%% The following file was referenced in TTN 2,1:13 (Ch. Thiele) %% % File EFONTTAB.TEX % English version last revised on 27 febr. 1995 % % Claudio Beccari -- Dipartimento di Elettronica % Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy % % Purpose: % The program prepares a table of all the font characters in a % 256-symbol table similar to the ones that appear in the TeXbook % % Instructions at the end % \documentstyle{article} \addtolength{\textheight}{100pt} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-40pt} \makeatletter \newcount\Nfont \Nfont=1 \newtoks\Mfont %\newtoks\nomefont \def\Stop{stop} \def\introduci{\typeout{}\typeout{} \typein[\Font]{Font name [to finish enter stop] } \ifx\Font\Stop\let\NeXt\stop\else\let\NeXt\tabella\fi \NeXt} \newcount\bEc {% \catcode`\"=\active \catcode`\;=\active \catcode`\'=\active \gdef'{\tt\char39\relax} \gdef"{\tt\char34\relax} \gdef;{\char\bEc\global\advance\bEc by 1&} \gdef\MakeActive{\catcode`\"=\active \catcode`\;=\active \catcode`\'=\active} \gdef\dline#1#2#3{'#1&;;;;;;;;\cr \multispan9{\hrulefill}&\raisebox{-0,6ex}[0pt][0pt]{"#3}\cr '#2&;;;;;;;;\cr\hline} \gdef\firstline{ & '0 & '1 & '2 & '3 & '4 & '5 & '6 & '7 & \cr } \gdef\lastline{ & "8 & "9 & "A & "B & "C & "D & "E & "F & } } \def\tabella{\newpage \Mfont=\expandafter{\romannumeral\Nfont} \edef\nomefont{font\the\Mfont} \edef\nomefont{\expandafter\csname\nomefont\endcsname} \expandafter\font\nomefont=\Font \begin{center}\nomefont \MakeActive \bEc=0 \def\arraystretch{1.3} % \makebox[0pt]{% \begin{tabular}{@{}c|*8{c|}c@{}} \firstline \hline \dline{00}{01}{0} \dline{02}{03}{1} \dline{04}{05}{2} \dline{06}{07}{3} \dline{10}{11}{4} \dline{12}{13}{5} \dline{14}{15}{6} \dline{16}{17}{7} \dline{20}{21}{8} \dline{22}{23}{9} \dline{24}{25}{A} \dline{26}{27}{B} \dline{30}{31}{C} \dline{32}{33}{D} \dline{34}{35}{E} \dline{36}{37}{F} \lastline \end{tabular}} \par \nobreak\bigskip {\rm Font: \Font.}\\*[20pt] ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ \\* abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \end{center}\advance\Nfont 1\introduci} \begin{document} \introduci \end{document} % % % It runs under LaTeX and is interactive so as to let you prepare % as many font tables as you whish in just one run % % Usage: % Run the program by entering % % latex fonttab % % The program will prompt you for a font name: % % Font name [to finish enter stop] % \Font= % % Enter the font name you want to try, for example dcu10, or emu10, or ... % % The program will produce the font table corresponding to the chosen font % and will ask you another font name; keep entering as many font names you % want and finish by entering the word stop at the font name prompt. % That's it. ^^^^ % % When you have your .dvi file "efonttab.dvi" print it by means of your % printer driver. Be aware that you might have the font metric file (.tfm) % for the chosen font, but you might lack the corresponding pixel files, so % that your table will be empty or contain a subtitution font according to % your setup. % % Be sure also that your printer driver handles correctly 256 character % fonts and/or virtual fonts.