1.4.0: 2015-11-22 - Updated maintainer address 1.3.0: 2015-03-06 - Added citation file - Added SimSeq paper to sources of SimData function - Added gene annotations to KIRC dataset - Add in vector of DE genes to output of SimData function 1.2.0: 2014-12-09 - Set default norm factors estimation to 0.75 quantile of all counts - Removed edgeR dependency - Added in full TCGA KIRC dataset version 1.5.0 - Added in switch to change factor levels (treatment groups) around in SimData function - Updated documentations files 1.1.0: 2014-05-25: SimSeq version 1.1.0 - Updated SimData function to return columns used in sampling algorithm 1.0.0: 2014-02-17: SimSeq version 1.0.0 - Initial CRAN release 0.5.2: 2014-02-17: SimSeq version 0.5.2 - Updated package namespace to export and import variables - Changed depends to imports for edgeR and fdrtool - Fixed treatment output in function SimData - Removed algorithm from documentation for function SimData - Removed samp.col from output for function SimData - Changed treatment from 0 and 1 to non-tumor and tumor in kidney dataset 0.5.1: 2013-09-28: SimSeq version 0.5.1 - fixed bug in samp.independent method in SimData function when samp.independent equal TRUE - updated documentation 0.5.0: 2013-09-14: SimSeq version 0.5.0 - changed name of "offset" input to "norm.factors" in all functions - removed symmetric swapping functionally. As such n1.diff, n1.genes, and genes1.select are removed from all functions - Updated Documentation - Moved packages 'edgeR' and 'fdrtool's back to Depends field - updated demo file 0.4.0: 2013-09-07: SimSeq Version 0.4.0 - Changed version names of all files from 1.x.y to 0.x.y - removed pval.hist function - now calculates weights for sampling genes by local fdr through fdrtool function from CRAN package 'fdrtool' - changed name of EBP input in SimData function to weights - updated examples for SimData - updated documentation of functions - removed package 'edgeR' from Depends field in description file - added package 'edgeR' and 'fdrtool' to Suggests field in description file 0.3.0: 2013-08-29: SimSeq Version 0.3.0 - Moved wilcox signed rank and rank sum test out of SimData function to its own function, CalcPvalWilcox - Changed default for offsets to calcNormFactors from package 'edgeR' using method "TMM" - Created dependency on package 'edgeR' - Changed independence swapping code (changed method for adjusting data by offsets, eliminated for-loops) - Set samp.independent default to FALSE - Minimal cleaning up of help/documentation files (still needs a bit of work) - Created CalcPvalWilcox .Rd file 0.2.0: 2013-08-24: SimSeq Version 0.2.0 - Substantially cleaned up code for readability and maintainability - Added more detailed comments to code - Renamed data.sim and sortdata functions to SimData and SortData respectively - Added samp.genes functions - Fixed errors in offset under the independent method section 0.1.0: 2013-08-19: SimSeq Version 0.1.0 - Added symmetric swap functionality to data.sim function - Added checks on initial parameters submitted to data.sim function - help files are no longer working 0.0.0: 2013-08-17: SimSeq Version 0.0.0 - Created sortdata, samp.col, and data.sim functions - sortdata: sorts matrix of gene express. data given vector of replicates and treatment - samp.col: samples replicates by columns separately and independently - data.sim: Now has functionality to simulate under both standard and independent method for both paired and unpaired data