% Malcolm, here is my report on fonts and font families % as promised % Carol % \centerline{\bf The first UK \TeX\ Users' Group Workshop} \smallskip\noindent The workshop on `Fonts and Font Families' was held at RHBNC on 25 June 1990. It turned out that Phil~Taylor who had organized the workshop was not able to present it and Chris~Rowley (Open University) with the help of Dominik~Wujastyk (Wellcome Institute) took over this task at very short notice. Phil had published an outline of the day's program and this was broadly followed. Chris started at the very beginning , explaining the |\font| command and the importance of the \tfm\ files, and continuing from there, including an exposition of the very different way in which \TeX\ selects its mathematics fonts. The style of the meeting was informal, with participants asking questions as they needed to. After lunch (which was worth the visit), Dominik was the main presenter, talking about printer drivers and also explaining the new virtual fonts introduced at \TeX 3. The workshop was attended by 17 people, which was the right sort of size for this kind of meeting. As well as learning from the `formal' sessions, I think that a lot of information was usefully exchanged during the breaks. As well as the usual thanks, I feel that a mention must be made of the RHBNC orchestra, the sounds of whose end-of-term concert provided background music for much of the day. \author{Carol Hewlett}