\documentstyle[12pt]{article} \def\Backslash{\char'134} \begin{document} These are the specials supported by {\em dviimp}, as near as I can tell. In all cases, distances and diameters are meassured in {\em pt}, and angles are measured in degrees. \begin{description} \item[{\tt \Backslash special\{point $n$\}}]\mbox{}\\ This associates the current position on the page (established by \verb+\put+ or other positioning commands) with the point $n$. These points are used by the special \verb+join+ to draw lines. \item[{\tt \Backslash special\{join $p$ $n_1\mbox{ }\ldots\mbox{ }n_k$\}}]\mbox{}\\ This connects a sequence of points established by the \verb+point+ special. The pen has diameter $p$. The points $n_1$ through $n_k$ are connected by $k-1$ lines. \item[{\tt \Backslash special\{circle $p$ $r$ $\theta_1$ $\theta_2$\}}]\mbox{}\\ This draws a portion of a circle centered at the current position on the stage. The pen has diameter $p$, and the circle has radius $r$. The arc is drawn counter-clockwise from $\theta_1$ degrees to $\theta_2$ degrees. Negative angles are handled, but it is unknown how angles outside the range -360 to 360 degrees are treated. \item[{\tt \Backslash special\{ellipse $p$ $r_1$ $r_2$ $\alpha$ $\theta_1$ $\theta_2$\}}]\mbox{}\\ The {\tt ellipse} special draws a portion of an ellipse. The pen diameter is $p$. The ellipse has radius $r_1$ aligned at $\alpha$ degrees, and radius $r_2$ aligned at $\alpha+90$ degrees. The arc drawn counter-clockwise starts at $\alpha+\theta_1$ and ends at $\alpha+\theta_2$. \end{description} \end{document}