agrmt 1.42.12 ------------- - addressing Escaped LaTeX specials: \& in documentation - better documentation for collapse function - removed unused rm.replace in collapse function - collapse now properly counts NA if na.rm=FALSE is used agrmt 1.42.11 ------------- - year 2023 agrmt 1.42.10 ------------- - clarifications in documentation agrmt 1.42.9 ------------ - year 2022 agrmt 1.42.8 ------------ - clarifications in documentation - fix in Reardon() for unusual cases agrmt 1.42.7 ------------ - clarification in documentation agrmt 1.42.6 ------------ - push to Rforge agrmt 1.42.5 ------------ - let collapse() handle NA agrmt 1.42.4 ------------ - updating for CRAN submission agrmt 1.42.3 ------------ - typo in vignette - renamed helper function: truncate > truncatevector to avoid conflict with base agrmt 1.42.2 ------------ - collapse() handles NA better agrmt 1.42.1 ------------ - clarifications in documentation agrmt 1.42 ---------- - new functions by Clem Aeppli to approximate variance/standard deviations - dist is now called disper to avoid conflict with R base - update licence to 2020 agrmt 1.41 ---------- - adding new functions by Clem Aeppli (Reardon, censor, truncate, concentration, disper) - clarifications in the documentation - rewriting some of the documentation - fixing typos in descriptions agrmt 1.40.9 ---------- - fixing typo/error in package vignette, clarification of how layer weight is calculated agrmt 1.40.8 ---------- - various small updates and clarifications in the manual agrmt 1.40.7 ------------ - clarification of 'polarization' using van der Eijk's measure in vignette and on web - clarification in documentation that 'agreementError' and 'compareAgreement' take population vectors, not frequency vectors - including [3 0 0 0 0] as example in the code, not just the description of agreement agrmt 1.40.6 ------------ - updated contact details argmt 1.40.5 ------------ - now using MIT licence agrmt 1.40.4 ------------ - fixed MRQ standardization agrmt 1.40.3 ------------ - reference in MRQ.Rd to 2005 AER article, consistent with the formula used agrmt 1.40.2 ------------ - DOI in package description agrmt 1.40.1 ------------ - Montalvo Reynal-Querol (MRQ) can now handle non-standardized frequency vectors - fixes in documentation agrmt 1.40 ----------- - fixes in documentation - substantial updates to the vignette agrmt 1.39.4 -------------- - include NEWS in package agrmt 1.39.3 -------------- - updating NAMESPACE - fixing non-ASCII in comment agrmt 1.39 -------------- - updated package DESCRIPTION - clarified documentation of Berry Mielke agrmt 1.37 -------------- - adding MRQ() agrmt 1.35 -------------- - fixed and verified Berry Mielke agrmt 1.34 -------------- - fixed odd/even in Berry Mielke - clarified documentation of AJUS plots agrmt 1.33 -------------- - passing arguments agrmt 1.31 -------------- - new measures included: Berry Mielke, Blair Lacy, Kvalseth, dsquared, lsquared agrmt 1.30 -------------- - updates to documentation - updating package vignette - reaching version 1 agrmt 0.29 -------------- - adding consensus measures agrmt 0.28 -------------- - added agreementError - adjusting code and documentation in other agreement functions agrmt 0.27 -------------- - adding Leik's ordinal dispersion agrmt 0.26 -------------- - releasing to CRAN - updating documentation and package vignette agrmt 0.25 -------------- - adding AJUSF + L agrmt 0.24 -------------- - improved AJUS plot - better AJUS output agrmt 0.23 -------------- - fix in AJUS classification agrmt 0.22 -------------- - fix in AJUS classification agrmt 0.21 -------------- - fix in AJUS skew - updates to documentation agrmt 0.19 -------------- - input validation in modes() agrmt 0.18 -------------- - updated package vignette - naming functions consistently - naming consistency (S3) agrmt 0.16 -------------- - fixes to AJUS - fixes to ISD agrmt 0.14 -------------- - adding package vignette agrmt 0.13 -------------- - fix in collapse() function agrmt 0.12 -------------- - improvements to modes() agrmt 0.11 -------------- - changes to package DESCRIPTION agrmt 0.11 -------------- - fix in modes() agrmt 0.9 -------------- - improved input validation agrmt 0.8 -------------- - better documentation of agreement, polarization, and collapse agrmt 0.7 -------------- - fixed order in collapse() - fixing internal consistencies in documentation agrmt 0.6 -------------- - additional functions: AJUS, ISD