\def\mwc{Malcolm Clark} \centerline{\bf Tripping over our own feet} \medskip \noindent How do you know you are using \TeX? What is it about the program you are using that makes it \TeX, and not something that only looks like \TeX? The answer lies in the trip. Each implementation of \TeX\ has to pass the trip test. What is the trip test? This is not quite so easily answered. The trip test is Knuth's torture test which seeks to flex those muscles which are probably best never seen: it attempts to verify that the program is doing what it is supposed too, out in those marginal situations where you can't really understand what the fuss is about (`Why would you want to do that anyway?'). That seems simple enough. But there are some minor problems. First, the trip test is not a static test. With practically every bug fix to \TeX\ the trip test is extended -- after all, part of the reason for the existence of the bug is the inadequacy of the testing (so far). So the trip test is updated to bolt the stable door. Unfortunately, Knuth has, up to now, not numbered or dated the trip tests (a fact he acknowledged at the TUG meeting in 1989). You may very well have a \TeX\ which passed trip. That does not necessarily mean it will pass tomorrow. And who decides when a pass is a pass? The output from trip is not a simple `Pass' or `Fail'. It is not possible to pump it through a differencing program: true, if no differences are found, then you've probably passed (or cheated); but some differences are legal, while others are not. The criterion of \TeX hood is passing trip: Knuth will be pretty upset if you call something \TeX\ when it isn't: and ultimately, the AMS (who hold the copyright on \TeX, whatever that means exactly) might set legal wheels in motion to protect \TeX's integrity. This places some pressure on \TeX\ implementors to pass trip. In general, the implementor decides whether trip has been passed. There appears to be no `regulatory' procedure, or even a `certification' procedure. There is no third party to whom an implementor can turn to ask to verify that theirs is a valid implementation. The AMS don't really want to know. Surely it is time we did something about this? There seem to be at least two main issues: the first is to ensure that the `current' version of trip can be identified. This is presumably in Knuth's hands. But it should not be too difficult to add the date to trip. The second issue is who decides on a pass? Is verifying a trip test really so difficult (one or two implementors have expressed the opinion to me that they felt it really was difficult, especially for quiche eaters like me)? Whose responsibility should it be anyway? How can a trip pass be verified? I have been advised that making the output from trip available is insufficient. Some implementors considered that it would be pretty easy to cheat. That seems to indicate that someone, somewhere, has to be the umpire. I would nominate TUG as the `disinterested' verifier. Obviously there {\it are} problems: few others may have access to an equivalent machine on which to test the implementation: I see this only a problem for mainframe versions. The most critical area is surely that of the commercial implementations: commercial versions are expected to sell, so they are done for machines which are fairly common. This kills two birds with one stone: the vendors could pay TUG a nominal sum, and in return receive (say) an annual certificate of validity (or not). Doing this annually ensures that the trip test is re-applied to the software, accounting for changes both to trip and the implementation. The vendor then has independent verification, the customer does not have to depend on the good faith of the vendor (not that I make any imputations of any {\it lack\/} of good faith!), and TUG may earn some money. Perhaps each copy of \TeX\ given or sold should have a copy of the trip test, but if the output is so difficult to understand, this is only going to require an excessive amount of explanation on the already overworked implementor. Conformance testing should be a background activity, not one which is thrust on the users. Of course, it is not just \TeX\ which has a rigorous test to verify its performance. \MF\ has the trap test, and the drivers committee has suggested a similar sort of testing of device drivers. We need not stop there. What about \LaTeX? What about a trip for \LaTeX? Anyone brave enough? Clearly these ideas flow on from my previous editorial on `standards'. Until we can really claim that our {\it de facto} standards are adhered to (and probably to a far higher degree than any ISO standard), we should be cautious in proclaiming our integrity too loudly. But it must be in all our interests, both in the long and short terms, to have some independent arbiter of conformance. We really can't leave everything to Don! Give him a break. \rightline{\sl \mwc}