2021-06-04 README uses more neutral language for package history. 2020-01-16 Used temporary file for Big Data example. 2020-01-16 Fix to: https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/17 2019-12-13 Added seed to dzellner() example (for identifying CRAN MKL Issue) 2019-12-13 Fix to: https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/15 2018-06-23 Corrected out-of-sync LaplacesDemon-package.Rd 2017-12-18 Various bug fixes: https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/5 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/6 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/7 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/pull/8 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/9 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/issues/10 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/pull/12 https://github.com/LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon/pull/13 2017-04-01 Distributions: Corrected dhalft distribution which did not integrate to 1 (Thanks to Daniel Heck and Quentin F. Gronau). 2015-03-25 Distributions: Corrected Yang-Burger to Yang-Berger, as well as eigenvalue part of density 2015-03-22 Distributions: Added Generalized Pareto 2015-03-19 Distributions: Added Yang-Burger 2015-03-18 Examples: Added Variable Selection: LASSO 2015-03-17 LaplacesDemon: Added Debug argument 2015-03-16 LICENSE: Updated year 2015-03-16 interval: Now handles infinite values, from Richard Hermanson on GitHub, Pull request 21 2015-03-16 Distributions: Added rzellner 2015-03-14 Distributions: Added Huang-Wand, Inverse Matrix Gamma, Matrix Gamma, and Scaled Inverse Wishart 2015-03-13 Distributions: Added LASSO and Normal-Laplace 2015-03-13 Examples: Added Multivariate Poisson Regression and PVAR(p) 2015-03-13 Data: Added demonsessions 2015-03-10 Distributions: Added Laplace Mixture 2015-03-10 Distributions: Added Asymmetric Multivariate Laplace 2015-03-10 LaplacesDemon: Allow different order of Specs, by Richard Hermanson on Github, Pull request 17 2015-03-09 Consort: Added missing commas in AMWG suggestion, by Richard Hermanson on Github, Pull request 15 2015-03-08 Added Hangartner.Diagnostic, is.hangartner, and TransitionMatrix 2015-03-07 Examples: Upgraded VAR(p)-GARCH(1,1)-M to asymmetric BEKK 2015-03-06 Examples: Added VARMA(p,q) - SSVS, and VAR(p) - SVSS 2015-03-05 LaplacesDemon: AFSS is now prevented from incomplete end-of-chain adaptations 2015-03-04 Distributions: Added Normal-Inverse-Wishart and Normal-Wishart 2015-03-03 Examples: Re-introduced Exploratory Cluster Analysis and the Infinite Mixture Model 2015-03-02 Distributions: Added Matrix Normal 2015-02-28 Distributions: Fixed bug reported by Jarrod Hadfield, j.hadfield@ed.ac.uk, where dmvl returns non-finite results when x and mu are identical, due to division by zero. Zeroes are replaced with 1e-300. 