\title{Table of Contents} {\parindent0pt\parskip0.5pt\obeylines The future of \TeX\ and \MF\dotfill 1 \quad {\sl Donald E. Knuth} Adventures of a new \TeX nician\dotfill2 \quad{\sl Peter Cameron} Could \LaTeX\ do more for chemists?\dotfill3 \quad{\sl David Rhead} {Layout design with \LaTeX\ is possible}\dotfill5 \quad {\sl Hubert Partl} A parskip scheme\dotfill5 \quad{\sl Victor Eijkhout} {Cork90}\dotfill8 \quad{\sl Nico Poppelier, Kees van der Laan,} {\sl \hfill Johannes Braams} Cahiers GUTenberg \quad Summaries from Number 6, July 1990\dotfill 13 {\quad\sl Malcolm Clark} {Access to the UK \TeX\ Archive}\dotfill14 \quad{\sl Brian Hamilton Kelly} Sources\dotfill13 Didot\dotfill17 Late news\dotfill18 {\sl Future meetings:} RIDT91\dotfill15 6th European \TeX\ Conference \& GUTenberg'91\dotfill15 \TeX\ Inroads into Publishing\dotfill16 \TeX~Meeting in~Vienna\dotfill16 Electronic Publishing Out of the Playpen!\dotfill17 uk\TeX ug Meeting Announcement\dotfill17 }