3 \TrBoy)(!.33 5 \TrBoy) %% das Diagramm \psErrorPlot{\data} % Legende ganz vorne \psframe[fillcolor=white,fillstyle=solid, framearc=.2]% (!\legx .06 sub \uZ .3 add)(!\legx .09 add \legy .4 sub) % Beschriftung in der Legende \rput[rC]{0}(!\legx \legy){\footnotesize AV1} \rput[rC]{0}(!\legx \legy .5 add){\footnotesize AV2} \rput[rC]{0}(!\legx \legy .95 add){\footnotesize AV3} % erster Effekt in Legende \psset{linewidth = 1pt}% \psline[linecolor=red](!\legx .01 add \legy \enden add)(!\legx .01 add \legy) (!\legx .07 add \legy) (!\legx .07 add \legy \enden add) \psdot[dotangle = 180](!\legx .04 add \legy)% % dritter Effekt in Legende \psline[linecolor=green](!\legx .01 add \uZ \enden sub) (!\legx .01 add \uZ) (!\legx .07 add \uZ) (!\legx .07 add \uZ \enden sub) \psdot(!\legx .04 add \uZ)% % zweitter Effekt in Legende \psline[linecolor=blue](!\legx .01 add \mZ) (!\legx .07 add \mZ) \qline(!\legx .01 add \mZ \enden sub)(!\legx .01 add \mZ \enden add) \qline(!\legx .07 add \mZ \enden sub)(!\legx .07 add \mZ \enden add) \psdot[dotstyle = Bdiamond](!\legx .04 add \mZ) \end{pspicture} \end{document}