2015-02-20 Examples: Added VAR(p)-GARCH(1,1)-M 2015-02-18 Data: Added demonchoice, demonfx, and demontexas 2015-02-16 Distributions: Changed dhs and rhs from one paper to another 2015-02-11 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug in blocked RWM 2015-02-10 Distributions: Fixed bug reported by Cajo ter Braak, cajo.terbraak@wur.nl, where dinvchisq returns nothing 2015-02-08 LaplacesDemon: Added the AFSS algorithm 2015-02-01 Distributions: Fixed bug in rinvgamma 2015-01-30 LaplacesDemon: Added specification m to AHMC, HMC, and THMC 2015-01-29 LaplacesDemon: Added specification B to MWG 2015-01-28 LaplacesDemon: Added specifications B and n to AMWG 2015-01-27 Distributions: Fixed bug in rslaplace 2015-01-22 LaplacesDemon: Added specifications B, Bounds, and Type to Slice 2014-11-11 LaplacesDemon: Added specifications B and n to RAM 2014-11-11 Distributions: Fixed bug reported by Francisco Rubio, Francisco.Rubio@warwick.ac.uk, where ppe returned 0 when q=0. 2014-10-26 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug reported by Christoph Kurz, kurz@outlook.com, where NUTS produced an error regarding Mo0. 2014-08-26 LaplaceApproximation: Fixed bug reported by Aaron Robotham, aaron.robotham@uwa.edu.au, where a summary said "Mean" rather than "Mode". 2014-08-09 Examples: Changed the Multivariate Binary Probit example from using a Cholesky decomposition to a correlation matrix. 2014-06-25 GIV: Forced IV to be a vector for identical() 2014-06-23 Fixed bug reported by David Ramsey, David.Ramsey@depi.vic.gov.au, regarding clusterExport, which affected BigData, PMC, predict.demonoid, predict.iterquad, predict.laplace, predict.pmc, predict.vb, RejectionSampling, SIR 2014-06-20 Added MinnesotaPrior 2014-06-20 Combine: Fixed bug with Covar in blocked samplers 2014-06-20 Fixed bug reported by David Ramsey, David.Ramsey@depi.vic.gov.au, regarding acf on small samples. 2014-06-18 Added logdet 2014-06-16 LaplacesDemon: Added the pCN algorithm 2014-06-05 Fixed bug reported by Francois Brunetti, f.a.brunetti@free.fr, in which Data$n vs. Data[["n"]] could refer to different names. 2014-06-02 LaplacesDemon: Added Lmax to NUTS 2014-05-31 LaplacesDemon: Added blocks to UESS 2014-05-30 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with AMM blocks 2014-05-28 Consort: The worst mixing chain is named when ESS < 100 2014-05-25 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with ADMG 2014-05-24 Distributions: Inf prevented in rinvgamma 2014-05-23 LaplacesDemon: UESS may now be non-adaptive 2014-05-21 Distributions: Sped up rcat 2014-05-21 LaplacesDemon: warnings are now treated as errors and rejected 2014-05-21 LaplaceApproximation, LaplacesDemon, and VariationalBayes: Warning when LP differs and parameters are constant 2014-05-19 Matrices: Added .colVars and .rowVars 2014-05-19 LaplacesDemon: OHSS may now be non-adaptive 2014-05-17 LaplacesDemon: Ensured minimum tuning and diag(Covar) 2014-05-17 LaplacesDemon: Replaced some sample with sample.int 2014-05-16 LaplacesDemon: RAM no longer has Periodicity specification 2014-05-15 Namespace: Exported .vbsalimans2 2014-05-14 Namespace: Exported IQ, LA, and MCMC algorithms 2014-05-08 deburn: Fixed bug with Thinned.Samples 2014-05-08 dmvnp, dmvnpc: Changed log(2) + log(pi) to log(2*pi) 2014-05-06 Replaced many ifelse with which 2014-05-06 MISS: Removed the ESS algorithm 2014-05-05 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with OHSS 2014-05-04 LaplacesDemon: Added Gibbs 2014-05-03 PosteriorChecks: Added ISM (Independent Samples per Minute) 2014-05-01 Combine: Fixed bug when Covar is a vector 2014-04-29 Combine: Fixed bug where Periodicity no longer exists now 2014-04-29 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with