%% This file contains all materials for TTN 2,1 (1993). %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: You *MUST* use version 2.1 of the TTN style %% file, called ttn2n1.sty. %% (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN). %% \documentstyle[twoside]{ttn2n1} %% Version 2.1, Jan. 1993 % 1992.2.27: fix for underfull hboxes suggested by Phil Taylor (CJC) \tolerance = 1817 \hbadness = \tolerance \begin{document} %% Cover 1 (for electronic version only). \pagestyle{empty} {\Large \begin{flushleft} Volume 2, Number 1 \end{flushleft} \vspace{-3.1pc} \begin{flushright} February 1993 \end{flushright} \vspace{6pc} \hrule height2pt \vspace{2pt} \hrule \vspace{3pt} \begin{center} \Huge \TeX\ and TUG NEWS \end{center} \hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule height2pt \vspace{1pc} \begin{flushright} for and by the \TeX\ community \end{flushright} \vfill \begin{center} A Publication of the\\ \TeX\ Users Group\\ \vspace{3pc} Electronic version \end{center} } %% end of \Large \newpage %% COVER 2 (editorial information): \pagestyle{empty} \begin{center} {\Sectionfont\TeX{} and TUG NEWS} \end{center} \vspace{.5pc} {\small \baselineskip=10pt \begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{tabular}{||lp{9.5cm}||} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf Mission Statement} \\ [6pt] \hline \multicolumn{2}{||l||}{The \TUG\ (\tug) provides leadership:} \\ 1. & to encourage and expand the use of \TeX, \MF, and related systems \\ 2. & to ensure the integrity and portability of \TeX, \MF, and related systems \\ 3. & to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document preparation \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{1pc} \noindent \TTN\ is a newsletter for \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} users alike: {\em a forum for exchanging information, tips and suggestions\/}; {\em a regular means of communicating news items to one another\/}; {\em a place where information about \TeX{} and TUG can be quickly disseminated}. \vspace{.25pc} Throughout the newsletter ``\TeX'' is understood to mean \TeX, \LaTeX, \AmSTeX, and other related programs and macros. \TTN\ is produced with the standard \LaTeX{} distribution, and is to be as portable a document as possible. \vspace{.25pc} The entire contents of this newsletter are being placed in the public domain. The source file of this issue will be placed in the {\tt aston}, {\tt shsu}, and {\tt stuttgart} archives, as well as at the {\tt heidelberg}, {\tt labrea}, and {\tt ymir} archives. Copying and reprinting are encouraged; however, an acknowledgement specifying \TTN\ as the source would be appreciated. \vspace{.25pc} Submissions to \TTN\ should be short, the macros must work, and the files {\bf must} run without special font or graphics requirements: this is to be a {\em portable\/} newsletter (the new font selection scheme has not yet been implemented). Correspondence may be sent via e-mail to {\tt tug@math.ams.org} with the subject line {\tt NEWSLETTER}\@. Regular mail should be addressed to the Publications Committee,\break \careof \tug\ Office at the address below. \vspace{.25pc} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} \bf \TUG & Phone: & 805-963-1338 \\ P.O. Box 869 & \fax: & 805-963-8358 \\ Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA & E-mail: & \tt tug@math.ams.org \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society. \par} %% end of \small \baselineskip=10pt \vspace{.25pc} \hrule \vspace{4pt} {\footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt \noindent \TTN\ (ISSN 1065-240X) is published four times a year, February, April, July and October, by the \TeX\ Users Group, 735 State Street, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, U.S.A\@. The 1993 dues for individual members are \$60.00 for regular members and \$30.00 for students. Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, CA, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to the \TeX\ Users Group, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, U.S.A. Membership in the \TeX\ Users Group is for the calendar year, and includes all issues of {\sl TUGboat} and {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/} for the year in which membership begins or is renewed. Individual membership is open only to named individuals, and carries with it such rights and responsibilities as voting in the annual election. \par} %% end of \footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt \newpage %% Editorial (pp.1-2): \pagestyle{myheadings} \markboth{\TTN\quad Vol.\ 2, No.\ 1, 1993} {\TTN\quad Vol.\ 2, No.\ 1, 1993} \setcounter{page}{1} %% to set first page of contents to p.1 \Section{Editorial} Welcome to 1993! This is the beginning of \ttn's second year of existence, and there will be a few changes as the issues unfold. Now that I have the added duties of president of the user group, I will be weaning myself away from \ttn\ so that by next year there will be a new editor in place here. If you feel you can produce 4 issues of a 32-page newsletter, and do it on time (January, April, July and October are our target dates), please send your particulars to me. Other changes will probably include some shuffling of our columns and adding a few new columnists. Over the past month or so, I've received some very thoughtful and constructive comments and suggestions on how to make \ttn\ more useful. Most common complaint is that there's still not enough basic information (examples, problems and solutions, descriptions) on how to do this or that in \AllTeX. One way to address this is to get a regular columnist for ``Hey --- it works!'' to take care of submissions sent by users. As well, we plan to add a new column, rather more like a question and answer, or frequently requested solutions. We hope to have people in these two slots by the next issue --- so watch for them! \vskip1pc \noindent And now for an overview of this month's issue \dots\ Grab your keyboards and go look at what Peter Flynn's got in his column this month --- a nifty little style file which should appeal to those of you who want to spice up your page layout. And Peter Schmitt has more books for you to think about owning. Claudio Beccari is back, with more on tables in \LaTeX. Actually, it's more of a commentary and follow-up on something which Jackie Damrau made available last year (see \ttn\ 1,2:16). Part II of Yannis Haralambous' answers to questions about DC fonts is here (Part I was in the December issue of last year). If you have any questions not asked here, send them in and we'll find some answers. Chris Carruthers, who takes care of electronic distribution of \ttn\ and also serves as a mean proofreader, has written an update on \ttn's electronic availability. Malcolm Clark was off in the Ukraine last fall, at the invitation of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, and wrote up his experiences, both rueful and otherwise. And there's news from \GUTenberg, with a report from their new interim president, Alain Cousquer. Speaking of \GUTenberg\ \dots\ I was in error in my last editorial about \GUTenberg's involvement with a spring meeting on electronic documents and the law. It was Bernard Gaulle who pointed out that the meeting was actually being sponsored by {\small AFCET}\@. Curious coincidence that halfway around the world, on Feb.\ 1--2, in Toronto, Canada, a major conference on a very similar theme has been scheduled: ``The Ethics of Scholarly Publishing: A Symposium''. With the very plastic nature of electronic information exchange, it is very easy to stray into murky and confusing waters. Interesting topic \dots\ We also have an update on what's been going on in Russia with CyrTUG: Irina Makhovaya has sent us a report on their latest meeting, and their plans for 1993. And news about TUG\ts'93 is starting to be distributed. We have an update on pp.\ 20--21 --- and also check Cover 4. On the newsletter front, Jackie Damrau was recently awarded one of four {\small DECUS} Board of Directors' Gold Medals of Honor for her volunteer efforts during that organisation's meeting in Las Vegas last December. Volunteerism often seems to offer more intangible than tangible rewards --- recognition is therefore doubly sweet. Congratulations, Jackie! And with the new year we see a few changes in familiar faces. Malcolm Clark has now left the board, but is busy with the \tug\ts'93 conference committee and preparations for the meeting at Aston this July. And Malcolm is also preparing a book --- on \LaTeX\ --- so there's no doubt he'll keep on top of things in the \TeX\ community. Bernard Gaulle, founder of the French-speaking \TeX\ Users Group \GUTenberg, is taking a sabbatical from his duties there. However, he assures me he will continue to be active, and I expect we'll be hearing from Bernard in the future. In the meanwhile, Alain Cousquer has taken over as interim president, and as \GUTenberg's representative on \tug's board, until elections this summer. To round out the issue, I thought it might be useful to have a quick reference list to user groups around the world. The information is that which I found in \ttn\ and in the 1991 Resource Directory. If there are any inaccuracies or any new user groups, please contact me. Enjoy the issue. And think seriously about attending the 1993 \tug\ meeting at Aston University this coming July 26--30. It'll be a great meeting! \begin{flushright} Christina Thiele\\ Editor, \TTN \end{flushright} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{||p{9.5cm}||} \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf Did you know \dots?