@book{kopka1, author = {Helmut Kopka}, title = {{\LaTeX{}} {--} Eine {Einf"uhrung}}, year = 1990, publisher = {Addison Wesley (Deutschland)} } @book{kopka2, author = {Helmut Kopka}, title = {{\LaTeX{}} {--} {Erweiterungsm"oglichkeiten}}, year = 1991, publisher = {Addison Wesley (Deutschland)} } @book{Schwarz, author = {Norbert Schwarz}, title = {{Einf\"uhrung} in {\TeX{}}}, year = 1988, publisher = {Addison Wesley (Deutschland)} } @techreport{treiber, author = {Gerhard Wilhelms and Ingo Eichenseher and Thomas Mitulla}, title = {Treiber und {Zusatzprogramme} zu {\TeX{}}}, institution = {Universit\"at Augsburg}, year = 1991, type = {Institutsreport}, number = 232 } @techreport{rep2, author = {Thomas Mitulla and Gerhard Wilhelms}, title = {Installation und {Handhabung} von {\TeX{}} an der {Universit\"at} {Augsburg}}, institution = {Universit\"at Augsburg}, year = 1991, type = {Institutsreport}, number = 231 } @manual{gsapollo, title = {Getting Started with Domain/OS}, organization = {Apollo Computer Inc.}, year = 1988 } @manual{bibtex, title = {\BibTeX{}ing}, author = {Oren Patashnik}, year = 1988 }