\title{\TeX~Meeting in~Vienna} The 10th meeting of the German speaking \TeX\ users group \DANTE\ will be held from February 20 to~22, 1991, at the Technical University of Vienna. Wednesday afternoon will be reserved for the general assembly of \DANTE\ members only, whereas to the talks, discussions, and workshops on Thursday and Friday, attendees from all European and non-European countries are welcome too. The official conference language will be German, but talks may also be presented in English. Proposed topics include all aspects of \TeX, \LaTeX, \MF, \SGML\ and, of course, European language support. The technical program will be supplemented by several non-technical events like a performance of Mozart's `Magic Flute' by the Vienna State Opera, an evening at a typical Viennese `Heurigen' wine restaurant, and a reception in the City Hall. If you want to present a paper or to exhibit a product, please tell us before December~14, 1990, at the address below. All \DANTE\ members will be invited individually at the end of this year. All non-members who would like to attend the meeting or to receive more information about it, contact {\obeylines Dr~Hubert Partl EDV-Zentrum der Technischen Universit\"at Wiedner Hauptstra\ss e 8--10 A-1040 Wien, Austria email: {\tt z3000pa@awituw01.bitnet} } \endinput