MALA, major revision 2014-04-27 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with RAM proposals 2014-04-25 Vignette Examples: Added Exploratory Ordinal Factor Analysis (EOFA) 2014-04-21 BayesianBootstrap: Added example of marginal posterior covariance 2014-04-20 LaplaceApproximation: Added the DFP and SR1 algorithms 2014-04-20 LaplaceApproximation: Revised the BFGS and BHHH algorithms 2014-04-19 CovEstim: Added the Sandwich estimator as a method 2014-04-18 plot.demonoid: Changed colors to transparent for diminishing adapt. 2014-04-10 LaplacesDemon: Added the MTM algorithm 2014-04-09 Levene.Test: Changed colors to transparent colors 2014-04-09 plot.demonoid.hpc: Changed colors to transparent colors 2014-04-07 LaplacesDemon: Added the MCMCMC algorithm 2014-04-06 LaplacesDemon: Added the RDMH algorithm 2014-04-05 Vignette Examples: Added Multiple Discrete-Continuous Choice (MDCC) 2014-03-26 LaplacesDemon: Added the OHSS, Refractive, RSS, and UESS algorithms 2014-03-25 Added deburn 2014-03-14 Vignette Examples: Added Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) 2014-03-14 Added RejectionSampling and is.rejection 2014-03-13 Added WAIC 2014-03-13 LaplacesDemon: Reduced number of chol() evals in some samplers 2014-03-11 Added dcrmrf and rcrmrf 2014-03-05 Added Heidelberger.Diagnostic and is.heidelberger 2014-03-05 Added is.raftery and print.heidelberger 2014-03-04 LML: Added the GD method 2014-03-03 Vignette Examples: Added Change Point Regression 2014-03-02 LaplacesDemon: Added Specs to output 2014-03-02 LaplacesDemon: Removed Adaptive, DR, and Periodicity from output 2014-02-25 Vignette Examples: Added Hidden Markov Model 2014-02-09 dmvnp: Sped up by inverting the Cholesky, rather than Omega 2014-02-06 Added VariationalBayes, plot.vb, plot.vb.ppc, and predict.vb 2014-02-06 Added print.vb and summary.vb.ppc 2013-11-11 as.parm.names: Added the ability to omit missing elements 2013-11-07 LaplacesDemon: Added the AGG algorithm 2013-11-05 Vignette Examples: rewrote CCA, ECA, FMM, IMM, and SSVS for discrete parameters 2013-11-03 Added rStick 2013-11-03 LaplacesDemon: GG now accepts discrete parameters with dparm 2013-11-03 LaplacesDemon: GG now allows a unique Grid per parameter 2013-11-03 Vignette Examples: Removed grep from Model functions 2013-10-29 LaplaceApproximation: Added the SPG algorithm 2013-10-19 Added Hermite 2013-10-17 as.covar: added class iterquad 2013-10-17 as.initial.values: added class iterquad 2013-10-17 caterpillar.plot: added class iterquad 2013-10-17 Added is.iterquad and is.iterquad.ppc 2013-10-17 Added plot.iterquad, plot.iterquad.ppc, and predict.iterquad 2013-10-17 Added print.iterquad and summary.iterquad.ppc 2013-10-17 Added IterativeQuadrature 2013-10-17 Added GaussHermiteCubeRule and GaussHermiteQuadRule 2013-10-12 Added SparseGrid 2013-10-12 LaplaceApproximation: Added the BFGS algorithm 2013-10-06 CITATION has been updated from CRAN to bayesian-inference.com 2013-09-19 LaplacesDemon: Added the GG algorithm 2013-09-14 Vignette Examples: Added Linear Regression with Zellner's g-Prior 2013-09-13 Added dhyperg and dzellner for Zellner's g-prior 2013-09-13 rdirichlet: Expanded alpha from vector to matrix, if desired 2013-09-12 LaplaceApproximation: Default method changed from LM to CG 2013-09-09 LaplaceApproximation: