\centerline{\bf Thanks} \medskip {\parskip1.5pt\parindent0pt This issue of \TeXline\ would not have been possible without: Barbara Beeton, AMS, |bnb@com.ams.seed| Janusz Bie\'n, Warsaw University Cathy Booth, Exeter University,\hfil\break\hfill |cm.booth@uk.ac.exeter| Adrian Clark (no relation), Essex University,\hfil\break\hfill |alien@uk.ac.essex.ese| Bijan Djahansouzi, Aeronautics Dept, Imperial College Bernard Gaulle, {\sc circe}-Orsay,\hfil\break |ucir001@frors31.bitnet| Carol Hewlett, LSE, |hewlett@uk.ac.lse.vaxb| Roger Horne, Lincoln's Inn, 01 405 1266 Brendan Molloy, Imperial College,\hfil\break\hfill |b.molloy@uk.ac.ic.cc.vaxa| Bill Noble, Vardas, 0272 428709 Stephen Pollock, Economics Dept, QMC Sebastian Rahtz, Southampton University,\hfil\break\hfill |spqr@uk.ac.soton.cm| Chris Rowley, Open University, \hfil\break\hfill|ca_rowley@uk.ac.ou.vaxa| Rainer Rupprecht, Universit\"at Karlsruhe, \hfil\break |rz32@dkauni48| Laurent Siebenmann, Universit\'e de Paris-Sud, \hfil\break\hfill010 33 69 41 7049 Maria Tuck, The Independent, 01 253 1222 Dominik Wujastyk, Wellcome Institute,\hfil\break\hfill |wujastyk@uk.ac.ucl.euclid| }