1.0.2 - reduced MAX_PACKET_SIZE to 8100, which seems to be a safe value to avoid sending unfinished packages to the MonetDB server. 1.0.1 - added isIdCurrent for improved compatibility with RSQLite - new option monetdb.log.query allows export of dbSendQuery statements to file - no longer depends on DBI but imports it. Preferred way of constructing connections: library(DBI); con <- dbConnect(MonetDB.R::MonetDB(), ...) 1.0.0 - Added support for esoteric data types such as MONTH_INTERVAL (Thanks, Roman) - Cleaned up SQL to R type mapping (we had this twice) - Now creating actual R integers if data fits - dbWriteTable now quotes table/column names if necessary, and outputs warnings if it did - New mdbapply function to automatically create and run embedded R functions in MonetDB - Fixes for dplyr backend - Fix for case when query only returns a prompt (CALL ..., Thanks, Roman) - Fix for empty result set on dbGetQuery(), no longer returning NULL (Thanks, Fabian) - Fix for dbConnect(), it ignored the url parameter somehow, which broke some sqlsurvey - Added lower.case.names argument to monet.read.csv() in case users want to avoid quoting (a bit) - Fix for dbConnect() that should be more robust to invalid connections - Cleaned up quoting behavior in dbListTables(), dbRemoveTable() etc. - Now re-establishing connection if interrupt (CMD-C or ESC) occurs - Fixed a bug in monetdb.read.csv for multiple CSV files without headers - Added transactions to monetdb.read.csv so no empty tables are left over - Removed nrows parameter to monetdb.read.csv - Added col.names argument to monetdb.read.csv - dplyr src_monetdb now has a con parameter to pass an existing DBI connection - Fixed a bug when running in a non-UTF8 locale (Thanks, Marcis) - Fixed a bug when dbWriteTable would not adhere to transactional semantics - Fixed != comparisions in dplyr (Thanks, David) - Support for running MonetDB in embedded mode (MonetDBLite) - Support for monetdblite:/some/path URLs in dbConnect() - Fixed an off-by-one error in type conversion (Thanks, Kirill) - Wait support for monetdb.server.stop on Windows - dbWriteTable now invokes monetdb.read.csv when called with a character vector as value argument 0.9.7 - Fixed crash on Windows (Sorry, everyone) 0.9.6 - monetdb.read.csv new create= parameter (Thanks, Duncan) - deprecated nrows parameter to monetdb.read.csv, not neccessary any more because of changes to MonetDB - Fixed non-ASCII character handling (Thanks, Roman) - Fully removed C-based socket code - support for dplyr verbs sample_n() and sample_frac() 0.9.5 - Removed package date (Thanks, Dimitar) - Added sys. schema name to internal queries, so SET SCHEMA xx would not break things (Thanks again, Dimitar) - Fixed monetdb:// URL handling on newer R versions (Thanks, Alex) - DBI 0.3 compatibility (isValid etc.) - deprecated dbTransaction() (DBI has standardized dbBegin()) - Back to R socket code for peace of mind - Code cleanup - dplyr integration moved to MonetDB.R package 0.9.4 - dbWriteTable overhaul (thanks, Anthony) - Fix for dbListTables for MonetDB versions after Jan2014 0.9.3 - Remove trailing slashes for monetdb.program.path parameter for monetdb.server.setup (Thanks, Anthony!) - fixed monetdbd.liststatus (Thanks, Bart) 0.9.2 - monetdb_queryinfo method to find out things about an arbitrary query cheaply - new options monetdb.sequential, monetdb.debug.query and monetdb.debug.mapi - debug output now uses the message() function - source code cleanup - dbListTables() now hides system tables per default, also got options to include the schema name and quoting in the result (sys_tables, schema_names and quote) - fixed various TODO's in the code to get closer to 1.0 (exciting) - fixed a bug when the error identifier sent by MonetDB was non-numeric - IPv6 addresses in dbConnect() should now work (another long-standing TODO) 0.9.1 - dbGetInfo() now supported on MonetDBConnection (dplyr compatibility) - dbTransaction(), dbCommit() and dbRollback() support - fixed leaking of socket variable in dbConnect() - fixed monetdb.server.setup for UNIX-like systems (Thanks, Enzo) - fixed issue in dbClearResult() which produced a protocol error 0.9 - various extensions to monetdb.read.csv - removed monet.frame from this package, moved to github 0.8.5 - added parameters newline and quote to monetdb.write.csv 0.8.4 - fixed bug when reading empty table (Thanks, Anthony) - removed assertion in mapisplit.c that triggered sometimes for unclear reasons 0.8.3 - fixed a problem where integer SEXPs turned to double somehow 0.8.2 - fixed bug in dbConnect() where port and timeout were not always integer values 0.8.1 - fixed bug in dbWriteTable() where VARCHAR(255) was used for character data instead of STRING 0.8 - New All-C socket code (Thanks, Windows) - new dbConnect() parameter organization (!) - new mc() shorthand method for db connections 0.7.10 - More tip-toeing around in dbConnect() - More error-tolerant MAPI parsing 0.7.9 - Changes in dbConnect() error handling 0.7.8 - fix for [, large offsets are not translated to SQL correctly 0.7.7 - fix for aggregatef(), formula arguments were not evaluated in the right direction - support for mathematical operations on boolean columns 0.7.6 - fix for C implementation for line splitting 0.7.5 - more fetch() fixes 0.7.4 - string to line splitting to c, NA handling to C as well 0.7.3 - c implementation of very expensive function 0.7.2 - fetch() performance enhancements and bug fixes 0.7.1 - minor fixes to fetch() function from basic DBI 0.7 - some cran compatibility changes 0.6.4 - tabulate() support - unique() support - bugfix in subset() 0.6.3 - Quieter startup - dbSendQuery() now fails if the query is bogus - implemented dbGetException() 0.6.2 - subset() is back! 0.6 - merge() support from Anthony - CRAN cleanup - MonetDB control code for UNIX-like systems 0.5.16 - bugfixes in monet.frame 0.5.15 - rbind() support on monet.frame from Anthony 0.5.14 - sample() support on monet.frame 0.5.13 - bugfix in server control code from Anthony 0.5.12 - integrated formula-based aggregation from Anthony 0.5.11 - fixed a bug in aggregate() to allow count-aggregation on non-numeric columns 0.5.10 - MonetDB server control code (Windows) from Anthony Damico 0.5.9 - Increased default socket timeout to 24h. Rationale: Import jobs may take this long, and all operations can always be cancelled with CTRL-C 0.5.8 - aggregate() support in DB 0.5.5 - Column name, type and dimension hints for monet.frame, makes it faster 0.5.4 - Initial support for sort(), head(), tail(), summary(), var(), sd(), quantile() and median() in monet.frame - Changed str() implementation to not show sample data but column names/types instead 0.5 - first release aimed at CRAN publication - monet.frame virtual data object - various bugfixes - documentation - port in monetdb:// URI now optional, defaults to 50000 0.4 - make dbColumnInfo return the R-side data type as well as the Monet-side one. 0.3 - write support in dbSendQuery, new functions dbWriteTable and dbSendUpdate 0.2 - fixed handling of boolean values, now have proper R types - new parameter to dbConnect to specify connection timeout - check for empty responses in .mapiRead, now stop()s with a warning and some help 0.1 - initial version, basic read support