# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [1.2-4] - 2019-10-18 ### Added - 'fraction = c("collagen", "mineral")' argument in warn ## [1.2-3] - 2017-12-08 ### Added - 'plot.warn' function returns data for plotting if 'plot = FALSE' ## [1.2-2] - 2017-02-22 ### Fixed - A possible endless calculation in 'warnCI' ## [1.2-1] - 2016-06-26 ### Fixed - A possible endless calculation in 'warnCI' ## [1.2-0] - 2016-02-23 ### Added - 'warnCI,' 'plot.warnCI,' and 'print.warnCI' functions ### Changed - Updated loading and attachment of required packages ## [1.1] - 2014-11-04 ### Added - Warning for ">10 years of 'age'" @warn.default ### Changed - Updated loading and attachment of package 'MASS'