\def\address#1={\goodbreak\vskip5ptplus2pt\goodbreak\parindent0pt% \hbox{\hfuzz40pt\hsize3.1truein\vbox{#1}}} \centerline{\bf The good guys} {\obeylines \address Donald E. Knuth Department of Computer Science Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA = \address Brian Hamilton Kelly Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham Swindon SN6 8LA, UK email: {\tt tex@uk.ac.cranfield.rmcs} = \address Johannes Braams Neher Laboratorium PTT Research, Postbus 421 Leidschendam, the Netherlands email: {\tt braams@hlsdnl5} =\address C.G. van der Laan RekenCentrum RijksUniversiteit Groningen Landleven 1, 9700 AV, 050-633374 Groningen, the Netherlands email: {\tt cgl@rug.nl} =\address Victor Eijkhout CSRD University of Illinois 305 Talbot laboratory 104 South Wright street Urbana, Illinois 61801-2932, USA email: {\tt eijkhout@edu.uiuc.csrd.s12} =\address Peter Cameron School of Mathematical Sciences QMW College Mile End Road London E1 4NS, UK email: {\tt pjc@uk.ac.qmw.maths} =\address Dr~Hubert Partl EDV-Zentrum der Technischen Universit\"at Wiedner Hauptstra\ss e 8--10 A-1040 Wien, Austria email: {\tt z3000pa@awituw01.bitnet} =\address Nico Poppelier Elsevier Science Publishers BV Physical Sciences \& Engineering Division Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 1055 KV Amsterdam, the Netherlands email: {\tt poppelier@nl.ruu.med} =\address David Rhead Cripps Computing Centre University Park Nottingham, N57 2RD, UK email: {\tt david\_rhead@uk.ac.nottingham.cc.vme} = \address \DW Wellcome Institute 183 Euston Road London, NW1 2BP, UK email: {\tt wujastyk.@uk.ac.ucl.eudid} = }