{\input pounds \def \itp{{\it \$}} \def \uitp{{\tenu \$}} % Upright pound sign for demo \def\footnoterule{} % % \tenpoint\rm \centerline{\bf Noughts and Crosses} \medskip\noindent I discovered \TeX\ as a result of breaking my leg. I needed something to read in hospital and, having read a review of \TB\ in {\it Byte\/}, purchased a copy. I was hooked, but it took me another year to get \TeX\ working. During that time I acquired an Acorn {\it Archimedes\/} and the Stanford tapes and spent a long time trying to persuade \TeX\ to run. However, while {\Tangle} tangles itself, compiles and runs without difficulty, and \TeX\ tangles and compiles, {\IniTeX} seems to be too large a program to compile on a one-megabyte Archie. I find this surprising (but perhaps this is because I am a lawyer rather than a computer professional and so don't understand these things). It seems from Volume B of {\it Computers \& Typesetting} and from the {\Tangle} documentation that a lot of the procedures and functions in {\IniTeX} are surplus --- after all, no-one uses {\IniTeX} for actual typesetting. I accordingly spent many hours chopping ``unnecessary'' parts out of the Pascal code, with extremely interesting, but largely unsuccessful, results. At this stage I took to heart the advice Malcolm Clark gave in \TeXline\ No.~6, and tried asking a human. Naturally I chose Malcolm. Within a fortnight I was parted from my money and attending \TeX 88 and there I was introduced to Graham Toal who kindly transferred his version of Common \TeX\ to my machine. I am delighted with the results, and it does seem to be quite fast. The Professor claims in the {\Tangle} documentation that \TeX\ will \TeX\ \TeX{} on a DEC~10 in 3600 seconds, that is to say, roughly an hour. Common \TeX\ on the {\it Archimedes} takes approximately 19 minutes, 58.16 seconds. Malcolm himself won the prize for the best paper delivered at the Conference, which he called ``Whither \TeX?'' or ``Why has \TeX\ not taken over the world?''. He drew our attention to the fact that \TeX\ is mainly used by academics and not by those of us in the outside world, and those of us out here tend to have no contact with you lot. I agree, but the reason why \TeX\ has not taken over the British Isles is, it seems to me, far simpler. Plain \TeX\ is intended to be used with the Computer Roman fonts. But these fonts were designed by someone who, it seems, had never heard of the ``special relationship''. Who in the British Isles, apart from the occasional Spaniard or homesick Australian wants to typeset a Spanish Shriek, whatever that may be?` However, although academics consider that money is something that should not be discussed in public, most of us in the outside world frequently need to use a pound sign. Many Americans apparently do not know what a pound sign is. Even the Index to \TB\ says ``pound sign, {\it see\/} hash mark'' (see also {\bf Macros for Outlining} by James W.~Walker in {\sc TUGboat} Volume 9, No.~1, p.~61: ``I chose to mark a new topic with a pound sign (\#)''). Exercise 9.7 in \TB\ says that ``in plain \TeX's italic font, the `\$' sign comes out as`{\it \$\/}'. This gives you a way to refer to pounds sterling''. Wow. And this comes from someone who at the end of the \TeX book exhorts us to ``{\sc Go Forth} now and create {\sl masterpieces of the publishing art!\/}''. An italic pound sign looks awful: {\obeylines \itp 396, \itp943.56, \itp0.87. } In an article in \TeX niques No.~6, Christina Thiele pointed out that the unslanted italic font contains an unslanted pound sign, and this is considerably better than the normal version: {\obeylines \uitp 396, \uitp943.56, \uitp0.87. } \noindent However, it is only available directly, that is to say, without using magnified fonts, in the ten-point size. Further I still find it subjectively wrong. It is too high, and in some fonts too far away from the money. For some reason it seems better for the lower squiggle of the pound to descend below the baseline, which is, of course, the way that the pound sign is used in longhand. My own macros therefore put the pound sign into an |\hbox| which is then shifted in the appropriate directions. Traditionally lawyers in this country have tended to use 12-point type with footnotes at a smaller size, and so I have modified the size-switching {\tt manmac} macros in Appendix E of the \TeX book to provide me with what I consider to be reasonable pound signs in various sizes, although I have found that the different sizes require different amounts of correction to be added: \par 12-point Roman:\nl \indent{\twelvepoint\pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87}\nl \indent{12-point Slanted:}\nl \indent{\twelvepoint\sl\pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87}\nl \indent{12-point Italic:}\nl \indent{\twelvepoint\it\pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87}\nl \indent{\rm 10-point Roman:}\nl \indent\indent\pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87\nl \indent{10-point Slanted:}\nl \indent\indent{\sl \pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87}\nl \indent{10-point Italic:}\nl \indent\indent{\it\pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87} \par\noindent It will be seen that I find that the position of the pound sign can even be improved