2024-01-12 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.13.0 2023-11-29 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.15 * src/RcppExports.cpp: Regenerated under updated Rcpp to address format string issue reported by R-devel * man/RcppSpdlog-package.Rd: Remove some empty default entries 2023-07-09 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.14 2023-07-08 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.12.0 2023-06-28 Dirk Eddelbuettel * README.md: Add r-universe badge 2023-06-17 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.13 2023-06-13 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * src/interface.cpp (log_init): Add a simple convenience wrapper to log_setup() which omits the first 'logger name' argument * inst/include/spdl.h: Define convenience wrappers init() and log() 2023-03-19 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * src/Makevars: No longer set a C++ standard * R/RcppExports.R (setLoadAction): Updated .Call using backticks 2023-01-17 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdlog_stopwatch.h: Define stopwatch without fmt.h header * inst/include/RcppSpdlog_types.h: Use spdlog_stopwatch if #define set 2023-01-07 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.12 2022-12-27 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/interface.cpp: Add documentation reference for format pattern * man/log_setup.Rd: Idem * R/RcppExports.R: Idem 2022-12-25 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdl.h: Wrap three RcppSpdlog::*_stopwatch() functions 2022-12-23 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/interface.cpp: Split stopwatch documentation off * man/get_stopwatch.Rd: Idem * man/log_setup.Rd: Idem * src/RcppExports.cpp: Idem * R/RcppExports.R: Idem 2022-12-22 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * src/interface.cpp: Define and document three new functions for stopwatch * R/RcppExports.R: Export new functions * src/RcppExports.cpp: Idem * inst/include/RcppSpdlog_RcppExports.h: Idem * inst/include/RcppSpdlog_types.h: Include stopwatch, add XPtr template * inst/include/RcppSpdlog: Use new header * man/log_setup.Rd: Add documentation * R/stopwatch.R: Add two S3 methods for stopwatch objects * NAMESPACE: Export methods * inst/include/rcpp_sink.h: Use lighter Rcpp interface 2022-12-13 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.11 * vignettes/introduction.md: Microedit 2022-12-12 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/interface.cpp (log_filesetup): Setup (simple) file-based logger * R/RcppExports.R: R accessor * src/RcppExports.cpp: Autogenerated export for C level access * inst/include/RcppSpdlog_RcppExports.h: Idem * inst/include/rcpp_sink.h: Added #include * man/log_setup.Rd: Added documentation * inst/include/spdl.h: Added in spdl namespace 2022-12-02 Dirk Eddelbuettel * README.md: Mention the new spdl package 2022-11-18 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/formatter.cpp: Export to C++ to make formatter() callable * src/RcppExports.cpp: Autogenerated export for C level access * inst/include/RcppSpdlog_RcppExports.h: Idem 2022-11-17 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.10 * vignettes/introduction.md: More edits 2022-11-15 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/formatter.cpp (formatter): Add formatting helper which passes logging string to fmt::format() enable fmt's "format" from R * src/RcppExports.cpp: Ditto * R/RcppExports.R (formatter): Ditto * man/formatter.Rd: Docs * inst/include/spdl.h: Include fmtlib::fmt via spdlog 2022-11-14 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * inst/include/spdl.h: Use variadic templates to fmt::format 2022-11-04 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.9 2022-11-03 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.11.0 * vignettes/introduction.md: Small edits 2022-11-02 Dirk Eddelbuettel * vignettes/introduction.md: New sections for access from R and C++ 2022-11-01 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * inst/include/RcppSpdlog: Ad second shorter namespace 'spdl' with shorter (inlined) function names as simpler accessors * vignettes/introduction.md: Two new sections on access from R and C++, respectively 2022-10-31 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version 2022-10-30 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll micro release version * src/interface.cpp: Add R interface to spdlog * man/log_setup.Rd: Documentation * .github/workflows/ci.yaml (jobs): Update to actions/checkout@v3 * src/interface.cpp: Activate R and C++ interface generation * R/RcppExports.R: Updated accordingly * src/RcppExports.cpp: Idem * inst/include/RcppSpdlog.h: Generated * inst/include/RcppSpdlog_RcppExports.h: Idem 2022-04-04 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.8 * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.10.0 2021-12-05 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.7 2021-11-20 Dirk Eddelbuettel * vignettes/water.css: Added css file 2021-11-19 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll minor version * vignettes/introduction.md: Converted from Rmd to simplermarkdown * DESCRIPTION: Switched VignetteBuilder: to simplermarkdown 2021-08-12 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll minor version * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.9.2 2021-07-27 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Roll minor version * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.9.1 2021-07-21 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.6 * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream spdlog 1.9.0 (with fmt 8.x) 2021-03-28 Dirk Eddelbuettel * docs/mkdmt-src/: Moved mkdocs-material input 2021-03-27 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.5 2021-03-25 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.8.4 + 1.8.5 2021-03-24 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Description): Mention Gabi explicitly (URL): List GitHub repo and package pages (BugReports): List GitHub issues pages * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.8.3 2020-12-25 Dirk Eddelbuettel * .github/workflows/ci.yaml: Small tweaks to CI YAML file 2020-12-11 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.4 * inst/include/spdlog/*: New upstream release spdlog 1.8.2 * .github/workflows/ci.yaml: Add CI runner using r-ci 2020-10-23 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.3 * docs/: Added package website * docs-src/: Added package website inputs 2020-10-19 Dirk Eddelbuettel * README.md: Updated example 2020-10-08 Dirk Eddelbuettel * vignettes/introduction.Rmd (vignette): Compile-time example added 2020-10-04 Dirk Eddelbuettel * vignettes/introduction.Rmd (vignette): New (draft) vignette * DESCRIPTION (VignetteBuilder): Add knitr (Suggests): Add knitr, rmarkdown, minidown * inst/examples/exampleTwo.cpp (exampleTwo): Added cleanup at end with logger removal to permit multiple calls to example function * inst/examples/exampleThree.cpp (exampleThree): Idem 2020-10-01 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdlog/*: Upgraded to upstream release 1.8.1 2020-09-30 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/exampleRsink.cpp (exampleRsink): Use default logger instance 2020-09-29 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/exampleRsink.cpp (setLogLevel): New function * R/RcppExports.R (exampleRsink): R accessor * man/setLogLevel.Rd: Documentation 2020-09-28 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdlog/logger-inl.h: Synchronised with our PR #1685 switching to REprintf() if R_R_H and USING_R defined * inst/include/RcppSpdlog: Include R.h so that R_R_H and USING_R defined, define SPDLOG_DISABLE_DEFAULT_LOGGER here * src/exampleRsink.cpp: Removed SPDLOG_DISABLE_DEFAULT_LOGGER def. 2020-09-17 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.2 * inst/include/spdlog/*: Upgraded to upstream release 1.8.0 * inst/include/spdlog/logger-inl.h: Switch to REprintf as before * .travis.yml: Use BSPM, turn os macOS * src/exampleRsink.cpp (exampleRsink): Add 'stopwatch' demo 2020-09-08 Dirk Eddelbuettel * DESCRIPTION (Version, Date): Version 0.0.1 2020-08-21 Dirk Eddelbuettel * src/exampleRsink.cpp: Renamed from exampleFour() * man/exampleRsink.Rd: Idem * src/RcppExports.cpp: Updated * R/RcppExports.R: Idem * README.md: Some more edits 2020-08-20 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/RcppSpdlog: Easy wrapper for spdlog and R sink * inst/include/rcpp_sink.h: A sink for R using Rcpp::Rcout * src/exampleFour.cpp: Rewritten and now R CMD check clean * inst/examples/examplesFour.cpp: Now in src/, R sink in its header * README.md: Edited, added two badges * cleanup: Added * .editorconfig: Idem 2020-08-19 Dirk Eddelbuettel * inst/include/spdlog/*: Using spdlog version 1.7 * inst/examples/*: Four simple usage examples * .travis.yml: Added though no real tests present * src/exampleFour.cpp (exampleFour): Simple wrapper around simple Rcpp logger class which still triggers R warnings * man/exampleFour.Rd: Basic help page * src/RcppExports.cpp: Generated * src/Makevars: Added * R/RcppExports.R: Idem * NAMESPACE: Added * DESCRIPTION: Added Imports: and LinkingTo: for Rcpp