%% IMPORTANT NOTICE: You *MUST* use this version 1.4 of tugnews.sty %% dated Nov. 1992 in order to run vol.1, no.4 of %% _TeX and TUG NEWS_. (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN). %% \input report.sty %% default report style, 10pt font \typeout{Version 1.4 -- Nov. 92} \textwidth=29pc \textheight=43pc \voffset=-2pc \overfullrule=0pt \hfuzz=5pt \font\Sectionfont=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep2 %% \Large = 14.40pt %% \Subsectionfont and \bsl aren't used in TTN 1,3: %% \font\Subsectionfont=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep1 %% \large = 12pt \font\subsectionbit=cmbxti10 scaled\magstep1 %% bold italic 12pt %% \font\bsl=cmbxsl10 %% bold slant 10pt \font\unsl=cmu10 %% unslant 10pt for %% upright pound sign %% Test for NFSS, as suggested by Johannes Braams (cjc, 1992.10) \ifx\undefined\selectfont % If NFSS is not preloaded, do nothing. \else % If NFSS has been preloaded, we need the following: % \font\tenmi=cmmi10 % or better yet: \def\tenmi{\fontfamily{cmm}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{it}% \fontsize{10}{12pt}\selectfont} \fi \newcommand{\Section}[1]{\section*{\centering% \hrule\hrule \vskip.5pc {\Sectionfont #1} \vskip.5pc \hrule\hrule \vskip1pc } } %% The following macro hasn't been used since the prototype: %% Reggie's \Subsection (6 MAY 91): %% 15 JAN 92: not used in 1,1 %% \newcommand{\Subsection}[1]{\subsection*{\centering% %% \centerline{\vrule width 6cm height .5pt} \vskip 6pt %% {{\Subsectionfont #1}} %% \centerline{\vrule width 6cm height .5pt} \vskip 6pt %% } %% } %% 11 JAN 92: added \bibentry, a hanging indent biblio style (Ch.) \newcommand{\bibentry}{\hangindent=\parindent \hangafter=1 \noindent \sloppy \clubpenalty500 \widowpenalty500 \frenchspacing } %% 3 FEB 92: Jackie Damrau provided this: \newenvironment{Address}{\begin{verse}}% {\end{verse}} %% Abbreviations and Logos (some copped from tugboat.cmn): %% for the METAFONT logo font: \font\manual=manfnt %% logo10 \def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}} \def\fax{{\small FAX}} \def\isbn{{\small ISBN}} \def\issn{{\small ISSN}} \def\ntg{{\small NTG}} \def\TTN{{\sl\TeX{} and TUG NEWS\/}} \def\ttn{{\small TTN}} \def\TUB{{\sl TUGboat\/}} \def\TUG{\TeX{} Users Group} \def\tug{{\small TUG}} \def\uk{{\small UK}} \def\pounds{{\unsl\$}} %% added 15 OCT 92 (Ch.) %% 4 FEB 92: improved versions of LaTeX, and (La)TeX macros: \newcount\TestCount \def\La{\TestCount=\the\fam \leavevmode L\raise.42ex \hbox{$\fam\TestCount\scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$}} \def\LaTeX{\La\kern-.15em\TeX} \def\AllTeX{{(\La)\TeX}} \def\AmSTeX{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX} \def\AmSLaTeX{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\LaTeX} \def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025emb}\kern-.08em\TeX}} \def\careof{\leavevmode\hbox{\raise.75ex\hbox{c}\kern-.15em % /\kern-.125em\smash{\lower.3ex\hbox{o}}} \ignorespaces} /\kern-.125em\smash{\lower.3ex\hbox{o}}}~} \def\ILaTeX{I\LaTeX} %% The following only used in TTN 1,1 %% \def\TeCH{{\rm T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em{\sf CH}}} \def\TeXline{{\TeX\kern-0.1em line}} %% Miscellaneous: \hyphenation{Karls-ruhe} \let\ts=\thinspace \let\nl=\newline %% CHANGES FROM ttn1-1.sty TO ttn1-2.sty: %% 25 MAY 92: changed \smc to \sc in \BiBTeX def'n (Ch.) %% added \AmSLaTeX def'n (Ch.) %% 14 JUN 92: added \TeXline def (Ch.) %% CHANGES from ttn1-2.sty TO ttn1-3.sty: %% 10 SEP 92: Jackie added {ttnlist} %% 30 SEP 92: added macros for common {\small CAPS} abbrevs. %% 15 SEP 92: redef'd \pounds to produce UPRIGHT pound sign %% CHANGES from ttn1-3.sty to ttn1-4.sty: %% 10 NOV 92: NFSS switch added by Chris Carruthers %% (suggestion and code from Johannes Braams) %% 11 NOV 92: added \ntg (Ch.)