Changes in version 2024.4.23 - Fix test-CRAN.R: kilobytes is not available on some systems. - added atime_test and atime_test_list for convenience in test definitions. - atime_versions_exprs now errors if expr has no Package: in code. Changes in version 2024.4.17 - New, simpler method for defining additional units to analyze (other than kilobytes and seconds): if result is data frame with 1 row, numeric columns are used as additional units. Arguments unit.col.vec and more.units have been removed from references_best. - atime_pkg version names HEAD/base/CRAN defined in R color names are now translated to their expanded names on the plot (CRAN=1.15.0 etc), and default colors were added for Slow and Fast. Changes in version 2024.4.12 - atime_pkg gains tests.dir arg, thanks @MichaelChirico for the suggestion. - atime no longer keeps memory column (sometimes too large) from bench::mark. Changes in version 2024.3.5 - if(requireNamespace("nc")) in tests, thanks CRAN. Changes in version 2024.2.13 - atime_grid gains new argument symbol.params, and more informative error messages. Changes in version 2024.1.31 - modify predict tests to use length.num instead of kilobytes (fails on CRAN). - improved error message for predict when unit value is out of range of data. Changes in version 2024.1.24 - improved documentation for atime_versions and atime_versions_exprs. - results argument of atime_versions renamed to result, for consistency with atime. Changes in version 2023.12.4 - improved documentation for atime_pkg, which clarifies that SHA versions and may be specified in test.list elements. Changes in version 2023.11.11 - new function get_sha_vec, which is called in atime_versions_exprs, to check for correctly specified versions (new helpful errors when versions are not specified correctly) - atime_versions_install now uses R CMD INSTALL instead of install.packages, so we can stop with an error if there was some problem with installation. Changes in version 2023.10.9 - default and errors for N in atime. - warning if only one N evaluated in atime. - error if no SHA specified in atime_versions. - regex vignette/test uses re2 if present. Changes in version 2023.4.27 - predict.references_best(kilobytes=1000) etc. Changes in version 2023.3.31 - delete test which failed on CRAN. Changes in version 2023.3.30 - atime_grid(list(VAR="one value")) no longer errors. Changes in version 2023.1.24 - new function atime_pkg with vignette ci.Rmd. Changes in version 2022.12.14 - new function atime_grid. - atime argument results changed to result to be consistent with result column of output. Changes in version 2022.9.16 - if(FALSE) in atime_versions*.Rd examples, for CRAN. Changes in version 2022.9.8 - git vignette uses eval=F, .libPaths under /tmp, for CRAN. - try() in binseg and cum_median vignettes, for CRAN. Changes in version 2022.8.25 - remove callr in examples (keep in vignette). Changes in version 2022.8.24 - CRAN suggestions. Changes in version 2022.8.16 - use callr in examples/vignettes to avoid CRAN warnings. Changes in version 2022.7.26 - new vignette: data.table. - new atime_versions_exprs function. Changes in version 2022.7.22 - new vignette: git. - new atime_versions function. Changes in version 2022.7.20 - new vignettes: cum_median, PeakSegDisk. - new references_best function. Changes in version 2022.7.13 - initial version with atime function. - vignettes: regex, binseg, optseg.