} \\ [6pt] \hline \dots\ that the very first meeting of \TeX\ users was in February of 1980, in Palo Alto, California. About 50 people attended that meeting; speakers included Don Knuth, Luis Trabb Pardo, Bob McClure, David Fuchs, Richard Zippel, Mike Spivak, and Richard Palais. The first steering committee was elected at that time as well. \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \newpage %% Typographer's Inn (Peter Flynn column) (pp.3-5): %% cbts8001@iruccvax.ucc.ie \Section{Typographer's Inn} % FLOW.STY - skeleton TeX macro to flow text round an illustration. % (c) Peter Flynn, December 1992 % % Call with \flow{L|R}{text}{box} where is the name or number of % a \box containing the illustration (see example at end). The L or R % specifies the direction of flow (round to left or round to right) % [default is L]. % \newbox\testflowbox\newbox\illbox \newdimen\theight\newdimen\iheight\newcount\lines \newcount\diff\newcount\extent \newdimen\twidth\newdimen\nflow \newcount\flowcount\newcount\flowlim \newdimen\backup\newdimen\offset \newwrite\flowfile \def\flow#1#2#3{\setbox\illbox=\boxit{\copy#3} \if#1L\message{Flow to left}\else \if#1R\message{Flow to right}\else \message{Defaulting to flow to left}\fi\fi \setbox\testflowbox=\vbox{\strut#2\strut} \theight=\ht\testflowbox \divide\theight by\baselineskip \iheight=\ht\illbox \divide\iheight by\baselineskip\advance\iheight by1sp \diff=\theight\advance\diff by-\iheight \divide\diff by2 \ifnum\diff<1 \diff=1 \fi \extent=\iheight\advance\extent by\diff\advance\extent by\diff \flowlim=\iheight \twidth=\hsize\advance\twidth by-\wd\illbox \advance\twidth by-1pc \offset=0pt\if#1R\offset=\hsize\advance\offset by-\twidth\fi \immediate\openout\flowfile=flow.tmp \immediate\write\flowfile{\parshape} \immediate\write\flowfile{\number\extent} \flowcount=0 \loop\immediate\write\flowfile{0pt \the\hsize}\advance\flowcount by 1 \ifnum\flowcount<\diff\repeat \flowcount=0 \loop\immediate\write\flowfile{\the\offset \the\twidth}\advance\flowcount by 1 \ifnum\flowcount<\flowlim\repeat \flowcount=0 \loop\immediate\write\flowfile{0pt \the\hsize}\advance\flowcount by 1 \ifnum\flowcount<\diff\repeat \immediate\closeout\flowfile % \setbox\testflowbox=\vbox{\input flow.tmp \strut#2\strut} \theight=\ht\testflowbox \divide\theight by\baselineskip \iheight=\ht\illbox \divide\iheight by\baselineskip\advance\iheight by1sp \ifnum\iheight>\theight\message{Cannot insert illustration} \setbox\testflowbox=\vbox{\strut#2\strut} \par\if#1R\hbox to\hsize{\copy\illbox\hss\box\testflowbox} \else\hbox to\hsize{\box\testflowbox\hss\copy\illbox}\fi \else \diff=\theight\advance\diff by-\iheight \divide\diff by2 \ifnum\diff<1 \diff=1 \fi \extent=\iheight\advance\extent by\diff\advance\extent by\diff \flowlim=\iheight \twidth=\hsize\advance\twidth by-\wd\illbox \advance\twidth by-1pc \offset=0pt\if#1R\offset=\hsize\advance\offset by-\twidth\fi \immediate\openout\flowfile=flow.tmp \immediate\write\flowfile{\parshape} \immediate\write\flowfile{\number\extent} \flowcount=0 \loop\immediate\write\flowfile{0pt \the\hsize}\advance\flowcount by 1 \ifnum\flowcount<\diff\repeat \flowcount=0 \loop\immediate\write\flowfile{\the\offset \the\twidth}\advance\flowcount by 1 \ifnum\flowcount<\flowlim\repeat \flowcount=0 \loop\immediate\write\flowfile{0pt \the\hsize}\advance\flowcount by 1 \ifnum\flowcount<\diff\repeat \immediate\closeout\flowfile \setbox\testflowbox=\vbox{\input flow.tmp \strut#2\strut} \iheight=\ht\illbox \theight=\ht\testflowbox \backup=\theight\advance\backup by-\diff\baselineskip \advance\backup by-\iheight\advance\backup by-1ex \par\if#1R\hbox to\hsize{\raise\backup\hbox{\copy\illbox}\hss% \box\testflowbox} \else\hbox to\hsize{\box\testflowbox\hss\raise\backup% \hbox{\copy\illbox}}\fi \fi} \def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule\hbox{\vrule\kern3pt\vbox{% \kern3pt#1\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule}\hrule}} % TeXbook, p.331, exercise % 21.3 %% end of flow.sty \font\sixpt=cmr6 \font\fivept=cmr5 \font\manual=manfnt \newbox\piccie \begin{flushright} Peter Flynn\\ University College Cork\\ \tt cbts8001@iruccvax.ucc.ie \end{flushright} \noindent The December/January break gave me the opportunity to reply to a backlog of accumulated mail: thank you to everyone who replied or commented on recent columns, and my apologies if I have missed any of you out. \vspace{-6pt} \subsection*{Punctuation and quotes} I've had more mail on this than anything else: the majority of you seem to want it to be treated on the basis of context, so I shall continue to set punctuation inside the closing quotes when it is an integral part of the quote, and outside when it is part of the surrounding verbiage. Our editor points out that the {\small MLA} (Modern Language Association) insists on commas and fullpoints going inside the quotes\ts---\ts some people also consider Buckingham Palace a fine building. Several of you said that Hart's Rules suggest the use of context as a guide, and Bill Woolf says the {\small AMS} (American Math Society) recommendations follow this principle, but admits it might lead to sentences like {\sl The editor said: ``Did he really say `Punctuate this way!'\ts?\ts''\/}. \vspace{-3pt} \subsection*{From the mailbox} Christina also asks if newspapers using computers with `a'-hyphenation programs count amongst {\small DTP} horrors. I'm not sure it's restricted to the letter `a' by any means, but I would welcome uniquely gross examples such as ba-\break throom which do seem to occur in news work far too often. Don Hosek at Claremont points out that some of the Usenet newsgroups cover aspects of typography ({\tt comp.text.desktop} and {\tt comp.fonts}). I browsed them, but most of the posts seem to be of the ``where can I download a copy of Pogmathon Bold Italic for MS-Windows'' genre. Traffic on {\tt typo-l} has been low over the winter, maybe you've all been hi{\small be}{\footnotesize rn}{\scriptsize at}{\sixpt in}{\fivept g.} William McKeehan at {\small UTK} and several others mention that some academics dislike italics and insist on underlining. $\underline{\hbox{{\it Chacun \`a son go\^ut}}}$: I suspect they've been so used to typewriters they've never had the opportunity to change. One advantage of \TeX\ is that it makes it significantly more difficult to do underlining than to do italics. Glenn Herteg asks about the use of spacing around the em-rule\ts---\ts like this\ts---\ts rather than set solid---like that. I agree with him that it looks better with spacing, but I've used a \verb|\thinspace| in my example rather than a normal wordspace. If you prefer a wordspace, though, remember to type a \verb|like this~---| so that if the rule occurs at a linebreak when justified, the rule is kept on the line with the preceding word (the {\sl\TeX book} [p.~311\ts:\ts 12.4]). \setbox\piccie=\vbox{\hsize=2in\footnotesize\noindent\raggedright You can pick up the file {\tt flow.sty} from {\tt curia.ucc.ie} in {\tt pub/tex}, or mail the request {\tt get italic-L log9212} to {\tt listserv@irlearn.ucd.ie} (or contact me if you have no network access). I'll buy a pint of the usual at the Aston meeting for the first person to explain how to retain the surrounding paragraph's sensitivity to \verb|\noindent|.} \vspace{-3pt} \subsection*{Floating free} \flow{R}{The comments people made about flowing text round a dropped initial cap brought some requests for flowing text round boxes against the margin, such as tables, figures and other illustrations. Then out of the blue on the {\tt italic-l} list came a plea for help on this very subject, so I spent an hour or two trying it out. I think someone has already done this for \LaTeX, and I know that it is much in demand, so my own (very rough) attempt can be picked up as shown. It seems to work in \LaTeX\ as well as plain \TeX, but I haven't tested it exhaustively, perhaps someone could push it to the limits. A brief flick through any magazine will show how extensively this construction is used, but what a pity there is no way to get \TeX\ to handle an irregular shape automatically for the purposes of flowing text round it. A similar mechanism could be used to handle boxes at the four corners of a page, or spanning $n$ columns of a page at the head or foot, or part-way down the page. There was a presentation at the Boston \tug\ meeting in 1991 about using \TeX\ for page makeup, but floats and flows such as these would be a useful tool for people making magazines and journals.}{\piccie} \vspace{-3pt} \subsection*{From the laboratory} I've been doing some experimenting with different paper surfaces and typefaces, something which I haven't done since I had the run of a composing room. What sparked it off was re-reading a comment by Charles Fyffe, ``Despite common practice, Times is {\em not} suited to art paper'' (Fyffe, 1969\ts:\ts{}54). He recommends using these faces on art (glossy) paper: Century, Emerson, Ehrhardt, Goudy Modern, Imprint, Ionic, Poliphilus, Plantin, Plantin Light, Romulus Bold, Egyptian {\em or sans serif} (my italics). I tried out a semi-gloss paper for laserprinters, a sample I was given (so I don't know the name of it yet). It feeds well, and retains its stability much better than the usual photocopy rubbish. But although not an art paper, it proved Fyffe's contention because of the reflectivity of the surface. Hairlines tend to break up in electrostatic printing, unlike letterpress or offset litho, partly because of the dot-formation and partly because of the poor surface of most photocopy paper, but this stuff handles them much better. Times (almost anyone's except Adobe's) has hair-ended serifs and relatively fine thins, and these lose their {\em apparent} definition on glossy surfaces because there is too much reflected light around for your eye to pick them up, even though they may be correctly printed because of the receptivity of the substrate. I used a 600\ts dpi HP Laserjet~4 (nice machine, pity about the silly changes to the manual feed, and the appalling paper curling) and Metafoundry Times, which is rather clumsy, so I wasn't expecting it to be so much of a problem, but sure enough, printing the same text in CM, Times, Stone and Plantin made it quite clear that this Times at least was not suited to very high white or reflective paper. Adobe Times was better, but not much. Hardly surprising, when you consider Times was originally designed for creamy yellow newsprint at sizes no larger than longprimer (10pt) where the squash of ink caused by the letterpress process thickened the thins enough to make it legible. {\small CM} performed even worse on glossy paper than Times did, but sans fonts (Helvetica, {\small CM}, Gill and Optima) performed excellently. \vspace{-3pt} \subsection*{Mixing it} The {\small CM} fonts are based on a design cut in the last century, and used mainly for bookwork, in letterpress, on paper like an esparto or antique wove. The roman still makes a good book face, used for continuous text on an off-white paper at 1200\ts dpi or better, but most modern {\small DTP} work is not like that, and most users want to mix typefaces in one way or another. The sad fact remains that after using \TeX\ for well over a decade, I have yet to find a suitable contrasting face to sort comfortably with it. The closest I have got is Gill Sans Bold for section headings in text work: has anyone else experimented with mixing {\small CM} roman with anything other than {\small CM} sans? Elsewhere in Fyffe's book, he says, ``Vincent Steer, a famous typographer of an earlier generation, was once asked, `How can I learn to mix type faces?' and he replied, `Learn their histories'. Until you have done so a good rule is to use the related bold of the body face. If there isn't one, use a sans, but make sure it is bold enough. Few things look worse than a display sans lighter than the body face.''