rotations version 1.6.5 =================================================================== Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixing the string literal problem with RcppExports rotations version 1.6.4 =================================================================== Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Had to remove 'interactive' option in plotting because sphere plot was going to be dropped rotations version 1.6.3 =================================================================== Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Issues in testing rotations version 1.6.2 =================================================================== Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed error in vignette * Moved 'rgl' to suggests rotations version 1.6.1 =================================================================== Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed error in eskewC function rotations version 1.6 =================================================================== New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- *Complies with new Rcpp requirements. Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed missing argument error when 'rangle=rhaar' in 'ruars' et al. rotations version 1.4 =================================================================== New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- *The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function has been added. Minor Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vignette has been updated Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * For kappa>200, the matrix-Fisher distribution is extremely difficult to sample from. In previous versions of this package, the matrix-Fisher distribution was replaced by the Cayley distribution for large kappa. Now the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is used because it agrees much more closely with the matrix-Fisher distribution than with the Cayley distribution for large kappa. rotations version 1.3 =================================================================== New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * The function `discord` has been added, which computes a measure of discord for random rotations * The previously proposed extrinsic measure of discord is included as well as the novel intrinsic measure Minor Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vignette has been updated * `tail.Q4` and `tail.SO3` have been added Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- rotations version 1.2 =================================================================== New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Proposal central orientation parameter values are now drawn from the distribution specified by the `type` argument in all of the Bayesian functions Minor Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sampling from the von Mises Fisher and matrix Fisher distributions is now done in C++ resulting in a significant speed up * `method` argument in `regions` function was changed from `trans` to `transformation`, a call to `match.arg()` still allows for `trans` * `type` argument in `regions` function has been changed from `theory` to `asymptotic` Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * A typo in the (not run) Bayes credible region example has been fixed * `print` method for `Q4` objects now respects the `digits` option rotations version 1.1 =================================================================== New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * The argument `interactive' has been added to `plot.SO3' and `plot.Q4' which, when set to `TRUE', creates a sphere in 3D using `rgl' that can be manipulated by the user Minor Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * The options for the `method` argument of the `region` functions have been changed to `"trans"` and `"direct"` to align with the current names in my dissertation. `"trans"` is short for "transformation," which is used to access the methods based on a transformation of a directional statistics result while `"direct"` is used for the methods that rely on theory for SO(3) directly. rotations version 1.0 =================================================================== New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Vignette added that introduces the package * Create a `plot.Q4` function that uses `plot.SO3` after casting the object to class `SO3` Bug Fixes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Updated Bayes sampling method to avoid seg faults Major Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * The functions `SO3` and `Q4` have been deprecated. All of their functionality has been moved to `as.SO3` and `as.Q4` * `angle` and `axis` have been renamed `mis.angle` and `mis.axis`, respectively, to avoid naming clashes with the `graphics` package * The `period.sep` naming convention has been adopted for all functions in package. The functions formerly known as `sum_dist`, `exp_skew`, `cayley_kappa`, `fisher_kappa` and `vmises_kappa` are now called `rotdist.sum`, `skew.exp`, `cayley.kappa`, `fisher.kappa` and `vmises.kappa`, respectively. * `dist` renamed to `rot.dist` to avoid clashes with `stats` package Minor Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixes in documentation for Bayes point estimation * `print.Q4` and `print.SO3` no longer print the object class * `print.SO3` now names the columns `R11` through `R33` to signify which element in the matrix each row corresponds to * `is.SO3` more rigorously tests for conditions of `SO3` * Arithmetic for `SO3` objects now is possible for samples of rotations rotations version 0.2 =================================================================== Changes - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Multiple columns can be supplied to `col` in `plot` via grid.arrange. Each requested column is identified by its axis and one legend is printed when applicable. For example `col=c(1,3)` will print two labelled eyeballs, one for the x- and one for the z-axis. * Quaternions are only unique up to their sign, that is if q is a quaternion the q=-q. So `==` has be redefined such that `q==-q` will return `TRUE`. * In 'dist' the 'method' argument now accepts the option 'extrinsic' and returns the same result had the 'projected' option been used. New Features - ------------------------------------------------------------------- * The `'['` operator has been redefined to maintain the `SO3` or `Q4` class of the object. * Addition `+` and subtraction `-` have been redefined for the multiplicative group SO(3). That is, for R1 and R2 in SO(3), R1+R2=R2R1, R1-R2=R2'R1 and -R1=R1'. Similarly for quaternions. * The `head` and `str` functions have been modified to properly handle objects of class `'SO3'` and `'Q4'`. * Functions for Bayesian analysis * Each of the following functions requires the user to supply `type`, `tuneS`, `tuneK`, `burnin` and `B`. These arguments determine the transition probability form, tuning parameters for the central orientation, concentration parameter, burnin for the MCMC and total number of draws from the posterior, respectively. Currently only `'Cayley'`, `'Fisher'` and `'Mises'` are valid options for `type`. See the respective help files for more details. * The function `MCMCSO3` implements a Gibbs-within-MCMC algorithm to get draws from the posterior distributions for the concentration parameter $S$ and concentration parameter $\kappa$. A list of four items is returned: `S` is a B-by-p matrix where each row corresponds to a draw from the posterior for the central orientation S, `kappa` is a vector of B draws from the posterior for the concentration parameter $\kappa$ and the transition probabilities for the central orientation and concentration are given by `Saccept` and `Kaccept`,respectively. * Bayesian point estimates for the central orientation and concentration parameter are given by `bayes.mean`. * Bayesian credible regions have been added to the `region` by setting `method='Bayes'`. rotations version 0.1 =================================================================== * First CRAN release