%% symbol library for TikZ track schematics % % Copyright (c) 2018 - 2022, Martin Scheidt (ISC license) % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. % \ProvidesFileRCS{tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Requirements %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \RequirePackage{tikz,etoolbox}% \usetikzlibrary{calc,patterns}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % tikz keys for multiple use %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pgfkeys{% /tikz/trackschematic/.is family,% /tikz/trackschematic/.cd,% %% face face/.value required,% forward OR backward face/.store in=\face,% /tikz/face/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/face,% /tikz/forward/.code={\pgfkeys{/tikz/trackschematic/face=forward}},% /tikz/backward/.code={\pgfkeys{/tikz/trackschematic/face=backward}},% /tikz/bidirectional/.code={\pgfkeys{/tikz/trackschematic/face=bidirectional}},% %% operation operation mode/.store in=\operationmode,% manual, remote OR none operation mode=none,% DEFAULT /tikz/operation/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/operation mode,% %% label shift label/.store in=\labelcoord,% (coord) shift label=(none),% DEFAULT /tikz/shift label/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/shift label,% }% \pgfkeys{% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/.is family,% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/.cd,% %% branch branch/.value required,% left OR right branch/.store in=\branch,% left OR right /tikz/branch/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/branch,% %% fouling point fouling point/.value forbidden,% fouling point/.code={\settoggle{fouling_point}{true}},% /tikz/fouling point/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/fouling point,% %% points points/.store in=\points,% moving, left, right OR none points=none,% DEFAULT /tikz/points/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/points,% }% % options for turnout and slip turnout \newtoggle{fouling_point}\settoggle{fouling_point}{false}% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol track %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % commands \newcommand\maintrack{}% just for safety \def\maintrack{\path[draw=foreground,MainTrack]}% \maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2); \newcommand\secondarytrack{}% just for safety \def\secondarytrack{\path[draw=foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% \secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2); \newcommand\sidetrack{}% just for safety \def\sidetrack{\path[draw=foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% alias for \secondarytrack % %% symbol definition \tikzset{% MainTrack/.style={line width=2pt},% % symbology entry symbology_main_track/.pic = {\maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);}% }% \tikzset{% SecondaryTrack/.style={line width=0.7pt},% % symbology entry symbology_secondary_track/.pic = {\secondarytrack (0,0) -- (6,0);}% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol track number %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% command \newcommand\tracklabel{}% just for safety \def\tracklabel#1(#2)#3(#4){% \tracklabel at (coord) label (name); \pic at (#2) {track_label={#1/#3/#4}}% symbol }% %% tikz keys % \pgfkeys{% % /tikz/trackschematic/.is family,% % /tikz/trackschematic/.cd,% % }% %% symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/track_label/.default=,% pics/track_label/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1} % beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcommand{#2} % beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcontent{#3} %% label \ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty \tikzset{every node/.style={fill=background,text=foreground}};% \coordinate (ts-tl-l) at (0,0);% \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{% default coord }{% initialize if NOT default \path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-tl-l) at ($(ts-tl-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);% }% \node at (ts-tl-l) {\labelcontent};% }% }},% END pics/track_label/.style args={#1/#2/#3} % % symbology entry symbology_track_label/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \tracklabel at (3,0) label (label);% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol buffer stop %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % command \newcommand\bufferstop{}% just for safety \def\bufferstop[#1]#2(#3){% \bufferstop[options] at (coord); \pic[#1] at (#3) {bufferstop={#2}}% symbol }% \newlength{\friction}\setlength{\friction}{0.5cm} % tikz keys \pgfkeys{% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/bufferstop/.is family,% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/bufferstop/.cd,% %% friction friction/.store in=\friction,% length OR none friction=none,% length OR none /tikz/friction/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/bufferstop/friction,% }% % symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/bufferstop/.default=,% pics/bufferstop/.style args={#1}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1} % beware of leading and tailing spaces! %% face setup \ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% face \pgfmathsetmacro{\facefactor}{1}% }{% \ifdefstring{\face}{backward}{% face \pgfmathsetmacro{\facefactor}{-1}% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/face}{“forward“ OR “backward“ as key required}}% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\face} %% symbol \ifdefstring{\friction}{none}{% none friction \path[draw=foreground, line width=1pt]% ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$);% bufferstop marker }{% friction \path[draw=foreground, line width=1pt]% ($\facefactor*(-\friction,0) + \facefactor*(-0.05,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$);% bufferstop marker \fill[foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator }% }},% END pics/bufferstop/.style