in the sloping fonts. So far as the bold font is concerned, the italic pound sign looks distinctly odd: %\noindent \bf \pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87 {\def\bpounds{{\tenbfit\$}} \bf \bpounds 396, \bpounds 943.56, \bpounds 0.87} \noindent A version using ``poor man's bold'' (page 386 of \TB) can be used, but is far from perfect: {\bf \pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87} \noindent The typewriter font has an italic poundsign, but it is quite ghastly. In 12-point the upright italic 10-point pound sign can be used at a pinch: {\def\pounds{{\twelvetiit\ttpo}} 12-point, tt-style pound sign:\nl \indent{\twelvepoint\tt \pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87}\nl {\def\pounds{{\tenu\$}} \indent10-point, upright italic pound sign:\nl \indent\indent\tt\pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87} \noindent Some people might consider that a version using ``extremely poor man's bold'' (or ``somewhat gaunt and undernourished man's bold'') was better: {\def\pounds{{\epmb\$}} 10-point ``epmb'' pound sign:\nl \indent\indent\tt \pounds 396, \pounds 943.56, \pounds 0.87}} The relevant parts of the macros which I use are as follows --- \smallskip {\abovedisplayskip=0pt\belowdisplayskip=0pt\parindent=0pt \begintt % First the poundsign fonts: \font\tenu=cmu10 % unslanted text italic \font\twelveu=cmu10 scaled \magstep1 \font\twelvebfit=cmbxti10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tenbfit=cmbxti10 \font\twelvetiit=cmitt10 scaled \magstep1 \font\tentiit=cmitt10 % Now add the poundsign macros: \def\rmpo{\leavevmode \lower.055ex\hbox{\$}\kern-.0em} \def\itpo{\leavevmode \lower.055ex\hbox{\$}\kern-.09em} \def\slpo{\leavevmode \lower.055ex\hbox{\$}\kern-.07em} \def\bfpo{\leavevmode \pmb{\lower.025ex\hbox{\$}\kern-.04em}} \def\ttpo{\leavevmode \lower.0ex\hbox{\$}\kern0em} \def\ttkludgepo{\leavevmode \epmb{\lower.0ex\hbox{\$}\kern-.0em}} \def\pmb#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}% \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern.05em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern-.025em\raise.0003em\box0 } % Extremely poor man's bold \def\epmb#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1} \kern-.005em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \raise.01em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern.01em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern-.005em\raise.01em\box0 } %This is adapted from the 10-point %manmac macros: although this article %uses 10 point, who else does? \def\twelvepoint{% \def\rm{\def\pounds {{\twelveu\rmpo}}\fam0\twelverm}% \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\eightrm \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\eighti \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex \def\it{\def\pounds{{\itpo}}% \fam\itfam\twelveit}% \textfont\itfam=\twelveit \def\sl{% \def\pounds{{\twelveit\slpo}}% \fam\slfam\twelvesl}% \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl \endtt \begintt \def\bf{% \def\pounds{{\twelveu\bfpo}}% \fam\bffam\twelvebf}% pmb poundsign \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\eightbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf %\def\tt{\def\pounds{{\twelvetiit\ttpo}}%ugh % \fam\ttfam\twelvett}% ugh! \def\tt{\def\pounds{{\tenu\$}}% \fam\ttfam\twelvett}% odd poundsign \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em \normalbaselineskip=20pt \def\caps{\def\pounds{~}\fourteencaps} \def\scaps{% don't use the pound sign \def\pounds{{\twelveu\rmpo}}\twelvecaps} \setbox\strutbox= \hbox{\vrule height14pt depth6pt width\z@}% \normalbaselines\rm} \endtt} And this brings me back to the point of this article. In my view \TeX\ will never suceeed in the British Isles unless it is supplied with fonts which contain proper pound signs. Although Professor Knuth naturally wants to preserve control over the Computer Modern fonts, a version of most of the 76 fonts containing a pound sign must be produced if \TeX\ is to stand any chance at all of taking over the British Isles, or even of being used by more than a few eccentric mathematicians. For some years I have used an old Diablo daisy~wheel printer. I have had no difficulty in purchasing daisy~wheels (with the `UK' suffix) which contain a pound sign. There should similarly be a standard set of Computer Modern UK fonts. There are, of course, two difficulties. The first is where the pound sign should be positioned in the fonts. The answer would seem to be, follow {\sc ibm} and make the pound sign a `top-bit-set' noughts and crosses sign. The second is who would produce the fonts? The ideal person would be Professor Knuth, but this is not essential so long as he approves them so that they can properly be described as Computer Modern. It seems from {\sl Computers \& Typesetting} that at Stanford a lot of the work on \TeX\ and related subjects has been done by students. Would it be possible for a graduate or undergraduate student in Britain to do the necessary work on the fonts as part of his course? If any large companies use \TeX\ it might, perhaps, be possible to persuade them to fund this work and, as a result, achieve Malcolm's objective of bringing the academic and outside worlds together in the use of \TeX. \smallskip \rightline{\sl Roger C-H. Horne}}