~(p.\ts 54). Food for thought. \vspace{-3pt} \subsection*{A challenge} Very few fonts available electronically carry \t ct or \t st ligatures, as used in much 18th-century work. With \TeX's precision, and {\small DVIPS}'s management of Post\-Script's rotational abilities, would someone like to try faking up \t ct and \t st ligatures? (I used the \verb|\t| ``tie-after'' accent here.) Of course, extra sorts done in \MF\ would be the ideal solution: and while we're at it, has anyone ever fixed {\small CM} fonts to have a long~s as well? \vspace{-3pt} \subsection*{Bibliography} \bibentry{Fyffe, Charles, {\em Basic Copyfitting}. London: Studio Vista, 1969, {\small SBN} 289~79705~5.} \newpage %% New Publications (Peter Schmitt's column) (p.6): %% a8131dal@awiuni11.edvz.univie.ac.at \Section{New Publications} \begin{description} \item [Donald E.\ Knuth.] {\sl Literate Programming\/}. ({\small CSLI} Lecture Notes 27.) Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1992.\ xiii, 368pp. \pounds 19.95 (UK). \isbn\ 0-937073-80-6 (paper), \isbn\ 0-937073-81-4 (cloth).\\ $\bullet$ `Literate Programming' (using the {\tt WEB} system) was developed by Knuth and used to write \TeX\ and its documentation. This book is a collection of previously published articles and extracts from books, together with additional references and some other new material. In particular, it contains the papers ``The Errors of \TeX'' and the ``Error Log for \TeX, 1978--91''. \item [Michael Vulis.] {\sl Modern \TeX\ and Its Applications\/}. Boca Raton: {\small CRC} Publishers, 1992. 275pp., includes diskette. US\$32.95 (\$39.95 outside the US). \isbn\ 0-8493-4431-X (paper).\\ % address: 2000 Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA $\bullet$ ``A guide to plain \TeX\ (and V\TeX), intended for scientists, etc., and support staff who prepare technical texts and documents. It covers all basic topics for understanding the \TeX\ user environment, including fonts and characters, formatting, math mode, macros, terminal and file operations, tables, foreign language capabilities (including Cyrillic), indices, references, tables of contents, scalable typefaces, and graphics. A PC-compatible disk containing examples, extra typefaces, and a ready-to-run restricted [!] version of \TeX\ is included.'' [adapted from promotional material] \item [Antoni Diller.] {\sl \LaTeX\ Line by Line: Tips and Techniques for Document Processing\/}. (Software Engineering.) Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1992. 200pp. US\$29.95. \isbn\ 0-471-93471-2 (softcover).\\ $\bullet$ ``A handbook to the \LaTeX\ text processing system, this easy-to-follow guide teaches all users how to produce a wide variety of documents --- from business letters to technical reports. The book offers ready-to-use templates for producing articles, reports, letters and more; explains how to quickly generate tables of contents, indices and bibliographies; and includes many practical examples, an appendix of mathematical symbols and a complete glossary of typesetting terms.'' [adapted from promotional material] \item [G.\ Gr\"atzer.] {\sl Math into \TeX: A Simplified Introduction Using \AmSLaTeX\/}. Basel: Birkh\"auser, 1992. SFr~52.--, DM~57.--.\ \isbn\ 3-7643-3637-4.\\ {\bf Note}: {\it This item was already listed in the last issue. This entry adds the bibliographic data of the co-publisher.} \end{description} \subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters} \begin{description} \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:] vol.\ 4, no.\ 3, November 1992, 56pp ({\small DANTE}). % Official newsletter of {\small DANTE}, % Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V. % Four issues per year. % Contact: {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl heidelberg.de}. \end{description} \newpage %% ``Hey -- it works!'' (pp.7-9): \Section{``Hey --- it works!''} \subsection*{Experiences with tables} \begin{flushright} Claudio Beccari \\ Politecnico di Torino, Italy\\ \tt beccari@polito.it \end{flushright} \noindent In \TTN\ 1,2:16, there appeared a note from Jackie Damrau about handouts on the workshop on tables in \LaTeX. I already knew most of that material because I had spent some time in examining the {\tt.sty} files that came with our implementation of \TeX. I found most interesting the discussion on decimal alignment, but I was surprised that in the discussion none of the participants had arrived at an idea I had had, which of course was obvious to my own eyes, but probably would appear as a vicious trick to others. Jackie Damrau's handouts contained four solutions to the problem of decimal alignment, and here I quote some of the message that Charles H.\ Franklin contributed to the workshop: \vspace{6pt} ``From the comments in the replies, it seems I am not the only one who has wanted decimal alignment. So I thought I would post a summary of the various solutions so we can all see what the options appear to be. % \begin{enumerate} % \item Use \verb|\hphantom| to add spaces where needed. E.g.\\ [1ex] \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\Z}{\hphantom{0}} \newcommand{\M}{\hphantom{$-$}} \end{verbatim} \end{minipage}\\ [1ex] then\\ [1ex] \begin{minipage}{\linewidth} \begin{verbatim} 1.0\Z\Z & \M0.0003 0.333 & $-0.0001$ \end{verbatim} \end{minipage}\\ [1ex] line up like you want. [\dots] % \item Use the \verb|@{.}| argument in the tabular declaration to create two columns with no spaces and a decimal point between them. E.g.\\ [1ex] \begin{minipage}{.4\linewidth} \begin{verbatim} \begin{tabular}{r@{.}l} 10&7 \\ 1&3 \\ 0&75 \end{tabular} \end{verbatim} \end{minipage} \hfill produces\hfill \begin{minipage}{.2\linewidth}\centering \begin{tabular}{r@{.}l} 10&7 \\ 1&3 \\ 0&75 \end{tabular} \end{minipage} % \item Use {\tt DECALIGN.STY} [\dots] which implements a {\tt d} alignment argument for the tabular environment. This {\tt d} alignment type is in fact a version of (2) above. [\dots] % \item Follow the lead of {\tt REVTEX} and define \verb|\dec x.xx| which produces a box of equal width on both sides of the decimal place. When used with a center aligned column, this produces decimal alignment. [\dots]'' % \end{enumerate} \noindent My idea follows the solution outlined above, but is different in some respects: \begin{itemize} \item the decimal columns are declared as right-aligned instead of centered, \item therefore the only thing you need to add are decimal phantom places on the right only, and you need not care about phantom algebraic signs; \item but the most important point is to provide phantom decimals by means of a {\em single character} so that you can maintain a visual alignment also in the ASCII source text. \end{itemize} % In order to achieve the third point you need just two local definitions of active characters, as the following: \begin{verbatim} \def~{\hphantom{0}} \catcode`\;=13 \def;{\hphantom{,}} \end{verbatim} % and use the tilde ({\verb|~|}) as a regular digit and the semi-colon as a phantom decimal separator. The tilde is already an active character so that you need not declare it as such; you just redefine it so as to maintain its definition local. \begin{table}[htb] {\bf Tab. 3.10}\quad Coefficienti di conversione fra le unit\`a di misura di \TeX\ e \LaTeX. Nelle prime otto colonne i coefficienti sono arrotondati a quattro cifre significative. Nell'ultima colonna appaiono i coefficienti ``esatti'', cosicch\'e usando questi ultimi si possono ricalcolare gli altri con tutta la precisione desiderata. Ai fini dei confronti quattro cifre sono pi\`u che sufficienti.\par \bigskip \def\C #1 {\multicolumn1{|c}{\tt #1}} \def\T #1 {\multicolumn1{|c|}{\tt #1}} \let\t\tt \def~{\hphantom{0}} \catcode`\;=13 \def;{\hphantom{,}} \def\s{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}}\footnotesize {\centering\tabcolsep=4.3pt \begin{tabular}{|l*{9}{|r}|} \hline \s &\C mm & \C cm & \C pt & \C bp & \C pc & \C in & \C dd & \C cc & \T sp \\[0.5ex] \hline \s\t mm&1,000 &0,100 &2,845 &2,835 &0,2371 &0,03937&2,659 &0,2216 & 186\,467,98~\\ \t cm &10,00 &1,000 &28,45 &28,35 &2,371 &0,3937 &26,59 &2,216 &1\,864\,679,8~~\\ \t pt &0,3515 &0,03515&1,000 &0,9963 &0,08333&0,01384&0,9346 &0,07788& 65\,536;~~~\\ \t bp &0,3528 &0,03528&1,004 &1,000 &0,08365&0,01389&0,9381 &0,07817& 65\,781,76~\\ \t pc &4,218 &0,4218 &12,00 &11,96 &1,000 &0,1660 &11,21 &0,9346 & 786\,432;~~~\\ \t in &25,40 &2,540 &72,27 &72,00 &6,023 &1,000 &67,54 &5,628 &4\,736\,286,7~~\\ \t dd &0,3760 &0,03760&1,070 &1,066 &0,08917&0,01481&1,000 &0,08333& 70\,124,086\\ \t cc &4,513 &0,4513 &12,84 &12,79 &1,070 &0,1777 &12,00 &1,000 & 841\,489,04~\\[0.5ex] \hline \end{tabular}\par} \medskip \footnotesize Note: this table with its caption is taken from my book ``\LaTeX: Guida a un sistema di editoria elettronica''. See \ttn\ 1,1: 14. \end{table} The choice of the semi-colon requires a little bit of explanation: it is absolutely unimportant to choose the semi-colon or another sign, provided it is assigned the same width as the decimal separator. In non-English speaking/writing countries, the {\small ISO} recommendations require the use of the {\em comma} as the decimal separator and leave the decimal point only to the English-speaking/writing countries (and to the conventions for real numbers in all programming languages); that is why I defined the semi-colon as a phantom comma. In the States, one might prefer to use the colon as the phantom decimal point: % \begin{verbatim} \catcode`\:=13 \def:{\hphantom{.}} \end{verbatim} In the table example on the previous page, you can see the decimal alignment of the last column, but you also see that there is no separator between the units, the thousands, and the millions; this is due to another {\small ISO} recommendation (valid also in the USA, but apparently ignored by US national standards) that formally prohibits the insertion of any kind of separator, {\em except a thin space}, between the groups of three digits. If you can decipher the Italian caption, you'll discover what it is about. The source code is the following (with some ellipsis in order to keep short lines): \begin{verbatim} \caption[]{Coefficienti di conversione fra le unit\`a di misura di \TeX\ e \LaTeX. ...