PROGRAM Ws87; { ********************************************************************** Copy an 8-bit file to a 7-bit file, turning characters with bit 8 set into 4-character octal escape sequences \nnn. This is useful in analyzing WordStar microcomputer word processor files. Usage: @WS87 Old 8-bit file: filespec New 7-bit file: filespec [10-Oct-85] ********************************************************************** } VAR fp8,fp7 : PACKED FILE OF integer; BEGIN Rewrite(output,'tty:'); Write('Old 8-bit file: '); Reset(fp8,'':@,'/e/b:8'); Write('New 7-bit file: '); Rewrite(fp7,'':@,'/e/b:7'); WHILE NOT Eof(fp8) DO BEGIN IF fp8^ > 127 THEN BEGIN fp7^ := ord('\'); Put(fp7); fp7^ := (fp8^ DIV 64) + ord('0'); Put(fp7); fp7^ := ((fp8^ DIV 8) MOD 8) + ord('0'); Put(fp7); fp7^ := (fp8^ MOD 8) + ord('0'); Put(fp7) END ELSE BEGIN fp7^ := fp8^; Put(fp7) END; Get(fp8) END; END.