\def\ogonek{\hbox{\seveni\char'054}} \def\eog{e\kern-.26em\lower.77ex\ogonek} \def\aog{a\kern-.21em\lower.79ex\ogonek} \centerline{\bf Polish Language and {\TeX}} \medskip \leftline{\sl Introduction} \noindent Similarily as for other languages, adapting {\TeX} to Polish requires solving several problems ([RS85], [HK88], [HK87]). I will discuss here only one of them. It concerns a diacritical sign called in Polish --- and also e.g.~in [ISO83] --- {\it ogonek\/}. It is completely missing in the Computer Modern family but used, apart from Polish, also in Lithuanian. It may be familiar to the reader as the component of e.g.~the name Lech Wa\l\eog sa. \medskip \leftline{\sl Using standard fonts} \noindent The obvious solution to the {\it ogonek\/} problem is to use some other character as a substitute. {\it Cedilla} bears some resemblance to {\it ogonek}, but it is clearly recognised as a non-Polish character, so it is of no use for high quality printing. Several users experimented independently with such characters as the apostrophe; as far as I know, the best results were obtained by Jerzy Ryll using the 7 point |\lhook| symbol for the 10 point AM roman font and placing it in the following way: \begintt \def\ogonek{\hbox{\seveni\char'054}} a\kern-.21em\lower.79ex\ogonek A\kern-.21em\lower.79ex\ogonek e\kern-.26em\lower.77ex\ogonek E\kern-.26em\lower.77ex\ogonek \endtt We use his solution here after incorporating it into a tentative |PL| \LaTeX\ style, providing e.g.~% for the appropriate depth of the letters \aog\ and \eog. \medskip \leftline{\sl Modifying pixel files}\noindent A more general solution was offered by Hanna Ko\l odziejska, who wrote a small program creating a copy of a pixel file with {\it cedilla} substituted by its symmetric reflection; the \tfm\ file for the new font is just an exact copy of the old one. After switching to the new fonts, {\it ogonek\/} can be accessed by the |\c| command and its position adjusted to the letter in question. The results can be seen e.g.~in the paper [HK88] which was printed using this technique. The drawback of this approach consists in doubling the number of the pixel files. In practice, however, the program can be placed on the hard disk and the new fonts created on demand. \medskip \leftline{\sl Creating special fonts} \noindent Creating special fonts for Polish using \MF\ should not be a difficult task, at least in principle. The question is where to place the Polish national letters. The solution advocated here consists in preserving all Computer Modern characters and to assign the Polish letters to the codes greater then 127. To allow hyphenation, these codes have to be accessed through ligatures; the obvious candidate for the character introducing these ligatures is the character \char'40\ (code |'040|), as its only function in standard {\TeX} text fonts is to serve as a component of the Polish letters \L\ and \l. The \tfm\ files for Computer Modern and equivalent Polish fonts should differ respectively in their ligature tables. This approach allows to take advantage of the fact that more and more drivers --- including the public domain Beebe family of drivers [B87] --- provide for the user controlled font substitution. With appropriate substitution directives, the standard font glyph files |gf|, |pk| or |pxl| files) can be get rid of as the same information is contained in their Polish equivalents (of course, \tfm\ files are to stay). When the disk space is important, this seems to be the ideal solution. As for the drawbacks, not every driver is able to handle the characters with the codes greater then 127; however, this is an evident fault of drivers implementors, which should be corrected in the future. \medskip \leftline{\sl Conclusion}\noindent One of the important advantages of {\TeX} is its standarization. It is a pity it is monolingual by design (with some unnecessary assumptions underlying the hyphenation algorithm), but we have to live with it. However, the standards for drivers are only beginning to emerge and some aspects of multilingual text processing can be solved by creating such drivers which allow to `cheat' {\TeX} to obtain the desired results. The use of font substitution described above is an example of this approach. \smallskip \leftline{\sl References} {\frenchspacing\parindent0pt\parskip3pt Nelson~H.~F. Beebe. Public domain {\TeX} {DVI} driver family. {\TUGboat}, 8(1):41--42, April 1987. [ISO83] International~Organisation for~Standarization. Information processing --- coded character sets for text communication. Standard No. ISO 6937, 1983. [HK87] Hanna Ko\l odziejska. {\it Dzielenie wyraz\'ow polskich w systemie {\TeX} [Polish hyphenation patterns for {\TeX}; in Polish]}. IInf UW Report~165, Institute of Informatics, Warsaw University, 1987. [HK88] Hanna Ko\l odziejska. Le traitement des textes polonais avec le logiciel {\TeX}. {\it Cahiers GUTenberg}, (Num\'ero z\'ero):3--10, Avril 1988. [RS85] Staffan Romberger and Yngve Sundblad. Adapting {\TeX} to languages that use {L}atin alphabetic characters. In Dario Lucarella, editor, {\it Proceedings of the First European Conference on {\TeX} for Scientific Documentation}, pages~27--40, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1985. } \smallskip \rightline{\sl Janusz S. Bie\'n} \smallskip \leftline{\it Editor's Note:} \noindent Although Janusz refers to AM in the article, everything here is of course set with the CM fonts. To my untutored eye the ogonek looks fine, but I am unwilling to take this for granted until it is confirmed. A `Polish' style file has been submitted to the Aston \TeX\ archive.