\centerline{\bf Book Review} \medskip \noindent {\it PostScript Language Program Design, Adobe Systems Incorporated, 226pp, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, {\sc isbn:} 0 201 14396 8.} \smallskip \noindent PostScript Language Program Design is designed to be a companion volume to Adobe's {\it PostScript Reference Manual\/} and {\it PostScript Cookbook\/}. The blue covered {\it Cookbook\/} gave a tutorial covering the main features of \PS\ followed by a number of example programs, while the red covered {\it Reference Manual\/} is just that. The green covered {\it PostScript Language Program Design} takes this a stage further. It is designed for people who are writing large applications that will generate \PS\ output. It describes how to write efficient \PS\ and says what to avoid in order to reduce the time taken to print the final document. The book assumes that the reader already knows \PS. This is particularly apparent in the examples which often contain commands that are not described in the text. For this reason the ``Red'' book is a essential companion when reading ``Green'' book. Unlike the ``Red'' or ``Blue'' books {\it PostScript Language System Design} does not include a summary of all \PS\ commands which would enable the book to stand on its own: this would be useful addition to future editions. {\it PostScript Language Program Design} is organised into two parts. The first part deals with how \PS\ works. It treats each feature of the language in more detail than the ``Red'' book and is quite hard reading but very useful. The second part of the book deals with techniques. There are chapters on writing printer emulators as well as on the best way to handle graphics and text from within large applications. There are also chapters on how to structure generated \PS\ programs, and how to ensure that they are bug free. In general this second part is a lot easier to read than the first part of the book. This book has been produced using a desk top publishing package and this, unfortunately, shows. There are large gaps between words (very wide indeed during the Preface). There are signs that it had been written in one order, and then reordered using an editor. There are several sections that appear out of place: a glaring example is a paragraph that appears to be introducing Chapter 4 occurs about halfway through Chapter 3! It is also the only book I have ever seen to have a reference to the index within the index! These are only very minor points, and should not detract from the books usefulness, but it is a pity that a book which describes how to write good \PS, and hence professional looking documents and books, should not take the care to ensure that its own layout is correct. This book is likely to be very useful to anyone writing a \PS\ rear end for a large application, and this is the audience it is aimed at. It may also be of some use to those who write small \PS\ programs and who are interested in the deeper workings of \PS. But for those who just need a working knowledge then the ``Red'' and ``Blue'' books should be sufficient. The one thing {\it PostScript Language Program Design} is not is a simple introduction to \PS. Anyone requiring such an introduction should turn to the ``Blue'' {\it Cookbook\/} or to {\it Understanding PostScript Programming\/} by David A. Holzgang (Sybex). \smallskip \rightline{\sl Brendan Molloy}