\centerline{\bf Call for papers} \medskip \noindent GUTenberg's next meeting will be held at Paris on May 16th--17th 1989. (GUTenberg is the \TeX\ Users Group of French speaking people). The main topic is: ``How can graphics be included within \TeX\ output?'' This topic starts with graphics made in \TeX\ (like \PiCTeX), continues with the |\special| \TeX\ command and ends with \MF, \PS, etc. This is a very large subject opened to all aspects of graphics\slash methods and all micro\slash mini\slash maxi computers. The official language is French but English speakers are welcome. Deadline for submitting an abstract: Christmas 88. Other deadlines will be sent after abstract acceptance. Please, send abstracts directly to me: |ucir001@frors31.bitnet| \smallskip \rightline{\sl Bernard Gaulle (GUTenberg president)}