} \bigskip \def\C #1 {\multicolumn1{|c}{\tt #1}} \def\T #1 {\multicolumn1{|c|}{\tt #1}} \let\t\tt \def~{\hphantom{0}} \catcode`\;=13 \def;{\hphantom{,}} \def\s{\rule{0pt}{2.5ex}}\footnotesize {\centering\tabcolsep=4.3pt \begin{tabular}{|l*{9}{|r}|} \hline \s &\C mm & \C cm & ... & \T sp \\[0.5ex] \hline \s\t mm&1,000 &0,100 & ... & 186\,467,98~\\ \t cm &10,00 &1,000 & ... &1\,864\,679,8~~\\ \t pt &0,3515 &0,03515& ... & 65\,536;~~~\\ \t bp &0,3528 &0,03528& ... & 65\,781,76~\\ \t pc &4,218 &0,4218 & ... & 786\,432;~~~\\ \t in &25,40 &2,540 & ... &4\,736\,286,7~~\\ \t dd &0,3760 &0,03760& ... & 70\,124,086\\ \t cc &4,513 &0,4513 & ... & 841\,489,04~\\[0.5ex] \hline \end{tabular}\par} \end{verbatim} % The little strut \verb|\s| is used to insert a little space above the letters of every line that is preceded by an \verb|\hline|. %% (La)TeX news (pp.10-13): \Section{\AllTeX\ News} \subsection*{DC fonts --- questions and answers (II)} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Yannis Haralambous \\ \tt yannis@gat.citilille.fr \end{flushright} \newcommand{\Q}{\item [{\bf Q:}]} \newcommand{\A}{\item [{\bf A:}]} \noindent This is Part II of a two-part series; Part I appeared in \ttn\ 1,4. The following questions and answers about DC fonts are aimed at providing information from the user's perspective, and so are intended to be pragmatic rather than theoretical. \begin{list}{}{\leftmargin=1.4pc\itemsep=-1pt} \Q I'm using PC\TeX\ (v.\ 2.93) on an IBM clone. Is there a special installation routine for the DC fonts? And what about people who use em\TeX? \A I'm not a PC specialist, so I may be wrong: there is nothing special about installing DC fonts. Take the right \verb|plain| format, create the sizes you need with \MF, put them in the usual places where you used to have CM fonts and run \TeX\ as before. \Q I'm using a Mac. What about me? \A Euro-Oz\TeX\ and Direct\TeX\ include DC fonts. {\sl Textures} can use DC fonts in bitmap form. For \PS\ DC fonts, contact Blue Sky Research. \Q What about {\small UNIX} systems? \A What small computers can do, big ones can do as well. There is nothing platform-specific with DC fonts, so there is no special version of DC fonts for every platform. \Q Will I be able to preview my files using DC fonts on my workstation using the X windows {\tt dvi} previewer? \A Yes. Unless you have a very old version, which does not support 256-character fonts (and I'm not even sure if such a version ever existed \ldots) \Q What happens if I send my regular files to someone who's got the DC fonts set up --- will my file still run there? \A It depends what you mean by `files'. If you mean clean \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ source files using only macros like \verb|\rm|, \verb|\bf|, \verb|\'e| for \'e (instead of \verb|\accent19e|), \verb|$\Gamma$| for $\Gamma$ (instead of \verb|\char'000|), \verb|\$| for \$\ (instead of \verb|\string^24|), etc., then the files will run and give the expected results. If you used `hard' commands, like \verb|\char| or \verb|\string|, then the output may have incorrect characters at those places. If, finally, you mean `{\tt dvi} files using CM-encoded fonts', then the same fonts will be needed to print or preview. The Technical Council plans to release virtual fonts simulating CM fonts, and based on DC fonts, which will definitely solve this problem. \Q What if I receive a file which needs the DC fonts and I don't have them. What will happen when I run the file? Will it even run? \A As in the previous question, there are three cases: \vspace{-5pt} \begin{itemize} \itemsep=-1pt \item you receive the file in `clean' text form, \item you receive the file in `not-so-clean' text form, \item you receive a {\tt dvi} file using DC fonts. \end{itemize} In cases (a) and (b), same answer as for the previous question. In case (c) the file will not run, {\em period!} So, you had better install DC fonts, and then this will never happen \ldots If you have a text needing fonts you happen not to have, you're running into a disaster. Of course you will be able to preview by some default font (depending on your driver, usually Times or Courier). What should be avoided is the temptation to make a virtual font to simulate the DC font --- virtual fonts should {\em not\/} replace DCs. It's the other way around: out of DCs we will make virtual CM fonts! So the only advice I can give is: install DCs. \Q Will \LaTeX3 require DC fonts? Will I have to upgrade everything when \LaTeX3 becomes available? Will my old fonts be incompatible? \A I do not have the authority to express myself on \LaTeX3-related issues. I would suggest asking Frank Mittelbach or Rainer Sch\"opf. As a common mortal \LaTeX\ and \nfss\ user, I would say that I do not expect \LaTeX3 to be dependent upon any encoding. The main common point I see between \LaTeX3 and the Cork encoding is that they are very important developments, concerning the whole \TeX\ community, and the survival of \TeX\ more generally. \Q Do I have to also have the New Font Selection Scheme set up on my machine? Is there a package which has both already set up and easy to install? Is it for IBMs only? Is there one for Macs too? {\small UNIX}? \A \nfss\ is an independent system for smooth and efficient font management. \nfss\ can work with {\em every} family of fonts, Cork or CM, Greek, {\small IPA}, Chinese~\ldots\ As soon as there are orthogonal properties in your font family (size, series, shape, etc.), you can use \nfss, no matter what your fonts are. The \nfss\ package already provides DC font support. At the present time, the installation routine for \nfss\ requires the following changes in order to load DC fonts in the place of Computer Modern: use {\tt preload.dc} and {\tt fontdef.dc} as {\tt preload.tex} and {\tt fontdef.tex}; when prompted for file {\tt xxxlfont.sty}, reply {\tt dclfont.sty}. It works! Concerning IBMs, Macs and {\small UNIX}, the answer is simple: \nfss\ is written in \TeX, and this programming language (in which we all trust) is platform-independent so there is no reason why all this shouldn't run everywhere. (I know --- perhaps suspicious readers will say that \nfss\ involves file names, namely those of the fonts, and these are not always platform-independent. Nevertheless, all DC fonts have names with fewer than 8 characters, so {\em even} DOS can read them --- and portability is preserved.) \Q If I use the \nfss, will I have memory problems? \A No. \nfss\ just lets you specify the fonts you use, in a more natural way. For example, if you ask for \verb|\bf| (boldface) and then \verb|\sf| (sans-serif) you will get a sans-serif bold font (no need to specify \verb|\bf| again). If you ask for a combination which is not provided (such as ``small capitals sans serif boldface extended italic'') and your \verb|fontdef.tex| file is well written, you will get a replacement for it. I don't think this will make you use more fonts than before; it may even prevent you from changing fonts all the time (remember that good old {\em Claude Garamond\/} had only roman, italic and small caps in his repertoire). \Q How do virtual fonts fit into this DC font scheme of things? \A Virtual fonts are a concept; DC font scheme is an encoding. I don't see any direct dependence relation between those two. Virtual fonts are and will continue to be used to re-encode external fonts; for example, \PS\ ones. Another use for virtual fonts is to construct characters with diacritics which are not covered by the DC font scheme (this is the case for Welsh, Baltic languages, Esperanto), or to satisfy special typographical needs such as the automatic use of the Dutch `ij' letter. Cork-encoded fonts provide a rich base for virtual fonts. There are other fonts which are not virtual but will be used to create virtual fonts: Cyrillic, African (by J\"org Knappen), {\small IPA}, etc. \Q I'm at a large university where there isn't all that much \TeX\ support, at least in terms of installing new stuff. Can I do this myself? \A Of course you can do the installation! Doing a change is always easy; what is difficult is facing the consequences. If your co-users are writing a `clean' code and keep their files in text form, they may not even notice the difference. Otherwise, you should perhaps give them some advice, and perhaps let them make some harmless changes in their source files (`write a $\Sigma$ as \verb|$\Sigma$|, cf.\ the {\sl\TeX book\/}, p.\ 434, and not in the form of \verb|\char"06|'). {\tt dvi} files should be recompiled, just to be sure. And in any case, \vspace{-5pt} \begin{itemize} \itemsep=-1pt \item try the whole thing out first on a personal computer, with~2 or 3 of your colleagues, or \item make a thorough study of your system administrator's {\em ego\/}; it might be that he will not appreciate such a change, however successful it is \ldots \end{itemize} \Q Will I need any special kind of software in order to get output using these fonts? \A No. Unless `special' means `less than 3--4 years old'. \end{list} \subsection*{TTN electronic distribution} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Chris Carruthers \\ University of Ottawa \\ \tt cjc@acadvm1.uottawa.ca \end{flushright} \noindent Previous issues of \TTN\ are available for anonymous ftp from the following archives: Stuttgart server at {\tt rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de} ( as {\tt soft/tex/digests/ttn/ttn1n4.*}; from Sam Houston State University, {\tt niord.shsu.edu} (, in directory {\tt ttn, ttn1n4.*} (in {\small VMSS}peak {\tt [FILESERV.TTN]TTN1N4.*}); and from the Aston server at {\tt tex.ac.uk} ( as {\tt [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TTN]TTN1N4.*}. All previous issues have been slightly modified and renamed to make it easier to retrieve them with wildcards (e.g., to retrieve all of volume 1, type: {\tt mget ttn1*}). The convention is that all names start with the letters {\tt ttn} followed by a number representing the volume followed by the letter {\tt n} (`n' for number) followed by the issue number, followed by a `.', followed by an extension --- usually {\tt tex} or {\tt sty}. This naming convention also corresponds with Knuth's suggestion in the {\sl \TeX book\/} (p.\ 278 in my copy). All subsequent issues, including this one, will follow this convention. {\bf Note:} As of this writing you will not be able use {\tt mget ttn*} at {\tt niord} without specifying a volume number, because of other files found in the {\tt ttn} directory. \subsection*{Files to print up font tables} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Christina Thiele \\ {\tt cthiele@ccs.carleton.ca} \end{flushright} \noindent In the last issue of \ttn\ (p.