\title{Layout design with \LaTeXbf\ is possible} Contrary to a widespread belief, \LaTeX\ does not force you to use one of the four sample layouts provided by Leslie Lamport. Rather, you can define and use any reasonable layout, and doing so within the framework of \LaTeX\ is in fact less difficult than with plain \TeX. How does this work? Who is who in \LaTeX's high society? \bi The author specifies the contents in the {\tt tex}-file. \bi The layout designer specifies the layout in the {\tt sty}-files. \bi \LaTeX\ typesets the contents, using the layout that results from the style files specified in the |\documentstyle| command. \noindent How can you implement and use a new layout? I recommend these four steps: \item{1} find an original \LaTeX\ style file that produces a similar layout, \item{2} find the definitions of the features that have to be changed, \item{3} write a style option file that contains the modified versions of these definitions, \item{4} add the name of this file as an option into the |\documentstyle| command. \noindent Where do you find the original layout definitions and an explanation how to modify them? This information is distributed over four sources: \item{1} Leslie Lamport's \LaTeX\ manual, \item{2} the files {\tt article.doc}, {\tt art10.doc} etc., \item{3} the file {\tt latex.tex}, \item{4} Donald Knuth's \TeX book. For the fun of it, just try the following two examples: The first one deals with section headings. In file {\tt art10.doc}, you will find definitions like \begintt \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%1,2,3 {-3.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%4 {2.3ex plus .2ex}%5 {\Large\bf}}%6 \endtt The absolute values of the fourth and fifth parameters specify the spacing before and after the heading, and the sixth parameter specifies its style. Therefore, if you want smaller vertical skips and a smaller typesize, you put the following definitions into your private style option file: \begintt \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%1,2,3 {-1.75ex plus -0.5ex minus -.1ex}%4 {1.15ex plus .1ex}%5 {\large\bf}}%6 \endtt for sections, and similar ones for subsections etc. The second example deals with running headers and footers, which are defined within \LaTeX's pagestyles. In file {\tt article.doc}, you will find the following definition for the {\tt myheadings} pagestyle: \begintt \def\ps@myheadings{% \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \def\@oddhead{% \hbox{}\sl\rightmark\hfil \rm\thepage}% \def\@oddfoot{}% \def\@evenhead{% \rm \thepage \hfil \sl\leftmark\hbox {}}% \def\@evenfoot{}% \def\sectionmark##1{} \def\subsectionmark##1{}} \endtt If you want running footlines with a horizontal rule, you define \begintt \def\ps@myfootings{% \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \def\@oddfoot{\parbox{\textwidth}% {\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[2pt] \mbox{}\small\sl\rightmark \hfill \small\sl Page~\thepage}}% \def\@oddhead{}% \def\@evenfoot{\parbox{\textwidth}% {\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[2pt] \small\sl Page~\thepage \hfill \leftmark \mbox{}}}% \def\@evenhead{}% \def\sectionmark##1{} \def\subsectionmark##1{}} \endtt You put this definition into a file {\tt myfoot.sty} and then use it with \begintt \documentstyle[11pt,myfoot]{article} \pagestyle{myfootings} \markboth{News of \today}{News of \today} \endtt Other layout features can be changed in similar ways; there is nothing to stop you from creating masterpieces of layout design with \LaTeX! \author{Hubert Partl} \endinput --------------------------- cut here ------------------------------------