Version: 1.0-45 --------------- * 2022 Jan 26 * vignette needed updating to catch up with nd <- names(dimnames(TrellisObject)) outer=TRUE gives a value to nd[[1]], but not nd[[2]]. * updated two https references Version: 1.0-44 --------------- * 2020 Nov 28 * msWord.microplotMatrix: flextable::display is defunct. Replaced with flextable::compose which uses different, and much simpler, argument list. * dvi.latexConsole.R and show.latexConsole.Rd: Revised print.OSfilename() and show.OSfilename() to use wait=FALSE as default, hence the printing will be asynchronous. * NAMESPACE: importFrom more functions from flextable. * microplot.Rd: arguments to microplot.trellis needed adjusting. * cc176.y.adj.Rd: change http to https * CRAN: 2020-11-29 Version: 1.0-43 --------------- * 2020 Jun 16 * latex.graphicsClass now declared as S3 method * latex.trellis.Rd: repair typo * microplot.trellis: height.panel and width.panel can now be vectors. * microplot.trellis: {height.x.axis width.y.axis height.xlab width.ylab} are taken from the upperleft panel and used for all panels. This is OK under (a) the standard situation when all panels have the same height and width; (b) under the special situation when all columns of panels have the same width, all panels in each row of panels have the same height, and there is exactly one tick mark in each row; (c) the transpose of (b); and (d) all panels in each column have the same width, all panels in each row have the same height, and there is exactly one tick mark in each row and column. * as.includegraphics.default: setting {height.x.axis width.y.axis height.xlab width.ylab} in the list(...) to 0, now sets {x.axis.includegraphics y.axis.includegraphics xlab.includegraphics ylab.includegraphics} to FALSE. * microplot.trellis: setting {height.x.axis width.y.axis height.xlab width.ylab} to 0 now suppresses the return of names of axis.names and lab.names files. Version: 1.0-42 --------------- * 2018 Aug 18 * msWord.microplotMatrix: additional checks needed before calling flextable::merge_at * CRAN: 2018-08-19 Version: 1.0-41 --------------- * 2018 Jul 18 * restore msWord methods. Change dependence of msWord.microplotMatrix from ReporteRs to flextable and officer for production of MS Word documents. * add new arguments to demo/tablesPlusGraphicColumn.r * adjust argument values in demo/AEdotplot.r, demo/LegendrePolynomials.r * CRAN: 2018-07-18 Version: 1.0-40 --------------- * 2018 Jul 14 * The msWord methods are temporarily disabled, and replaced by a warning, in microplot_1.0-40. All other features of microplot continue to work. msWord depends on the ReporteRs package which was archived on July 16, 2018. The functions in the replacement package flextable have different calling sequences and I haven't worked out the details yet. In the meantime, please use the older release microplot_1.0-39 along with the archived ReporteRs. * repair typos in demo/iris.r * CRAN: 2018-07-15 Version: 1.0-39 --------------- * 2018 Jun 04 * coordinate with ggplot2_2.3.0: facet_grid() now produces an empty named list for unspecified column (previously NULL). * ggplot2::geom_point() requires shape= to be inside aes(). * on CRAN: 2018-06-05 Version: 1.0-38 --------------- * 2018 Mar 12 * smooth out DESCRIPTION and ?microplot-package. Incorporate tutorial into microplot-package.Rd and demo/HowToUseMicroplot.r demo AEdotplot Examples HowToUseMicroplot LegendrePolynomials NTplot boxplot-ggplot bwplot-lattice iris latex-ggplot latex msWord regrcoef tablesPlusGraphicColumn timeseries * The latex.* functions in the microplot package place their graphics files in a directory inside the working directory with the same basename as the generated .tex or .docx file. A new function dir.verify makes sure the directory exists. * The microplot.* functions place their graphics files in filenames specified by the figPrefix argument. These functions rely on the calling latex() or msWord() function to make it a subdirectory. * new function: latexSetOptions. Defaults to "pdflatex". * define dvi.latexConsole to put latex console output in a file. * new classes msWordFilename and htmlFilename, and print methods that call system(paste("open", x)) * msWord and latex and msWord can now uses label.x.axis and label.y.axis distinct from xlab and ylab. * New function microplotAttrDisplay called by microplot() determines if the axis and key microplots are attributes or placed into the matrix of filenames. * tighten up `[.microplotMatrix` and `[.includegraphicsMatrix`, and attributes for both, and documentation. * change png default to res=600 and make res a new argument to microplot. * use cowplot to index into individual panels in ggplot and to get the ggplot legend. I now illustrate equivalent capabilities with lattice and ggplot. * redesigned microplot.AEdotplot, latex.AEdotplot, msWord.AEdotplot. These are now models for complex graphic structures. * AEdotplotMethods.R function microplot.AEdotplot now produces class microplotMatrix in both latex and msWord. * demo/AEdoplotr.r uses latex.includegraphicsMatrix and msWord.microplotMatrix. * both msWord.microplotMatrix and demo/LegendrePolynomials-MSWord.r have explicit tests for mingw32. UTF-8 text strings (for Greek letters) can't easily be used on Windows. * Not yet done: Write paper for R Journal, or JCGS * CRAN: 2018-03-13 Version: 1.0-25 --------------- * 2018 Jan 08 * 1.0-25 on CRAN 2018-01-10 * New latex methods for trellis and ggplot. latex.trellis and latex.ggplot methods for one- and two-dimension objects. The latex generic accepts, and forwards, all arguments to microplot and as.includegraphics. * New generic function MSWord() with trellis and ggplot methods (based on ReporteRs package). * New generic function microplot() with complete set of methods for trellis and ggplot. * Improved as.includegraphics(), now a generic with methods and attributes. * import and re-export latex and dvi generics. * microplot() has new collapse argument to zero out unwanted layout.heights and layout.widths space in lattice and provide a theme_collapse for ggplot. * AEdotplot methods and demos for latex() and MSWord() * demo/LegendrePolynomials, example of matrix of panels with lots of control at the panel level * Replace previous demo/timeseries.r with a more interesting timeseries example containing a collection of rearrangements of a set of annual plots. The demo illustrates arranging a vector of panels into a matrix, and control of the placement of common axes in the LaTeX table containing the individual panels. demo AEdotplot latex MSWord demos tablesPlusGraphicColumn Version: 1.0-16 --------------- * on CRAN: 2017-01-19 demo boxplot.ggplot.r bwplot.lattice.r examples irisExcel.xls Version: 1.0-14 --------------- * on CRAN: 2016-06-21 as.includegraphics layoutCollapse themeCollapse examples irisKnitr.Rnw irisMarkdown.Rmd irisNoweb.Rnw irisRMarkdownHtml.Rmd irisSweave.Rtex irisSweaveTakeApart.Rtex demo NTplot.r bwplot.r iris.r timeseries.r vignette rmhPoster.pdf