Added the CG algorithm 2013-09-08 LaplaceApproximation: Fixed bug with LM and NR 2013-09-07 LaplaceApproximation: Added the BHHH algorithm 2013-09-07 LaplaceApproximation: Added the CovEst argument 2013-09-07 Added CovEstim 2013-09-07 plot.laplace: Fixed bug with Parms when not converged 2013-09-05 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with ADMG 2013-09-03 LaplacesDemon: Added the MALA algorithm 2013-09-02 Added plotSamples 2013-09-01 plot.demonoid.ppc: Changed time-series plots to have shading 2013-09-01 plot.laplace.ppc: Changed time-series plots to have shading 2013-09-01 plot.pmc.ppc: Changed time-series plots to have shading 2013-08-31 LaplaceApproximation: Fixed bug reported by David Marino, davidmarino838@gmail.com, in which m.old was not updated (in case of a failure with m.new) in the LBFGS algorithm. 2013-08-17 LaplacesDemon: Added the ADMG algorithm 2013-08-14 Added Blocks and is.blocks 2013-08-14 LaplacesDemon: Added specification B to HARM for blocking 2013-08-14 LaplacesDemon: Added specification B to RWM for blocking 2013-08-04 Distributions: Added Normal Mixture 2013-08-04 Consort: Added abs. posterior1 correlation for componentwise 2013-08-04 Vignette Examples: Added Quantile Regression 2013-08-03 Vignette Examples: Added Binary Robit and Binomial Robit 2013-07-31 Added AcceptanceRate 2013-07-30 Added Raftery.Diagnostic and print.raftery 2013-07-29 Added plot.miss, print.miss, and summary.miss 2013-07-27 Added MISS and is.miss 2013-07-23 ABB: Fixed bug that caused the loss of 1 imputed value 2013-07-21 LaplacesDemon: Added the ESS algorithm 2013-07-19 hpc_server and LaplacesDemon: Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, silvere@vialet-chabrand.com, updated INCA with global adaptive scaling (Andrieu et al, 2008) to share the acceptance rate among chains 2013-07-14 Added Jacobian 2013-07-14 Hessian: Added Richardson extrapolation per numDeriv package 2013-07-14 partial: Added Richardson extrapolation per numDeriv package 2013-07-14 LaplaceApproximation: Default method changed from LBFGS to LM 2013-07-14 Added cond.plot 2013-07-14 Vignette Examples: Added Variable Selection: Horseshoe 2013-07-14 Distributions: Added Horseshoe 2013-07-13 Software License: Changed from GPL-2 to MIT 2013-07-13 LaplaceApproximation: Added the LM algorithm 2013-07-13 LaplaceApproximation: Added the PSO algorithm 2013-07-13 LaplaceApproximation: Added the SGD algorithm 2013-07-13 LaplaceApproximation: Added the TR algorithm 2013-07-13 LaplaceApproximation: Changed LML method to LME 2013-07-13 LML: Added Covar 2013-07-13 LML: Removed LME2 and renamed LME1 to LME 2013-07-11 Distributions: Added Generalized Poisson 2013-07-07 read.matrix: Added sampling from big data 2013-07-07 BigData: Added parallel processing 2013-07-07 BigData: changed to open connection and scan from read.csv 2013-07-06 LaplacesDemon: Added the SGLD algorithm 2013-06-30 LaplaceApproximation: Added the HJ and NR algorithms 2013-06-29 LaplaceApproximation: Added parallel processing of SIR 2013-06-29 SIR: Added parallel processing 2013-06-29 Added BigData 2013-06-26 Added is.sensitivity 2013-06-26 Added SensitivityAnalysis 2013-06-25 PMC: Added parallel processing 2013-06-24 Importance: Added parallel processing 2013-06-24 predict.demonoid: Added parallel