\ 14), I mentioned that having a file to print up all the characters in a given font was a useful little tool. I've had a number of requests for the \TeX-able version I have. And now we've had an offer of two versions for \LaTeX\ users, from Claudio Beccari: \begin{quote} {\tt FONTTAB.TEX} and {\tt EFONTTAB.TEX} run under \LaTeX\ and are intended to produce the font tables for 128 character fonts (the former one) and for the extended 256 character fonts (the latter one). Both are interactive so that the user can specify a different font name at each prompt or the word ``stop'' (without quotation marks) when he/she is through. English instructions are in the preamble of each file. Don't worry about leftover commands that are useless --- I did not want to spend too much time in cleaning up a couple of working sets of commands, although I am sure that one can do much better than that. I hope these files will be useful to you. \end{quote} % If you would like one or more of these files, send me a message. \newpage %% News from Around... (pp.14-16): \Section{News from Around \ldots} \subsection*{uk $\longrightarrow$ ue} \begingroup \def\inch{$''$} \def\,{\ifmmode\mskip\thinmuskip\else\thinspace\fi} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Malcolm Clark \\ \tt malcolmc@wmin.ac.uk \end{flushright} \noindent One of the delights of having your name crop up in \TUB\ or other \TeX-related publications is that you find visitors turning up on your doorstep. Sometimes this is a metaphorical doorstep, when e-mail from far away places appears in your mailbox, but from time to time real people drop by. Late last year, Yuri Melnichuk from Lviv\footnote[1]{Lviv is the Ukrainian transliteration; some readers may know of this city as Lvov --Ed.} in the Ukraine turned up. As a result of this contact I visit\-ed Lviv at the end of September last year, at the invitation of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. The Society had organised one of its series of conferences on the Ukrainization of Computers. I was surprised how many of my preconceptions were invalid. On the other hand, I had no very clear idea of what to expect. The history of the Ukraine is not widely taught in British schools. It will not have escaped your notice that the former Soviet Union is no more: it is often unclear just what relationship there is among the constituent units of the former union, or even where the boundaries of the units are. The Ukraine is bounded by Poland (which once included parts of western Ukraine), Romania, Slovakia (assuming this article appears after January 1st, 1993, when Czechoslovakia separates into the Czech lands and Slovakia), Hungary (it was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire too), Moldavia, Byelorussia, Russia itself, and the Black Sea. In Lviv there is plenty of evidence of the influence of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The trams and the architecture kept reminding me of Vienna, although the Cyrillic signs provided a constant `foreign' undertone: Lviv is well within the world of the Cyrillic alphabet. You may think that all Cyrillic is alike. Far from it: there is a great deal of commonality, but Russian (for example) has some characters which are not used in Ukrainian, and Ukrainian has some of its own characters, too. My simplistic hopes that I could take the Cyr{\small TUG} Cyrillic \TeX\ distribution which I had obtained the previous week at the Euro\TeX\ conference in Prague, were diluted. In fact, there were even more problems there: I took 3.5\inch\ high density disks: it took a few days to locate a suitable disk drive. Real floppies --- those 5.25\inch\ disks you have almost forgotten about --- are by far the most widely available. A compound problem was that the Cyr{\small TUG} distribution had been intended for 360\,Kbyte floppies and I copied the equivalent of two disks to one (can you guess what happened to non-identical files of the same name?). I have been slowly working myself into the realisation that the way forward is through {\sc Unix} and \PS. Visiting Prague and Lviv reminded me that this is not a universal solution at present. The {\sl de facto} operating system is {\small MS-DOS}, and the common output device is a dot matrix printer. I even have to admit that my disliking of laser printed output as a master for book production was mitigated. Frankly, it is far more important to generate a range of books in Ukrainian (most are in Russian) than to strain at the altar of quality. In a country where my total bill for accommodation amounted to something less than \$10 for eight nights, you can probably guess that the public domain nature of \TeX\ was rather attractive, too. From my point of view, the most important practical result of the week was when the conference recommended the establishing of a Ukrainian \TeX\ user group. It is quite appropriate that Lviv should be a leader here: Ivan Federov, who had worked in Moscow, settled in Lviv in 1572, and produced a New Testament, using Cyrillic fonts. His role in the history of Cyrillic books has been described as `crucial'. My hosts ensured that I had an excellent time, despite my lack of Ukrainian. I did at least discover the word for beer (almost the same as the Czech word). The major short-term problem is one of transport. E-mail to the Ukraine is a bit erratic (at least, from where I am), and the post is not reliable. If we can overcome this `simple' problem, I think we can look forward to much useful exchange. I have a feeling I will be going back, armed with 5.25\inch\ disks, more style files, and a phrase book. I must acknowledge the help and assistance of Ivan Basarab, Yuri Melnichuk, the organisers of the Conference, and the British Council. \endgroup \subsection*{News from GUTenberg} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Alain Cousquer\\ Universit\'e de Lille I\\ \tt cousquer@lifl.fr \end{flushright} \noindent A number of changes have been occurring inside \GUTenberg, the user group for French speakers. Late last year, it was announced that the \GUTenberg\ archives, formerly residing at {\tt listserv@dhdurz1} would move to Rennes. It is to be run by volunteers, on an experimental basis: Jacques Beigbeder, Bernard Gaulle, Yannis Haralambous, Michel Lavaud, and Eric Picheral. Its purpose for now is to serve as an archive for distributing software. For anonymous ftp access, the address is {\tt ftp.cicb.fr} (IP address:; directory is {\tt pub/GUTenberg} (or {\tt pub/gut}). The ``{\small README}'' file is called ``{\small ALIRE}''. At the end of December, the editor of the {\sl Cahiers GUTenberg\/} announced that, due to heavy workloads, no issue of the {\sl Cahiers\/} had appeared since no.~13, in June 1992. The 14th issue of the {\sl Cahiers\/} will be papers presented at the Euro\TeX\ conference held last September in Prague. The 15th issue will appear in early 1993. Starting with no.\ 16, the {\sl Cahiers\/} will appear as thematic issues. Topics currently in preparation include: ``ligatures and contextual characters'' (in collaboration with the Didot project), and on ``\TeX\ and Arabic characters''. As well, a new bimonthly publication, {\sl La Lettre de GUTenberg\/}, is being prepared. It will cover news about the association and related issues, and will be sent free to all paid-up members of \GUTenberg. The first issue is slated for January 1993. And finally, Bernard Gaulle, who began the user group as an informal group in 1984, and has served as \GUTenberg's president since its formal creation in 1988, has taken a sabbatical leave, and handed in his resignation as president, as of 31 December 1992. In 1989, he worked to organise a European \TeX\ meeting in Paris, and later that year, joined \tug's board at Stanford, along with several other heads of European user groups. But while he leaves both \GUTenberg, and \tug's board, he will certainly not be leaving the use or users of \AllTeX. Alain Cousquer (University of Lille I; {\tt cousquer@lifl.fr}) will serve as interim president and as \GUTenberg's representative on \tug's board. %% Reports on Meetings (pp.16-22): \Section{Reports on Meetings} \subsection*{BoF session at TUG'92} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Paula Gudder \\ Denver, Colorado \end{flushright} \noindent Last July, at the Portland meeting of the \TeX\ Users Group, about 20 people involved in \TeX\ consulting held a BoF (``Birds-of-a-Feather'') session. The group included those who are now consultants and those who were considering starting some type of small business. Each participant gave a brief background of their situation. Then various concerns were listed for discussion. These included: how to charge; how to find work; how to network within the \TeX\ community and other related communities; how to keep from working in a vacuum. A sheet with the business cards and/or information of each participant was printed and made available after the meeting to all conference members. For information, contact Arthur Ogawa: {\tt ogawa@orion.arc.nasa.gov}; 415-691-1126; \fax: 415-962-1969. \subsection*{NTG meeting: 19 Nov.\ 1992\hfil Meppel, The Netherlands} \begin{flushright} Kees van der Laan \\ {\tt cgl@rugr86.rug.nl} \end{flushright} \noindent Prior to the meeting, the typographic museum at Meppel was visited --- a report about that visit alone would be worthwhile. Demonstrations of the old typographic crafts and machines of the late 19th century and early 20th century were enjoyed. Beautiful! The museum employees themselves had worked with those machines in their younger days. Those who happen to visit Holland some day should certainly pay a visit to that museum, a real must! And when your lucky day is 22nd December, then the place is all lit by candlelight. Can you imagine a cosier walk down history's lane? After lunch, the main dish was served by Frank Mittelbach and Yannis Haralambous. Frank elaborated upon the \LaTeX3 project and his research in computer-assisted typography. He certainly spotted some essential weaknesses in computer-assisted typesetting. Yannis rehearsed on virtual fonts and captivated most of us with his Scholar\TeX. We are all longing for the write-ups to be included in {\small MAPS} 93.1. Between mouthfuls, some business was also done. The budget was agreed upon, the volunteer stuff channelled, and the minutes approved. Along with tea, the usual small talk took place, making us all laugh and feel happy. Some 60 members attended. Theo Jurriens did a great job in organizing this happening. The hosts --- Boom Pers --- were great in their modest and kindly offered, but nonetheless much appreciated, hospitality. Our secretary, Gerard van Nes, was interviewed by the local newspaper. You know the sort of thing: about \TeX, typesetting, the universe and all those important issues typesetters dream of. For the die-hards the day ended with the traditional meal, in one of the Chinese restaurants Meppel can be proud of, giving everyone the opportunity to speak about making beer, wine or whatever amateur typographers do besides typesetting with \AllTeX. The 1993 meetings are scheduled for: 10 June at De Bilt, hosted by {\small KNMI}, with the theme ``From Font to Book''; and 18 November at Den Bos, hosted by {\small OC\'E}, where the theme will be ``The \AllTeX\ Working Environment''. \subsection*{News about CyrTUG and Russian \TeX\ users} \begin{flushright} Irina Makhovaya \\ {\it CyrTUG\/} Executive Director \\ \end{flushright} \noindent {\it CyrTUG\/} (Cyrillic \TeX\ Users Group; in Russian: Associaciia Pol'zovatele\u\i\ Ki\-rillicheskogo \TeX'a) was born in May 1991. Now there are about 50 individual and 14 institutional members; among the latter: Mech-Math Faculty of Moscow State University, Keldysh Institute (Moscow), Institute of Mathematics (Siberian branch, Novosibirsk), Ioffe Physics \& Technical Institute (St.