\title{DIDOT} DIDOT is a project of the EEC/{\sc comett} II program. Its objectives are to conceive, equip and evaluate a European programme of tuition in digital typography for computer experts and graphic designers. On October 25th, DIDOT gave a presentation at the Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne. The presentation included some short lectures which outlined the project and discussed the state of the art of some of its objectives. This was followed by a workshop to promote discussion on how the objectives might be met. Since many interested parties would have been unable to attend, DIDOT will maintain a mailing list of interested parties. To be placed on this mailing list, contact {\parindent10pt\obeylines IRISA/DIDOT project Campus de Beaulieu F-35042 Rennes Cedex France email: {\tt jandre@irisa.fr} } \endinput