spectral 2.0 ============== * add summary() and print() functions * add deconvolve() function to perform analytically deconvolution * add standardized PSD and false alarm probability to spec.fft-function * spec.fft handles NA-values by zero padding and simple energy recovery. * enhance calculation speed by multithreaded BLAS (must be replaced by user) * add 1D FFT interpolation function * read out cache size for memory usage in spec.lomb * bug fix memory calculation in spec.lomb() * bug fix single frequency in spec.lomb() * optional cluster (hpc) calculation in spec.lomb() * adding a progressbar to spec.lomb() * waterfall() calculates PSD as well * changed variable band width in waterfall() * waterfall also ignores NA values and corrects * adding progress bar to waterfall() * extending band pass function BP() by sinc, bi-cubic and gauss kernels * modified all dependend functions which use band pass BP() * add Hanning window function spectral 1.3.1 ==================== * spec.lomb: phase value at f = 0 -> 0 spectral 1.3 ==================== * improved documentation * FFT as well as any LOMB version work with *multivariate* input * Added generalized Lomb-Scargle method * improved speed of both the normal Lomb-Scargle Method and generalized Lomb * power spectral density is now normalized to sample variance * limit memory usage spectral 1.0 ==================== * development of all functions * development of concepts