\ Petersburg), PhysMathLit, Nauka Publishers (Moscow), and Mir Publishers (Moscow). {\it CyrTUG\/}'s President is Professor Joseph V.\ Romanovski\u\i, mathematician (St.\ Petersburg University) {\tt jvr@or.math.lgu.spb.su}; Executive Director is Irina A.\ Makhovaya, mathematician (Mir Publishers, Moscow) {\tt irina@mir.msk.su}. {\it CyrTUG\/} is a non-profit social community of Russian \TeX\ users. According to {\it CyrTUG\/} statutes, our main purposes are to arrange courses, seminars, meetings, etc.; and to publish textbooks and other \TeX\ materials for non-profit purposes. {\it CyrTUG\/} held its annual meeting in Moscow at the Central Economics \& Mathematics Institute ({\small CEMI}) on October 20--22, 1992. The meeting was attended by 53 members of the group. In his opening speech, the President, Joseph Romanovski\u\i, noted the growing interest in \TeX\ in Russia and other C.I.S.\ countries, and expressed the hope that the {\it CyrTUG}-93 meeting would gather an even larger audience. Irina Makhovaya, Executive Director, reported on the work of the Board of Directors, and Michael Vinogradov reported on the work of the auditing commission. Both reports were unanimously approved by the meeting. In addition to the business meeting, the following papers were delivered: {\small \itemsep=-6pt \baselineskip=10pt \begin{itemize} \item [--] A.B.\ Khodulev (Keldysh Institute, Moscow) The public domain Cyrillic \TeX. \item [--] M.S.\ Doubson ({\small CEMI}, Moscow) The Euro\TeX-92 conference. \item [--] S.A.\ Strelkov (Keldysh Institute, Moscow) Some aspects of \TeX\ Russification. \item [--] M.M.\ Vinogradov (Institute of Economics and Forecasting, Moscow) Eight-bit fonts and a user shell for {\small IBM PC}. \item [--] E.V.\ Pankrat'ev (Moscow University) Publishing with \TeX\ in the Math Department of Moscow State University. \item [--] V.A.\ Rozov (Space Research Institute, Moscow) Electronic archives. \item [--] M.S.\ Doubson ({\small CEMI}, Moscow) Cyrillic fonts in PostScript. \item [--] E.M.\ Yankovski\u\i\ (Mir Publishers, Moscow) Using \TeX\ in translating science and mathematics from Russian into English. \item [--] V.M.\ Rudenko ({\small IPM}, Moscow) Working with \TeX\ at the Institute of Problems of Mechanics. \item [--] I.A.\ Makhovaya (Mir Publishers, Moscow) Publishing with \TeX\ at Mir Publishers. \item [--] J.V.\ Romanovski\u\i\ (St.\ Petersburg University) \TeX\ and e-mail. \item [--] V.G.\ Perepelkin (Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk) The Siberian branch of {\it CyrTUG}, SibTUG. \item [--] K.E.\ Pankrat'ev (Moscow University) A device for optical character recognition. \item [--] E.Yu. Khodan (PhysMathLit, Moscow) Future plans for publishing materials on \TeX. \end{itemize} } \noindent The meeting agreed on the following plan for 1993: {\small \itemsep=-6pt \baselineskip=10pt \begin{itemize} \item To prepare a series of booklets (may be in ``soft'' variant) for beginners using the \TeX, \AmSTeX, and \LaTeX\ packages, especially for the Cyrillic versions. \item To organize several {\it CyrTUG\/} courses for beginners and advanced \TeX\ users with instructors from within and outside Russia. \item To arrange additional services for \TeX\ users who have access to e-mail, such as support of a \TeX\ archive and a Cyrillic FAQ. \item To arrange for regular distribution (at least four times a year) through e-mail or the postal service of an information bulletin for members of {\it CyrTUG}. \item To give the right to members to receive xerox copies (free of charge) of some pages of printed materials in the possession of the Board of Directors. \item To hold a conference with the participation of foreign \TeX perts. \end{itemize} } {\it CyrTUG\/} also informs its regular and potential members that, to become a full member of {\it CyrTUG}, the following entrance and annual fees must be paid through a savings bank or the postal service: {\small \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|} \hline & entrance & annual \\ \hline for individual members (regular) & 800 rb & 500 rb \\ \hline for full-time students & 400 rb & 250 rb \\ \hline for institutional membership: & & \\ \hline -- scientific and educational institutions & 17000 rb & 10000 rb \\ \hline -- other organisations & 42000 rb & 25000 rb \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} } \noindent For foreign citizens (outside C.I.S.), the entrance fee is set at DM50.-- (cash). This fee will be spent completely for the support of Russian specialists developing public domain \TeX ware. At present, there are two foreign citizens now members of {\it CyrTUG}. On presenting a copy of the payment check or money order and 20 360KB diskettes (for an individual member) or 40 360KB diskettes (for an institutional member), you will be supplied with the {\it CyrTUG\/} version of the \TeX\ package with Latin (English) and Cyrillic fonts (public domain) and the right to receive on-line support and necessary information. The difference in the number of diskettes is due to the fact that individual members are supplied with fonts only for dot-matrix printers while institutions are supplied, in addition, with fonts for laser printers. Institutional members are also supplied with M.\ Spivak's book ``The Joy of \TeX'' in English, free of charge. Each institute has the right to send 10 representatives to {\it CyrTUG\/} meetings. For further information, contact: \vspace{-.5pc} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcl} Executive Director: && \\ Irina Makhovaya, {\it CyrTUG} && \tt irina@mir.msk.su \\ Mir Publishers && Tel: 095 286-0622, 286-1777 \\ 2, Pervy\u\i\ Rizhski\u\i\ Pereulok, && \fax: 095 288-9522 \\ Moscow 129820, Russia && \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \subsection*{\UK-TuG~meeting: April 6th$\,$--$\,$8th} \vspace{-1.5pc} \begin{flushright} Philip Taylor \\ Royal Holloway and Bedford New College \\ {\tt P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk} \end{flushright} \noindent Originally scheduled for March 29th$\,$--$\,$31st in Glasgow, the \UK-TuG~meeting on ``\TeX\ for non-American languages; \MF~in theory and practice'' will be held a week later, and at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (`The Country Campus of the University of London'). The new date is timed to coincide with the beginning of Spring, when the campus is at its very finest. The programme is the same as previously announced; April~6th is reserved for travelling, registration and the conference dinner; April~7th will consist of a series of talks (with plenty of time for discussion) from an internationally famous panel of invited speakers, including Dominik Wujastyk (who, together with Graham Toal, is responsible for the authoritative U.K.\ hyphenation patterns, and who is also a Sanskrit scholar), Bernard Gaulle (until recently president of \GUTenberg, the French-speaking \TeX\ Users' Group, and an authority on good French typographic practice), and Yannis Haralambous (who is the author of Scholar\TeX, and a renowned authority on \MF). On April~8th, two concurrent \MF\ tutorials will take place, one on ``\MF\ in Theory'', led by Yannis, and one on ``\MF\ in Practice''. The former will be concerned with the design and implementation of new fonts through the medium of \MF, whilst the second will be more practical and aimed at answering questions such as ``How do I generate all the Computer Modern fonts at 600dpi for my new laser printer?''. Royal Holloway and Bedford New College is situated conveniently close to London Heathrow Airport, and is also served by regular fast trains from London Waterloo (circa 30 minutes). Accommodation will be en-suite, and all meals will be included in the price. For further information, contact Philip Taylor at: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lcl} The Computer Centre, {\small RHBNC} && Tel: +44 784 443172 \\ University of London && Fax: +44 784 434348 \\ Egham Hill, Egham && \\ Surrey TW20 0EX && {\tt P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk}\\ United Kingdom &&\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \subsection*{TUG\ts'93: 26th$\,$--$\,$30th July \hfill Birmingham, U.K.} \begin{center} \large\sl World-Wide Window on \TeX \end{center} \noindent The 14th Annual \TeX\ Users Group Meeting is coming soon! Aston University in Birmingham (United Kingdom) will be the venue for the 1993 \tug\ conference. Aston is the home of the `Aston Archive', one of the largest collections of electronic \TeX\ miscellanea in the known universe. The world-wide aspects of \TeX, \LaTeX\ and \MF\ are underlined by holding the conference at one of the main centres of the electronic web outside of North America, whilst windowing systems in various forms allow us to exploit more visually oriented methods of employing the \TeX\ tools. It is also hoped that there will be a contribution to the conference from the Didot project, further extending the range of topics to include digital typography and font creation. The conference will feature the normal paper presentations, whilst workshops, poster displays, courses, panels and `birds of a feather' sessions will also form integral components of the main conference. There will be a selection of \TeX\ Users Group courses organised in conjunction with the meeting. It is intended that courses will run both during the week preceding the conference and during the week following; the courses offered and their timetabling are not yet fixed, but we would hope at the very least to be able to offer courses (both intensive-introductory and advanced) on \TeX, \MF, and \LaTeX; other courses (e.g.