0.9.13 - Compile with R_NO_REMAP 0.9.12 - Fix a printf warning for CRAN 0.9.11 - Windows: fix pthread linking 0.9.10 - Windows: support arm64 0.9.8 - Windows: update to zermoq 4.3.4 0.9.7 - Fix for CRAN: do not use R CMD config CXXCPP 0.9.6 - Fix some rchk warnings 0.9.5 - allow sending of long vectors (#47) 0.9.4 - Catching signals and interrupts when polling (Michael Schubert #46) 0.9.3 - Reuse messages in rzmq #39 - Explicitly ignore SIGWINCH signal when waiting 0.9.2 - Add XREQ, XREP socket types (Michael Schubert #32) 0.9.1 - New maintainer: Jeroen Ooms