\title{uk\TeX ug Meeting Announcement} The UK \TeX\ Users Group will hold a meeting in London on February 13th to highlight the advances made by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf with their font selection schemes and the several new \LaTeX\ style files which they have contributed. Frank and Rainer will be presenting this information. In addition there will be a presentation on the new `composite' or `virtual' fonts. This meeting is intended to keep people abreast of these new developments and to help them see how they fit into their own environments. This meeting is open to all. On February 14th, Frank and Rainer will be leading an in-depth workshop on their work for \LaTeX3. This workshop will be restricted in numbers, and is not for the faint hearted. It is not a tutorial: the emphasis is on `work'. Positive, constructive contributions from the participants are a prerequisite. Don't come to this workshop to find out what \LaTeX3 has in it! Come along to find out how you can help to make it a reality! For details of these meetings, contact {\parindent10pt\obeylines UK \TeX\ Users Group c/o Computing Service Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK email: {\tt abbottp@uk.ac.aston} } \smallskip A further meeting, scheduled for April, will examine the implementation details of \TeX3, \LaTeX\ and drivers for composite fonts, on a variety of architectures.