~document design) are still being discussed. If you have a paper which you would like to present, please contact the programme committee {\em urgently\/} at {\tt TUG93-Proposals@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk} (see outside back cover for snail-mail address). Deadline for paper proposals is \dots\ was~\dots\ February 26th, 1993. \tug\ts'93 will take place on the Aston University campus in central Birmingham, with excellent travel connections. Birmingham is situated very conveniently for access to all parts of England, especially the Midlands areas including Stratford and Oxford, as well as much of Wales. Participants will be given details of local events and sightseeing suggestions, including a guide to the culinary treats offered by Birmingham's multi-ethnic society. Social events will include dinners, receptions, and a mystery trip to an unexpected face of Birmingham. Accompanying persons will be helped to have a rewarding time in the area, and will also be offered a beginners' course in \TeX; this course is available as well to those who would like a crash course in \TeX\ prior to the conference proper. The approximate cost of attendance at the conference itself will be \pounds 100, or \pounds 250 including accommodation and all meals apart from evening dinners. The normal accommodation provided will be on campus in the University student residences, but alternative arrangements (e.g.~for executive accommodation on campus, or hotel accommodation) are also possible; full details of these and other options are given on the booking form which is available on request. Full computer facilities, including electronic mail and network connections, will be available to participants. The rich holdings of the UK \TeX\ Archive will, of course, be easily accessible. The Conference Committee: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \it Chairman: & Peter Abbott \\ \it Administration: & Maureen Campbell \\ \it Programme: & Chris Rowley and Malcolm Clark \\ \it Editors: & Sebastian Rahtz and Mimi Burbank \\ \it Courses organiser: & Carol Hewlett \\ \it Publicity and demonstrations: & Philip Taylor \\ \it Social programme: & David Osborne \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{-1pc} \begin{flushright} Philip Taylor \\ \tug\ts'93 Committee \end{flushright} \subsection*{4 conferences to be held jointly: 11--15 April 1994} There will be a major gathering of people interested and involved in the burgeoning field of electronic document processing next year, 11--15 April, 1994, Darmstadt, Germany. The four international conferences are: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ll} \small EP94 & Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography \\ & Contact: {\tt ep94@gmd.de} \\ [2pt] \small RIDT94 & Raster Imaging and Digital Typography \\ & Contact: {\tt ridt94@irisa.fr} \\ [2pt] \small TEP94 & Teaching Electronic Publishing \\ & Contact: {\tt ltsdyson@uk.ac.reading} \\ [2pt] \small PODP94 & Principles of Document Processing \\ & Contact: {\tt podp94@cs.umd.edu} \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{6pt} \noindent Conference announcements are already being prepared. The schedule for the EP94 and RIDT94 portions include the following deadlines: submissions must be received by {\bf 15 August 1993}; decisions by the selection committee will be made known by 15 October 1993; and final version of papers must be submitted by 3 December 1993. Further information may be obtained by sending queries to the addresses provided above. \newpage %% Board Activities (p.23): \Section{TUG Board Activities} \begin{flushright} Christina Thiele \\ President, \TUG \end{flushright} \noindent Around the board table this year are some changes. With my taking on the position of president, we see the departure of Malcolm Clark from the board. Bernard Gaulle, as outlined elsewhere, will be replaced by Alain Cousquer as \GUTenberg's representative on the board. I first met Malcolm in the person of Cathy Booth --- she was acting as his proxy at the 1988 \tug\ meeting in Montreal, where I first joined the board. It seemed already then that Malcolm was well-known to many people there. I finally met him in person the following year, at \tug's 10th Anniversary meeting at Stanford. It was a very exciting time that year: the enthusiasm and zeal with which he approached \TeX\ (or rather, {$\tau\epsilon\chi$} --- first person I met who actually pronounced it that way) was great! And for anyone who's seen him give papers, that non-stop energy is very inspiring. While on the board, Malcolm served on a number of committees, including Local User Groups, Membership, Long Range Planning, and Publications. With his board activities now behind him, that enthusiasm is sure to be back in full swing at Aston and elsewhere. It was also at Stanford where I first met Bernard, along with the representatives of other European user groups: Roswitha Graham of the Nordic group, Kees van der Laan for the Dutch, and Joachim Lammarsch for the German-speaking user group. I remember sitting at a board meeting-cum-luncheon, and seeing Bernard with this rather puzzled, yet bemused expression on his face --- ``so this is what a board is like, with 27 people'' or something like that. In addition to his duties as president of \GUTenberg, which he began in 1984, Bernard also found time to be on the Conference Planning committee. I've enjoyed his presence, and I will miss his thoughtful participation and direct approach. Nevertheless, one must move on. These two men have many new projects on their plates. Their contributions to \tug\ have been considerable, and their continued presence within the \TeX\ community will certainly be followed with interest. \vfill \begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{tabular}{||c||} \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf Next Board Meeting} \\ \hline 24--25 July, at \tug\ts'93 \\ Aston University, Birmingham, England \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \newpage %% TUG Courses for 1993 (p.24): \Section{\Large\bf \TeX\ Users Group \\ 1993 Course Schedule} \vspace{-.5pc} \noindent\begin{tabular}{llll} \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Beginning/Intermediate \TeX*} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Intensive Course in \LaTeX*} \\ \quad Boston & April 19--23 & \quad San Francisco & March 1--5 \\ \quad San Diego & June 14--18 & \quad Boston & April 26--30 \\ \quad Boston & August 9--13 & \quad Ottawa & August 23--27 \\ \quad Chicago & Oct.\ 18--22 & \quad Boston & Oct.\ 25--29 \\ [3pt] \cline{2-3} \noalign{\vskip4pt} \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Modifying \LaTeX\ Style Files*} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Adv'd \TeX\ and Macro Writing*} \\ \quad San Diego & June 7--11 & \quad San Diego & June 21--25 \\ & & \quad Boston & Nov.\ 1--5 \\ [3pt] \cline{2-3} \noalign{\vskip4pt} \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl \TeX\ for Publishers} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Practical SGML and \TeX*} \\ \quad San Francisco & March 8 & \quad San Francisco & March 9--10 \\ \quad Boston & March 22 & \quad Boston & Nov.\ 8--9 \\ \quad New York City & June 9 \\ \quad Washington, DC & Nov.\ 12 \\ [3pt] \cline{2-3} \noalign{\vskip4pt} \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Book and Document Design} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\sl SGML and \TeX\ for} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\sl with \TeX\qquad} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\sl Publishers*} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Boston\quad Sept.\ 23--24} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{New York\quad Nov.\ 10} \\ [3pt] \cline{2-3} \noalign{\vskip4pt} \multicolumn{4}{c}{\footnotesize *Lab classes --- computers will be provided for all students.} \\ \end{tabular} \vspace{6pt} \hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule \begin{itemize} \itemsep=-2pt \item \tug\ courses are small, with 8--15 students in most classes, and are held at major hotels. \item The dates and locations above are tentative --- for more information, contact the \TUG\ at 805-963-1338 or send a fax to 805-963-8358. \end{itemize} \hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule \vspace{6pt} \begin{center} \large\bf On-Site Courses in \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ from \TUG\ \end{center} \begin{itemize} \itemsep=-2pt \item Courses in \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, {\small SGML} and \TeX, PostScript, or \TeX{} for Publishers tailored to the needs of your group \item Courses at every level from beginning to advanced \item Five full days of instruction at your site \item One-week course fee includes all instructor fees and expenses plus textbooks and other materials for up to 15 students \item If a properly equipped training facility is not available, \tug\ will arrange computer rentals and supply \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} software \end{itemize} \newpage %% Upcoming Events (pp.25-26): \Section{Upcoming Events} \begin{center} {\tabcolsep3pt \setbox 0 = \hbox {\bf 4--12 March} \dimen 0 = \hsize \advance \dimen 0 by -6\tabcolsep \advance \dimen 0 by -\wd 0 \advance \dimen 0 by -4.8 cm \begin{tabular}{p{\wd 0}p{4.8cm}p{\dimen 0}} \hline \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 1 March & {\bf Knuth Scholarship}:\nl Deadline for 1993 submissions.\nl (see Cover 2 for address) & Knuth Scholar.\ Committee\nl \careof \tug\ Office\nl {\tt tug@math.ams.org} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 9--12 March & {\small\bf DANTE'93}:\nl General Meeting,\nl Chemnitz (near Dresden). & Dr.\ Wolfgang Riedel\nl {\tt wolfgang.riedel@hrz.tu-}\nl {\tt chemnitz.de} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 1 April & {\bf EPodd} deadline.\nl Call for papers for special issue of {\it Electronic Publishing: Origination, Dissemination and Design on Active Documents}\nl (see \TUB\ 13, no.\ 4, p.\ 532 for details). & Vincent Quint \nl {\small INRIA/IMAG} \nl 2, rue de Vignate \nl F-38610 Gieres, France \nl \tt quint@imag.fr \nl Tel: +33 76 63 48 31 \nl \fax: +33 76 54 76 15 \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 7--8 April & {\small\bf UKTUG}:\nl ``\TeX\ for non-American Lan\-guages''. Conference and tutor\-ials, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (see pp.\ 19--20). & Phil Taylor\nl {\tt p.taylor@vax.rhbnc.ac.uk} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf May & {\small\bf UKTUG}:\nl Visit to John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, England & David Murphy {\tt d.v.murphy@}\nl {\tt computer-science.