args={#1} % % symbology entry symbology_bufferstop/.pic = {% \secondarytrack (0,0) -- (3,0);% \bufferstop[forward] at (3,0);% },% % symbology entry symbology_friction_bufferstop/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (3,0);% \bufferstop[forward,friction=.5] at (3,0);% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol track closure %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %% command \newcommand\trackclosure{}% just for safety \def\trackclosure#1(#2){% \trackclosure at (coord); \pic at (#2) {track_closure={#1}}% symbol }% % symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/track_closure/.default=,% pics/track_closure/.style args={#1}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1} % beware of leading and tailing spaces! %% \fill[foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator % \path[fill=foreground] (0.04,0.02) -- (0.04,-0.02) -- (0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.04,-0.02) -- (-0.04,0.02) -- (-0.02,0.04) -- (0.02,0.04) -- cycle;% label }},% END pics/track_closure/.style args={#1} % % symbology entry symbology_track_closure/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (3,0);% \trackclosure at (3,0);% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol turnout %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % command \newcommand\turnout{}% just for safety \def\turnout[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \turnout[options] at (coord) label (name); \pic[operation=remote,#1] at (#3) {turnout={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol }% % tikz keys \pgfkeys{% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/turnout/.is family,% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/turnout/.cd,% %% points points/.store in=\points,% moving, left, right OR none points=none,% moving, left, right OR none /tikz/points/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/turnout/points,% }% % symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/turnout/.default=,% pics/turnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcommand{#2}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcontent{#3}% %% face setup \ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% face \pgfmathsetmacro{\facefactor}{1}% }{% \ifdefstring{\face}{backward}{% face \pgfmathsetmacro{\facefactor}{-1}% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/face}{“forward“ OR “backward“ as key required}}% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\face} %% branch setup \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% branch \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{1}% }{% \ifdefstring{\branch}{right}{% branch \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{-1}% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/branch}{“left“ OR “right“ as key required}}% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\branch} %% turnout marker \ifdefstring{\operationmode}{manual}{% operation=manual \ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% branch \def\patterntype{north west lines}% }{% \def\patterntype{north east lines}% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\branch}{right}{% branch \def\patterntype{north west lines}% }{% \def\patterntype{north east lines}% }% }% \path[draw=foreground,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker }{% \ifdefstring{\operationmode}{remote}{% operation=remote \path[fill=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker }{% \ifdefstring{\operationmode}{none}{ \path[draw=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker }{% \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/operation}{“manual“, “remote“ OR “none“ as key required}}% }% } }% % %% label \ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};% \coordinate (ts-y-l) at ($\branchfactor*(0,-8pt)$);% \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default \path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-y-l) at ($(ts-y-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);% }% \node at (ts-y-l) {\footnotesize \labelcontent};% }% % %% fouling point indicator \iftoggle{fouling_point}{% \path[draw=foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.7,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.7)$);% fouling point indicator }{}% % %% points \ifdefstring{\points}{left}{% points left \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.035,0)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)+(0,0.2)$);% }{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*( 0.035,0)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.265,0 )$);% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\points}{right}{% points right \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*( 0.035,0)+(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.265,0 )$);% }{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.035,0)+(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)+(0,-0.2)$);% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\points}{moving}{% moving points \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right }{% error message \ifdefstring{\points}{none}{% }{% \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/turnout/points}{“left“, “right“ OR “moving“ as key required}}% }% }% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\points} % }},% END pics/turnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3} % symbology entry symbology_turnout/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \turnout[forward,branch=left] at (3,0) label ();% },% symbology_turnout_fouling/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \turnout[forward,branch=left,fouling point] at (3,0) label ();% },% symbology_turnout_manually/.pic = {% \secondarytrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \secondarytrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \turnout[forward,branch=left,operation=manual] at (3,0) label ();% },% symbology_turnout_points_right/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \turnout[forward,branch=left,points=right] at (3,0) label ();% },% symbology_turnout_points_left/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \turnout[forward,branch=left,points=left] at (3,0) label ();% },% symbology_turnout_points_moving/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \turnout[forward,branch=left,points=moving] at (3,0) label ();% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol slip switch turnout - using parts of turnout %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \newcommand\slipturnout{}% just for safety \def\slipturnout[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5)(#6){% \slipturnout[options] at (coord) label (name1)(name2); \pic[operation=remote,slip=double,#1] at (#3) {slipturnout={#2/#4/#5/#6}}% symbol }% % tikz keys \pgfkeys{% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/.is family,% /tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/.cd,% %% points forward points/.store in=\forwardpoints,% moving, left, right OR none forward points=none,% moving, left, right OR none /tikz/forward points/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/forward points,% backward points/.store in=\backwardpoints,% moving, left, right OR none backward points=none,% moving, left, right OR none /tikz/backward points/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/backward points,% %% slips slip/.store in=\slip,% double, left, right OR none slip=none,% double, left, right OR none /tikz/slip/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/slip,% }% % symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/slipturnout/.default=,% pics/slipturnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcommand{#2}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcontentleft{#3}% \def\labelcontentright{#4}% %% branch setup \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% branch \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{1}% }{% \ifdefstring{\branch}{right}{% branch \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{-1}% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/branch}{“left“ OR “right“ as key required}}% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\branch} %% turnout marker \ifdefstring{\operationmode}{manual}{% operation=manual \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% branch \def\patterntype{north west lines}% }{% \def\patterntype{north east lines}% }% \path[draw,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($( 0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker \path[draw,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($(-0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker }{% operated automaticly \ifdefstring{\operationmode}{remote}{% operation=remote \path[fill=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($( 0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker \path[fill=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($(-0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker }{% \ifdefstring{\operationmode}{none}{}{% \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/operation}{“manual“, “remote“ OR “none“ as key required}}% }% }% }% %% fouling point indicator \iftoggle{fouling_point}{% \path[draw=foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator \path[draw=foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator }{}% % %% points \ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{left}{% points left \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,0.1) -- ++(0.2,0.2);% }{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ( 0.035,0.1) -- ++(0.265,0);% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{right}{% points right \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ( 0.035,-0.1) -- ++(0.265,0); }{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,-0.1) -- ++(0.2,-0.2);% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{moving}{% moving points \fill[foreground] ($(0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left \fill[foreground] ($(0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left \fill[foreground] ($(0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right \fill[foreground] ($(0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right }{% error message \ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{none}{% }{% \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/forward points}{“left“, “right“ OR “moving“ as key required}}% }% }% }% }% end of \ifdefstring{\forwardpoints} \ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{left}{% points left \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (0.035,-0.1) -- ++(-0.2,-0.2);% }{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,-0.1) -- ++(-0.265,0);% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{right}{% points right \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,0.1) -- ++(-0.265,0); }{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (0.035,0.1) -- ++(-0.2,0.2);% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{moving}{% moving points \fill[foreground] ($(-0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left \fill[foreground] ($(-0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left \fill[foreground] ($(-0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right \fill[foreground] ($(-0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right }{% error message \ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{none}{% }{% \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/forward points}{“left“, “right“ OR “moving“ as key required}}% }% }% }% }% end of \ifdefstring{\backwardpoints} % %% slips \ifdefstring{\slip}{double}{% slip \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(-0.4,0) + (0, 0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*( 0.3,0) + (0, 0.4)$);% slip \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*( 0.4,0) + (0,-0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(-0.3,0) + (0,-0.4)$);% slip }{% \ifdefstring{\slip}{left}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(-0.4,0) + (0,0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(0.3,0) + (0,0.4)$);% slip }{% \ifdefstring{\slip}{right}{% \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(0.4,0) + (0,-0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(-0.3,0) + (0,-0.4)$);% slip }{% \ifdefstring{\slip}{none}{% % }{%error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/slipturnout/slip}{“double“, “left“, “right“ OR “none“ as key required}}% }% }% }% }% % %% label \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};% \ifdefstring{\labelcontentleft}{}{}{% label NOT empty \coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 10pt)$);% \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default \path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(ts-sy-l1)+(\x1,\y1)$);% }% \node[left] at (ts-sy-l1) {\footnotesize \labelcontentleft};% }% \ifdefstring{\labelcontentright}{}{}{% label NOT empty \coordinate (ts-sy-l2) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-10pt)$);% \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default \path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-sy-l2) at ($(ts-sy-l2)+(\x1,\y1)$);% }% \node[right] at (ts-sy-l2) {\footnotesize \labelcontentright};% }% % }},% END of pics/slipturnout/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4} % symbology entry symbology_slip_turnout/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(-0.8,-0.8);% \slipturnout[branch=left] at (3,0) label ()();% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol crossing - using parts of turnout %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % command \newcommand\crossing{}% just for safety \def\crossing[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \crossing[options] at (coord) label (name); \pic[#1] at (#3) {crossing={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol }% % symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/crossing/.default=,% pics/crossing/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcommand{#2}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcontent{#3}% %% face setup %% branch setup \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% branch \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{1}% }{% \ifdefstring{\branch}{right}{% branch \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{-1}% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/branch}{“left“ OR “right“ as key required}}% }% }% % %% crossing marker \path[draw=foreground] (0,0) -- ++( 0.4,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker \path[draw=foreground] (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker % %% label \ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};% \coordinate (ts-x-l) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-9pt)$);% \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default \path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-x-l) at ($(ts-x-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);% }% \node[right] at (ts-x-l) {\footnotesize \labelcontent};% }% % %% fouling point indicator \iftoggle{fouling_point}{% \path[draw=foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator \path[draw=foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator }{}% % }},% end of pics/crossing/.style args={#1/#2/#3} % symbology entry symbology_diamond_crossing/.pic = {% \maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(0.8,0.8);% \maintrack (3,0) -- ++(-0.8,-0.8);% \crossing[branch=left] at (3,0) label ();% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % symbol derailer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % command \newcommand\derailer{}% just for safety \def\derailer[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \derailer[options] at (coord) label (name); \pic[#1] at (#3) {derailer={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol }% % symbol definition \tikzset{% pics/derailer/.default=,% pics/derailer/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={% %% settings \def\coordcommand{#1}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcommand{#2}% beware of leading and tailing spaces! \def\labelcontent{#3}% %% face setup \ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% face \pgfmathsetmacro{\facefactor}{1}% }{% \ifdefstring{\face}{backward}{% face \pgfmathsetmacro{\facefactor}{-1}% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/face}{“forward“ OR “backward“ as key required}}% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\face} %% branch setup \ifdefstring{\branch}{left}{% branch \ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{1}% }{% \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{-1}% }% }{% \ifdefstring{\branch}{right}{% branch \ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{-1}% }{% \pgfmathsetmacro{\branchfactor}{1}% }% }{% error message \pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/topology/branch}{“left“ OR “right“ as key required}}% }% }% end \ifdefstring{\branch} % %% symbol \path[draw=foreground, line width=1pt] (0,0.1) -- ++(0,-0.2);% derailer marker \path[draw=foreground,->,>=latex,line width=1pt,dashed] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0) + \branchfactor*(0,0.4)$);% derailer arrow % %% label \ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};% \coordinate (ts-dr-l) at ($\branchfactor*(0,-0.3)$);% \ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default \path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-dr-l) at ($(ts-dr-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);% }% \node at (ts-dr-l) {\footnotesize \labelcontent};% }% % }},% END pics/derailer/.style args={#1/#2/#3} % symbology entry symbology_derailer/.pic = {% \secondarytrack (0,0) -- (6,0);% \derailer[forward,branch=left] at (3,0) label ();% },% }% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput% %