Changes in 0.1-9: * Option 'nThread' limits OpenMP parallelization to maximum number of threads. * Option 'oob' specifies an out-of-bag constraint for prediction. * Row sampling now implemented using 'Rcpp', in place of 'rcppArmadillo'. * Package 'data.table' now implements block decomposition of 'data.frame'. Changes in 0.1-8: * Command 'Validate' enables separate execution of out-of-bag validation. * Command 'Streamline' shrinks trained Rborist objects by emptying unused fields. * Option 'maxLeaf' prunes trees during training to a maximum number of leaves. Changes in 0.1-4: * Sparse 'dcGMatrix' matrices accepted, if encoded in 'i/p' format. * Autocompression conserves space on a per-predictor basis. * Space-saving 'thinLeaves' option suppresses creation of summary data. * 'splitQuantile' option allows fine tuning of split-point placement for numerical predictors. * Improved scaling with row count. Changes in 0.1-2: * Improved scaling with predictor count. * Improved conformance with Caret package. * 'minNode' default lowered to reflect uniqueness of indices referenced within a node. * Name change: PreTrain deprecated in favor of PreFormat. * Minor reorganization to support sparse internal representation planned for next release. Changes in 0.1-1: * Significant reductions in memory footprint. * Default predictor-selction mode changed to 'predFixed' (like 'mTry') for small predictor counts. 'predProb' remains the default at higher count. * Binary classification now employs faster, weight-based algorithm. * Training produces rich internal state by default. In particular, quantile validation and prediction can be performed without having to train specially for them. * ForestFloorExport objects can be produced from training state for use by 'forestFloor' feature-analysis package. * PreTrain method produces pre-sorted predictor format, saving recomputation when retraining iteratively, such as during a Caret session. * OMP parallelization now performed per node/predictor pair, rather than per predictor. * Optional 'regMono' vector enforces monotonic constraints on numeric regressors. Changes in 0.3-0: * Prediction and validation introduce permutation testing. * Missing predictor values accepted for training, validation and prediction. * Option 'trapUnobserved' allows validation and prediction to report a nonterminal score upon ecountering missing data or values not observed during training. * Prediction no longer limits data set size to 32 bits. * Training accepts data sets with size exceeding 32 bits under conditional compilation. This is an experimental feature and has not been well tested. Changes in 0.3-3: * Option 'indexing' indicates whether to report final indices of tree traversal during prediction and validation. * Introduces 'forestWeight' utility to report prediction weights as described by Meinshausen, 2006. * Option 'keyedFrame' indicates whether predictor columns in a "new" data frame submitted to prediction need may be unordered. That is, column names may be looked up and matched with their counterparts from the original training frame. Among other advantages, this allows the prediction frame to be a superset of the training frame.