2014-11-24: 1.08-3 . Changed package title to title case in description and help files. 2014-11-24: 1.08-2 . Removed the junk file 'support' from the toplevel directory. 2009-10-11: 1.08-1 . fix help file for consensusMEDissimilarity 2008-06-11: 1.08 . multiSetMEs gains the argument useGenes that can optionally specify a subset of genes to be used for calculations. 2008-05-16: 1.06-1 . One more fix for plotHclustColors: now correctly uses names of given colors, if they exists. 2008-05-10: 1.06 . saving and restoring of the random number seed in moduleEigengenes now works correctly. . plotHclustColors now correctly uses names of given colors, if they exists. . mergeCloseModules can now optionally exclude grey ME from being calculated (faster and less uninteresting output). Set getNewGreyME = FALSE to exclude the grey ME. The default is TRUE for backward compatibility. . orderMEs now correctly orders varExplained as well . Fixed a bug in mergeCloseModules which caused the names of calculated MEs to correspond to labels before relabeling. . Corrected a problem in hub calculation that caused the returning of unnecessary NAs in moduleEigengenes 2008-04-09: 1.05-03 . Changed calculation of proportion of variance explained in moduleEigengenes. The calculation is now exact irrespective of nPC. The argument nPC now only serves to indicate how many varExplained entries are desired. . Added argument impute = TRUE to mergeCloseModules that gets passed to multiSetMEs. . removed a bug in mergeCloseModules that caused failure with one proper module and relabel = TRUE . removeGreyME now works also when MEs is a matrix (previously worked only when MEs was a data frame). 2008-04-03: 1.05-02 . Bugfixes: misspelled variables and misplaced brackets 2008-04-01: . Minor improvements in precision of color alignment in plotHclustColors 2008-03-26: 1.05-1 . bugfix: mergeCloseModules behaves properly when input 'colors' is a factor, in particular it drops unused levels to avoid returning empty modules. 2008-03-12: 1.05 . error trapping in moduleEigengenes revised: hubs can be substituted for eigengenes whose calculation failed. . mergeCloseModules gets its own trapErrors, but it isn't all that useful right now. 2008-03-07: 1.04-01 . bugfixes in multiSetMEs 2008-03-06: 1.04 . moduleEigengenes and multiSetMEs now optionally trap errors in module eigengene calculation and remove the offending modules from the result. . moduleEigengenes and multiSetMEs can optionally exclude the grey module eigengene from the returned PCs. . moduleEigengenes and multiSetMEs can optionally return only the valid PCs (2008-03-03) colors2labels checks for NAs in labels 2008-02-27 1.03-04: colors2labels: return value now has the dimensions of input labels, so works correctly on matrices and such. 2008-02-24 1.03-03: changing default MEprefix to "ME". setMEprefix doesn't seem to work! 2008-02-20 mergeCloseModules: all print statements are printFlush for consistency. 2008-02-16: plotHclustColors now uses names(colors) as rowNames if the latter are NULL and the former are valid (have the right lenght). 2008-02-14: Fixed a couple of bugs in .clustOrder. 2008-02-12: Fixed problems in mergeCloseModules, consensusOrderMEs, orderMEs when number of proper modules is 1 or none. 2008-02-05: Fixed error in removeGreyME. 2008-01-31: Added the function removeGreyME 2008-01-29: Version 1.03: Minor robustness improvements: . mergeCloseModules won't fail if there are less than two proper modules. Addition of options: . moduleColor.[set,get]MEprefix: the prefix used to label module eigengenes. For compatibility with old code, standard startup value is "PC", but recommended value is "ME". 2008-01-24: Minor bug fixes: Make the call to impute.knn more crash-resistant: The parameter k now doesn't exceed number of supplied genes -1. White was listed twice in BaseColors; second instance removed (thanks to Jeremy Miller for noticing this) 2007-11-21: Functionality improvement/bug fix: checkSets: now accepts parameter useSets to only check selected components of the data vector. This fixes a problem with calling consensusOrderMEs, mergeCloseModules etc. with multi-data but only for one set. 2007-09-18: version: 1.02 mergeCloseModules: changed default useAbs to FALSE (!!!!) fixed a bug in counting of old and new modules fixed a bug appearing when no merging was necessary plotHclustColors, moduleEigengenes: color changed to colors (!) moduleEigengenes: Decreased verbosity for verbose=1 orderMEs: grey ME not found triggers a warning instead of an error. labels2colors: if number of labels exceeds number of availbale colors, recycle colors with suffix .1, .2 etc added. Caution: this will make extra colors incompatible with standard plotting, but compatible with mergeCloseModules (which relies on names of different modules being unique). normalizeLabels: fixed a bug that merged modules of same size because rank was resolving ties by averages. 2007-09-17: version 1.01.01 Bug fixes and small changes: moduleEigengenes: fixed problem with saving .Random.seed if the variable doesn't exist (yet) multiSetMEs: added argument impute plotHclustColors: Fixed to work if color is a single vector of colors updated URL in DESCRIPTION