processing 2013-06-24 predict.laplace: Added parallel processing 2013-06-24 predict.ppc: Added parallel processing 2013-06-23 Vignette Examples: Added Ridge Regression 2013-05-17 Mode: Fixed bug with mode of discrete vectors, reported by Chris Campell, ccampbell@mango-solutions.com 2013-04-20 LaplacesDemon.hpc: Added MPI support and logging, thanks to Mathias Moser, matmoser@wu.ac.at 2013-04-20 LaplacesDemon: Added logging, thanks to Mathias Moser, matmoser@wu.ac.at 2013-02-16 Added LossMatrix 2013-02-15 LaplaceApproximation: Added the SOMA algorithm 2013-02-14 LaplaceApproximation: Added the NM algorithm 2013-02-13 LaplaceApproximation: Added the HAR algorithm 2013-02-13 LaplaceApproximation: Revised AGA with Robbins-Monro 2013-02-12 Added BMK.Diagnostic and plot.bmk 2013-02-07 LaplacesDemon: Added the AIES algorithm 2013-02-07 LaplacesDemon: Added optional adaptivity to CHARM and HARM 2013-01-27 LaplacesDemon: Covariance matrices are now created only when required to minimize RAM for models with thousands of parameters 2013-01-26 LaplacesDemon: Added the DEMC algorithm 2013-01-25 LaplacesDemon: Many thanks to Bilal Barakat, bilal.barakat@oeaw.ac.at, for reporting an inefficient use of RAM regarding un-thinned samples, which is now more efficient 2013-01-21 LaplacesDemon: Added specification (B) to AMM for blocking 2013-01-19 LML: Fixed bug reported by Bilal Barakat, bilal.barakat@oeaw.ac.at 2013-01-14 Vignette Examples: Added Time Varying AR(1) with Chebyshev Series 2013-01-11 LaplacesDemon.hpc: Silvere fixed bug with >2 cores reported by Eric Brown, eric.c.brown@mac.com 2013-01-10 Vignette Examples: Reintroduced Penalized Spline Regression 2013-01-09 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with Monitor in NUTS reported by Eric Brown, eric.c.brown@mac.com 2012-12-26 LaplacesDemon: Added the Slice algorithm 2012-12-26 LaplacesDemon: Sped up thinning by replacing rbind, thanks to Stefan Humer, shumer@wu.ac.at 2012-12-10 Vignette Examples: Reintroduced Ordinal Probit 2012-12-04 Added server_Listening: This is not called by the user, but is for INCA, authored by Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, silvere@vialet-chabrand.com 2012-12-04 LaplacesDemon.hpc: Added functionality for the INCA algorithm, authored by Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, silvere@vialet-chabrand.com 2012-12-04 LaplacesDemon: Added the INCA algorithm, authored by Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, silvere@vialet-chabrand.com 2012-12-04 DESCRIPTION: Added ByteCompile: TRUE 2012-11-30 LaplacesDemon: Added the IM algorithm 2012-11-28 p.interval: now plots disjoint HPD intervals 2012-11-28 dmvl, dmvlc, rmvl, rmvlc: Fixed bug reported by Thomas Almer, tom.almer@gmail.com. 2012-11-27 BayesianBootstrap: Fixed bug and expanded to statistics, with the help of Bogumil Kaminski, bkamins@sgh.waw.pl 2012-11-16 Vignette Examples: Fixed bug with ordinal logit 2012-11-15 p.interval: Fixed bug with multimodal intervals 2012-11-10 Email Address: Changed to software@bayesian-inference.com 2012-11-10 URL: changed to http://www.bayesian-inference.com/software 2012-11-09 as.initial.values: Now returns a matrix for demonoid.hpc 2012-11-09 LaplacesDemon.hpc: Dispersed initial values are now allowed, solution provided by Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, silvere@vialet-chabrand.com 2012-11-06 dtrunc: Fixed bug reported by Bilal Barakat, bilal.barakat@oeaw.ac.at 2012-11-02 summary.demonoid.ppc: Corrected a discrepancy between L-criterions 2012-11-02 summary.laplace.ppc: Corrected a discrepancy between L-criterions 2012-11-02 summary.pmc.ppc: Corrected a discrepancy between L-criterions 2012-10-21 BayesTheorem: Fixed bug with vector checks 2012-10-15 plot.demonoid: Now delimits trace plot y-axis for componentwise LP 2012-10-13 Added qcat 2012-10-05 Added Gelfand.Diagnostic 2012-10-04 Geweke.Diagnostic: Warning due to too small sample replaced with fail 2012-09-28 Vignette Examples: Added Variable Selection, RJ 2012-09-26 LaplacesDemon: Added the RJ algorithm 2012-09-25 Vignette Examples: Removed Penalized Reg. and Ordinal Probit 2012-09-24 Vignette Examples: Added Linear Reg. with Missing Response via ABB 2012-09-23 Vignette Examples: Contingency table revised 2012-09-22 Vignette Tutorial: HARM becomes the recommended beginning MCMC alg. 2012-09-21 dinvgaussian: Fixed bug 2012-09-17 Vignette Examples: SSVS has delta specified differently 2012-09-16 LaplacesDemon: Added CHARM and HARM algorithms 2012-09-15 Vignette Examples: Multivariate Laplace Regression uses Cholesky 2012-09-15 dmvpe, dmvpec: Fixed bug with Sigma, thanks to Olga Usuga 2012-09-06 Vignette Examples: Changed specification of BAL 2012-09-03 Added joint.pr.plot 2012-08-29 Added ABB 2012-08-28 Vignette Examples: Fixed bug with DC.MNP, MNP, and MBP 2012-08-28 BayesianBootstrap: Fixed bug when X is a vector 2012-08-08 Added is.pmc.val 2012-08-08 Validate: Added class pmc.val 2012-08-07 plotMatrix: Fixed bug with label size when circle=TRUE 2012-08-07 joint.density.plot: Changed color ramp 2012-08-05 Vignette Examples: Added PGF 2012-08-04 GIV: Added the PGF argument 2012-08-03 Added dinvbeta, rinvbeta 2012-08-02 Added rmvpe 2012-08-01 LaplacesDemon.RAM: added Summary1 2012-07-30 Added PMC.RAM 2012-07-29 Vignette Examples: adapted many examples to Cholesky parameterization 2012-07-28 ddirichlet, dhalfcauchy, dinvwishart: now calculated as log-density 2012-07-28 dlaplacep, dmvc, dmvcp, dmvnp, dmvt: now calculated as log-density 2012-07-28 dmvtp, dpareto, dpe, dsdlaplace: now calculated as log-density 2012-07-28 dslaplace, dwishart: now calculated as log-density 2012-07-27 interval: added the reflect argument 2012-07-26 Added dmvcc, dmvcpc, dmvlc, dmvnc, dmvnpc, dmvpec, dmvtc 2012-07-26 Added rmvcc, rmvcpc, rmvlc, rmvnc, rmvnpc, rmvpec, rmvtc 2012-07-26 Added dinvwishartc, dwishartc, rinvwishartc, rwishartc 2012-07-25 rmvn: Fixed bug affecting rmvc, rmvcp, rmvl, rmvn, rmvnp, rmvt, rmvtp 2012-07-19 Added plotMatrix 2012-07-18 LaplacesDemon: Added 2 algorithms: HMCDA and NUTS 2012-07-17 Vignette Examples: Added Linear Regression with Power Priors 2012-07-16 Importance: Added BPIC 2012-07-16 summary.demonoid.ppc, ...laplace.ppc, ...pmc.ppc: Added BPIC 2012-07-16 predict.demonoid, predict.laplace, predict.ppc: Added BPIC 2012-07-16 Added is.constant 2012-07-15 logadd: Expanded to add or subtract vectors 2012-07-14 dst, rst: Improved calculations, oddly enough, avoiding dt and rt 2012-07-13 plot.demonoic.ppc, plot.laplace.ppc, plot.pmc.ppc: Changed Fitted 2012-07-12 DESCRIPTION: Changed package title and description 