}\nl {\tt birmingham.ac.uk} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 10 June & {\small\bf NTG}:\nl 11th Annual Meeting: ``From Font to Book''. Royal Dutch Meteorological Inst., De Bilt. & Theo Jurriens\nl {\tt taj@astro.rug.nl} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip2pt} & & \hfill cont'd \dots \\ \end{tabular} \newpage \begin{tabular}{p{\wd 0}p{4.8cm}p{\dimen 0}} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 16--18 June & {\small\bf SSP93}:\nl 15th Annual Meeting: ``What Will We Be Tomorrow?'' Society for Scholarly Publishing\nl Hyatt Crystal City,\nl Washington, D.C. & {\small SSP}, 10200 W 44th Ave., \#304, Wheat Ridge, CO\nl 80033, USA\nl Tel: 303-422-3914\nl \fax: 303-422-8894 \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 16--19 June & {\small\bf ACH-ALLC93}:\nl Joint int'l.\ conference: Assoc.\ for Computers and the Humanities and the Assoc.\ for Literary and Linguistic Computing\nl Georgetown University,\nl Washington, D.C. & Dr.\ Michael Neuman \nl {\tt Neuman@Guvax.bitnet} or \nl {\tt Neuman@Guvax.Georgetown.} \nl {\tt edu} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 26--29 July & {\small\bf TUG\ts'93}:\nl ``World Wide Window on \TeX''\nl 14th Annual Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, \uk.\nl (details on pp.\ 20--21; Cover 4) & Chris Rowley, {\tt ca\_rowley} \nl {\tt @vax.acs.open.ac.uk} \nl Malcolm Clark \nl {\tt malcolmc@wmin.ac.uk} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 15 Aug. & {\small\bf EP94}, {\small\bf RIDT94} deadline:\nl Call for papers for major joint conference in Darmstadt, Germany, 11--15 April 1994. (see p.\ 22 for details). & {\small EP94}: {\tt ep94@gmd.de} \nl {\small RIDT94}: {\tt ridt94@irisa.fr} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \noalign{\vskip4pt} \bf 18 Nov. & {\small\bf NTG}:\nl 12th Annual Meeting: ``\La(\TeX) User Environment''. {\small OC\'E}, Den Bosch. & Gerard van Nes\nl {\tt vannes@ecn.nl} \\ \noalign{\vskip4pt} \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} \vspace{1pc} \noindent {\bf Note}: Also consult the ``Calendar'' in the previous issue of \TUB\ for more dates and details. \vfill \begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{tabular}{||ll||} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf TUG Office} \\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf New Phone/FAX Numbers} \\ \hline Phone number: & 805-963-1338 \\ Fax number: & 805-963-8358 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \newpage %% Other User Groups (pp.27-28) \twocolumn[\section*{Other \TeX\ User Groups} The following information has been culled from previous issues of \ttn\ and from the 1991 Resource Directory (pp.\ 119--125). Any groups not listed are invited to contact the editor. \vspace{1pc} ] {\raggedright \begin{description} \itemsep=0pt \item [Cs{\small\bf TUG}] (Czech) \\ Ji\v r\'\i\ Vesel\'y, President \v Ceskoslovensk\'e sdru\v zen\'\i\ u\v zivatel\accent'27u \TeX u \\ Cs\tug, c/o {\small M\'UK UK} \\ Sokolovsk\'a 83 \\ CS-186 00 Praha 8, Czechoslovakia \\ {\tt jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet} \item [Cyr{\small\bf TUG}] (Russian) \\ Irina Makhovaya, Executive Director \\ Associaciia Pol'zovatele\u\i\ Ki\-rillicheskogo \TeX'a \\ Mir Publishers \\ 2, Pervy\u\i\ Rizhski\u\i\ Pereulok \\ Moscow 129820, Russia \\ Tel:\enspace\ 095 286-0622, 286-1777 \\ \fax: 095 288-9522 \\ {\tt irina@mir.msk.su} \item [{\small\bf DANTE}] (German-speaking) \\ Joachim Lammarsch, President \\ Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V. \\ Postfach 10 18 40 \\ {\small BRD}-6900 Heidelberg 1 \\ \fax: 06221/56 55 40 \\ {\tt dante@dhdurz1.bitnet} \item [Estonian User Group] \mbox{} \\ Enn Saar, Tartu \\ Astrophysical Observatory, Toravere \\ {\small EE}2444 Estonia \\ {\tt saar@aai.tartu.ew.su} \newpage \item [{\small\bf GUST}] (Polish) \\ Hanna Ko\l odziejska, President \\ Polska Grupa U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX \\ Instytut Bada\'n Systemowych {\small PAN} \\ ul.\ Newelska 6 \\ 01-447 Warszawa, Poland \\ Internet: {\tt gust@camk.edu.pl} \\ Bitnet: {\tt gust@plcamk61} \item [{\small\bf GUT}enberg] (French-speaking) \\ Alain Cousquer, Interim President \\ Group francophone des Utilisateurs de \TeX \\ Association \GUTenberg \\ BP 21 \\ F-78354 Jouy en Josas Cedex, France \item [Nordic \TeX\ Group] (Scandinavian Countries) \\ Roswitha Graham \\ {\small KTH} (Royal Institute of Technology) \\ {\small DAB} \\ S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden \\ {\tt roswitha@admin.kth.se} \item [{\small\bf NTG}] (Dutch-speaking) \\ Kees van der Laan, Chair \\ Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep \\ Postbus 394 \\ NL-1740 AJ Schagen \\ The Netherlands, {\tt cgl@rug86.rug.nl} \newpage \item [Sib{\small\bf TUG}] (Siberian TUG) \\ Dr.\ Anatoly Urvantsev, Chairman\\ Computing Center \\ prosp.\ Lavrent'eva 6 \\ Novosibirsk 630090, Russia \\ Tel:\enspace\ (3832) 350-454 \\ \fax: (3832) 324-259 \\ {\tt uran@isi.itfs.nsk.su} \item [{\small\bf TUG}] (International user group) \\ Christina Thiele, President \\ \TeX\ Users Group \\ P.O.\ Box 869 \\ Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA \\ Tel:\enspace\ ** 805-963-1338 **\footnote{{\bf Note}: NEW phone and fax numbers.} \\ \fax: ** 805-963-8358 ** \\ {\tt tug@math.ams.org} \newpage \item [\UK-TuG] (United Kingdom) \\ Peter Abbott, Chairman \\ {\small UK} \TeX\ Users' Group \\ Information Services \\ Aston University \\ Aston Triangle \\ Birmingham B4 7ET, England \\ Tel: +44 21 359 5492 \\ {\tt p.abbott@aston.ac.uk} \end{description} } %% end of \raggedright \onecolumn \newpage %% Cover 3 (Table of Contents): \pagestyle{empty} \begin{center} {\Sectionfont \TeX{} and TUG NEWS\\ \medskip Table of Contents} \end{center} \vspace{1pc} \contentsline {section}{{\it Editorial}}{1} \medskip \contentsline {section}{Typographer's Inn \\ \indent {\em Peter Flynn}}{3} \medskip \contentsline {section}{New Publications \\ \indent {\em Peter Schmitt}}{6} \medskip \contentsline {section}{``Hey --- it works!''\\ \indent Experiences with tables \quad {\em Claudio Beccari}}{7} \medskip \contentsline {section}{\AllTeX\ News \\ \indent DC Fonts: Questions and Answers (II) \quad {\em Yannis Haralambous}}{10} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace \ttn\ electronic distribution \quad {\em Chris Carruthers}}{13} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Files to print up font tables \quad {\em Christina Thiele}}{13} \medskip \contentsline {section}{News from Around \ldots \\ \indent uk $\longrightarrow$ ue \quad {\em Malcolm Clark}}{14} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace News from \GUTenberg\ \quad {\em Alain Cousquer}}{15} \medskip \contentsline {section}{Reports on Meetings \\ \indent BoF session at TUG'92 \quad {\em Paula Gudder}}{16} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace NTG meeting: 19 Nov.\ 1991 \quad {\em Kees van der Laan}}{16} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace News about Cyr\tug\ and Russian \TeX\ users \quad {\em Irina Makhovaya}}{17} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace \UK-TuG meeting: April 6th--8th \quad {\em Philip Taylor}}{19} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace \tug\ts'93: 26th--30th July \quad {\em Philip Taylor}}{20} \contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace 4 conferences to be held jointly: 11--15 April 1994}{22} \medskip \contentsline {section}{\tug\ Board Activities}{23} \medskip \contentsline {section}{\TUG\ 1993 Course Schedule}{24} \medskip \contentsline {section}{Upcoming Events}{25} \medskip \contentsline {section}{Other \TeX\ User Groups}{27} \vspace{2pc} \begin{center} \bf Volume 2, No.\ 1, 1993 \end{center} \newpage %% Cover 4 (TUG'93 announcement): \pagestyle{empty} \raggedright \frenchspacing \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \rightskip 0pt plus1fil minus0pt \font\Fib cmfib8 scaled \magstep3 \font\ffib cmfib8 scaled \magstep1 \leftline{\ffib TUG\ts'93} {\baselineskip=16pt \begin{center} {\Fib World Wide Window on \TeX} \\ \ffib 14th Annual \TeX\ Users Group Meeting \\ Aston University, Birmingham, UK \\ July 26th\ts--\ts 30th, 1993 \\ \end{center} \par} Aston University in Birmingham (United Kingdom) will be the venue for the 1993 \tug\ conference. The world-wide aspects of \TeX, \LaTeX\ and \MF\ are underlined by holding the conference at one of the main centres of the electronic web outside of North America, whilst windowing systems in various forms allow us to exploit more visually oriented methods of employing the \TeX\ tools. The Aston University campus is in central Birmingham, which has excellent travel connections. Birmingham is situated very conveniently for access to all parts of England, especially the Midlands areas including Stratford and Oxford, as well as much of Wales. Social events will include dinners, receptions, and a mystery trip to an unexpected face of Birmingham. Participants will be given details of local events and sightseeing suggestions, including a guide to the culinary treats offered by Birmingham's multi-ethnic society. The conference will feature the normal paper presentations, whilst workshops, poster displays, courses, panels and `birds of a feather' sessions will also form integral components. There will be a selection of \TeX\ Users Group courses organised in conjunction with the meeting, which will take place during the week preceding and the week following the conference proper. Requests for further information (full details of costs, accommodation options, conference registration forms, etc.), as well as requests for space for demonstrations and displays, should all be sent to the following address, as should completed forms and any other written correspondence: \vspace{-6pt} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} Peter Abbott & {\it phone:} & +44 21 359 5492 \\ Information Services & {\it fax:} & +44 21 359 6158 \\ Aston University & \\ Aston Triangle & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\tt TUG93-Enquiries@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk} \\ Birmingham B4 7ET & \\ United Kingdom & \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{-6pt} Full computer facilities, including electronic mail and network connections, will be available to participants. The rich holdings of the UK \TeX\ Archive will, of course, be easily accessible. \vfill \noindent {\bf Important details inside:} Read more about \tug\ts'93 in this issue (p.\ 20--21). \end{document} %% END OF FILE