likert 1.3.5 ========= * Fixed a bug where stacked bars were in the wrong order in grouped plots. * Plotting options are now passed as a list. The likert.options returns the default set of plotting options. likert 1.3.4 ========= * Fixed a bug where the neutral labels would be printed twice when there were an odd number of levels and plot.percents = TRUE. * Fixed a bug where the results for a grouped analysis with missing levels may not be correct in the print function. likert 1.3.3 ========= * Update for ggplot2 version 2.0 likert 1.3.2 ========= * Removed all use of the reshape package. * Fixes issue 40 where the histogram bars may not match the likert bars. likert 1.3.1 ========= * Fix to work with the latest version of the xtable package. likert 1.3.0 ========= * Added ability to group items by factor. * Converted all uses of reshape to reshape2. * Other fixes to pass R CMD CHECK. likert 1.2.1 ========= * Added colors parameter to to define custom colors for levels. * Fixed bug where an unused factor level would not appear in the legend. likert 1.2 ========= * Added initial support for conducting gap analysis. A demo, GapAnalysis has also been added. * Removed dependency on a non-exported function in ggplot2. * Can now create a likert object with a pre-summarized data frame. * New Shiny app to demonstrate many of the features in the likert package. The shinyLikert() function will start the app. * Fixed bug where text.color parameter was not being used. * Fixed bug 16. * Fixed bug where automatic conversion to factors would not work if there were missing levels in an item. * Added text labels to the histogram (if include.histogram=TRUE) for the n. * Fixed a bug where plot.likert(..., include.histogram=TRUE) would not work with a group and only one item (i.e. one column). * Updates for newer version of R and Roxygen. likert 1.1 ========= Released September 25, 2013. * New density plot type plot(l, type='density'). * xtable function to create LaTeX and HTML tables. * Added several parameters related to centering bar plots. Can now include the center level and split across zero, or specify which level, or between which levels, centering occurs. * Plot a histogram of responses (n) alongside the barplot. * Summary function now includes neutral column. Values will be NA if no level is the center. * If there is a neutral category in the bar plot it will be labeled with its percentage. * Added parameter to wrap text in plots for long item names. * Changed the default colors. * Added parameter to change legend title. * Can now plot bar plot panels horizontally. * Changed the center=TRUE as the default for bar plots to. * Added panel.flip to flip the placement of grouping elements and items. * Added legend.position parameter. * Added panel.strip.color to change the background color for panel labels. * Added group.order to reorder how groups are plotted. This also works for items in non-grouped items. * Added parameters to turn off percent labels for low, high, and netural separately. * Added a check to ensure all factors have the same number of levels. * Items (i.e columns) that are not a factor will be converted to a factor using as.factor. * Added reverse.levels function to reverse code factors. Useful when you wish to plot bars in reverse order (left-to-right). * Two new demos, RecodeFactors and UnusedLevels show how to deal with common data issues before using the likert function. * Added plot.percents parameter to label each category. * Other bug fixes.