
gnonadd is a package accompanying the paper Complex effects of sequence variants on lipid levels and coronary artery disease published in Cell September 2023. The package is intended to properly document the conducted analysis and aid researchers in studying various non-additive models.

What is in the package?

The goal of the gnonadd package is to simplify workflows with non-additive analysis in genetic associations.

This includes e.g.

  1. Variance effects
  2. Correlation effects
  3. Interaction effects
  4. Dominance effects

Included Functionality

The following is a non-comprehensive summary of the included functions:

Please refer to the documentation for examples with simulated data.


You can install the latest version of the package via the remotes package:

# Use remotes:

The current version on CRAN can be installed with:


Citing this package

For citing this package, please use the following source:

#> To cite gnonadd in publications use:
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Article{,
#>     title = {Complex effects of sequence variants on lipid levels and coronary artery disease},
#>     author = {Audunn S. Snaebjarnarson et al.},
#>     journal = {Cell},
#>     year = {2023},
#>     volume = {186},
#>     issue = {19},
#>     pages = {4085-4099.e15},
#>     url = {},
#>     doi = {},
#>   }