\centerline{\bf SGMLware} \medskip \noindent {\it SGML An Author's Guide to the Standard Genralized Markup Language, Martin Bryan, 364pp, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, \quid21.95, {\sc isbn:} 0 201 17535 5.} \smallskip \noindent {\it SoftQuad Author/Editor: (an SGML application for the Macintosh conforming to the ISO standard). Evaluation copy available from SOBEMAP for {\sl\$}35.} \smallskip \noindent {\it SGML: the User's Guide to ISO 8879, Joan M. Smith \& Robert Stutely, 175pp, Ellis Horwood Publishers, \quid22.50, {\sc isbn:} 0 7458 0221 4.} \smallskip\noindent Bryan's book is a very welcome addition to the range of \sgml-related products now available. But it is not what it says it is. It is not `an author's guide'. I would no more give this book to a prospective author than I would give him or her the \TeXbook{}. In fact, he or she would probably get a lot further with the \TeXbook, but this is more a feature of \sgml{}. Given that both \sgml\ and \LaTeX\ are (to some extent) concerned with document structure to the exclusion of layout, Lamport's book does allow someone to do something fairly quickly. You will have to work hard before you can get anything out of \sgml{}. Why? Essentially, \sgml\ is in a similar position to that of \TeX\ in 1978--84, when each user of \TeX\ also had to provide his or her own `base' --- all the things we take for granted in a plain or \LaTeX\ format (times were hard then, you don't realise how easy you have it now). \sgml\ requires a DTD (a document type definition), which is rather close in concept to a \LaTeX\ style. There are a few `public', or publicised DTDs, but not so many, and so you cannot guarantee that someone else shares yours (except by enclosing it as part of your document). The commercial aspect of \sgml\ contrasts interestingly with \TeX's public domain approach. While adherence to the public domain presents some problems, \sgml's embedding within the commercial world presents others. The availability and distribution of DTDs could be an issue here. I suspect that widespread use of \sgml\ will not be acheived until there are a fair number of publicly available, well-documented DTDs. Of course, if you are involved in the bureaucracy of the EEC, or the US DoD, you will have to use \sgml\ anyway (which is why \sgml\ will succeed, irrespective of any intrinsic merits). But Bryan's book is useful, and provides a readable account of the language. It is a bit matter of fact --- opinions or explanations rarely intrude. The examples are rather limited and it can be tricky to work out how to do other things. There are no exercises, often a useful way to test your comprehension. Another key problem with \sgml\ is that it is a statement of a `standard', not a description of a working implementation. In other words, you can't go and try things out on a convenient working system: since the implementations are commercial, you'll have to pay. There is a cheap alternative. SoftQuad's Author/Editor (obtainable through Sobemap) is available in an evaluation copy, for only \$35.00. This allows you to develop some feeling for \sgml, using some prepackaged DTDs. The evaluation copy retricts you to a fairly short document, but nevertheless it is a very useful starting point. The manual which accompanies the software is probably worth the \$35. The full price is \$715.00, and obviously does not suffer the same restrictions. \sgml\ has strengths and weaknesses. One of its weaknesses is its inadequate handling of `penalty copy'. To set maths you can opt out by using an entity declaration which says that `this bit will be done in \TeX' (or some other suitable system). If you are going to do this, you may ask why not use \TeX\ entirely (or \LaTeX, since the boundary is more blurred here). In fact it would not be so difficult to create a \TeX\ format which looked like \sgml. The chief difficulty, it seems to me, is \sgml's `tag minimisation', where you don't have to end a tag, if logically another tag implies that it must have terminated its scope. To take an example, in \TeX\ we might start a bit of display maths with the double dollar delimiter, do a bit of maths, then have a heading. Since a heading (logically) cannot exist in maths mode, maths mode is terminated before the heading is processed. I think this is dreadful. It suits compositors who are obsessed with keystroke ninimisation, but for the casual user this is a nightmare. Tables are difficult too. Note that both maths and tables require a bit of `conceptual' formatting --- there is an implied layout. Since the core of \sgml\ denies the relevance of layout or format, being concerned `only' with structure, handling anything with layout structure is obviously a real problem. (Curiously formatting commands are creeping into \sgml, just as some structural notions are creeping into Ventura and PageMaker.) As you may guess, Bryan's account of \TeX\ is neither extensive nor fulsome and he makes the rather curious claim that ``experience has shown that \TeX\ programs cannot always be simply transferred between machines''. It is unclear wherher he is referring to \TeX\ the program or to a text file to be run through \TeX{}. More perplexing is Bryan's omission of any discussion of \LaTeX{}. This is doubly odd since he is aware of Reid's Scribe. The introduction attempts, but does not succeed, in providing some good reasons why you should use \sgml{}. This is a pity, if the intention is to encourage the novice or casual potential user to embark on \sgml. In short, despite my reservations and criticisms, I can recommend the book. It is a solid description of the language. It is generally readable, with an adequate index. It is easily the most accessible book on the subject. But do not be fooled by the title. It is more accurately described as `a Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language'. Forget the `Author'. Smith and Stutely's book also claims to be a Guide to the \sgml\ standard. The necessity of their book was a reflection of the inadequacy of the standard. The book has five parts. One of them is an index --- an index to the standard, not one to the book! For me, the most useful part is the third part, `Character Entities and Graphic Representations'. This includes a list of almost all conceivable characters which we might want to use. Unfortunately the naming convention does not quite parallel \TeX\ or \AmSTeX\ (mainly because the names are restricted to six characters, so that what Smith \& Stutely call |angmsd| is called |\measuredangle| by \AmSTeX). But at last there is a reasonably comprehensive list of symbols used in printing. I can't see anything they have missed, except perhaps the \Mac\ symbol I sometimes use. If you are an \sgml\ user, this is really an essential adjunct to the standard. On its own, it is of rather limited value. Taken together these two books and the software must be welcomed. They make \sgml\ much more accessible to those outside the \sgml\ laager. It is a pity that critical evaluation of \sgml\ is limited to a few heretics, and that we tend to accept `standards' (real and {\it de facto\/}) so uncritically. \smallskip \rightline{\sl Malcolm Clark}