2012-07-11 Vignette Examples: Fixed bug with mu and ppc 2012-07-11 Vignette Tutorial: Fixed bug reported by Kodi Arfer with mu and ppc 2012-07-10 summary.demonoid.ppc, summary.laplace.ppc, summary.pmc.ppc: Added PPL 2012-07-09 Added as.covar, mainly due to multiple PMC matrices 2012-07-08 as.initial.values, BayesFactor: includes pmc objects 2012-07-08 caterpillar.plot, is.proper, Levene.Test: includes pmc objects 2012-07-08 Importance and LPL.interval: includes pmc objects 2012-07-08 PosteriorChecks and Validate: includes pmc objects 2012-07-07 Added is.pmc, is.pmc.ppc 2012-07-06 Added PMC, plot.pmc, predict.pmc, print.pmc, summary.pmc.ppc 2012-07-03 Added as.ppc, is.demonoid.val, and Validate 2012-07-02 Added BayesianBootstrap 2012-06-30 Added is.proper 2012-06-29 Vignette Bayesian Inference: Added WIP and Reference Prior sections 2012-06-28 Vignette Examples: Fixed bug with MNL, used K, not J 2012-06-27 Added LPL.interval 2012-06-26 Added logadd 2012-06-25 joint.density.plot: Added Trace argument 2012-06-24 plot.demonoid.ppc, plot.laplace.ppc: Residuals now look caterpillarish 2012-06-23 Vignette Tutorial: Changed to t-walk, added HPC section 2012-06-22 Added read.matrix 2012-06-21 Added is.data and is.model 2012-06-20 Added Thin 2012-06-19 AMWG, SAMWG, USAMWG: Sped up by replacing ifelse with which 2012-06-18 LaplacesDemon: Added 3 algorithms: AHMC, HMC, and THMC 2012-06-17 Added Juxtapose, is.juxtapose, and plot.juxtapose 2012-06-16 Added is.bayesfactor, is.importance, and is.ppc 2012-06-15 Added LaplacesDemon.RAM to estimate MB in required RAM 2012-06-14 plot.demonoid.ppc, plot.laplace.ppc: Fixed bug with Jarque-Bera 2012-06-13 Fixed bug with twalk regarding secondary parameter vector 2012-06-12 Vignette Examples: Moved Initial Values AFTER the Model 2012-06-11 caterpillar.plot: Added plot for class demonoid.hpc 2012-06-10 GIV: Fixed bug when model function causes an error 2012-06-09 LaplacesDemon: Sped up twalk by reducing Model calls 2012-06-08 keywords: redid as index entries 2012-06-07 LaplacesDemon: Fixed bug with twalk, so Adaptive = Iter. + 1 2012-06-06 Added plot.demonoid.hpc 2012-06-05 Added LaplacesDemon.hpc for high performance computing 2012-06-04 Email Address: Changed back to statisticat@gmail.com 2012-06-03 LaplacesDemon: Added the t-walk algorithm 2012-06-03 caterpillar.plot: Expanded to accept a generic matrix 2012-06-02 p.interval: Added MM for multi-modal probability intervals 2012-05-30 Added p.interval, which replaces HPD 2012-05-29 rmvl: Fixed bug 2012-05-08 Consort: Fixed object reference bug for diminishing adaptation 2012-04-24 plot.demonoid.ppc and plot.laplace.ppc: Added Mardia plots 2012-04-23 plot.demonoid.ppc and plot.laplace.ppc: Added Jarque-Bera plots 2012-04-22 Added Levene.Test 2012-04-21 plot.demonoid.ppc and plot.laplace.ppc: Added Residual Density plots 2012-04-20 Distributions: Added Skew Discrete Laplace 2012-04-19 Vignette Examples: Added Infinite Mixture Model 2012-04-18 plot.demonoid.ppc and plot.laplace.ppc: Added DW plots 2012-04-17 Vignette Examples: Added Exploratory Cluster Analysis (ECA) 2012-04-17 Vignette Examples: Renamed Cluster Analysis to CCA 2012-04-15 Stick: Added a truncated stick-breaking function for DPs 2012-04-15 Distributions: Added dStick for stick-breaking 2012-04-10 summary.demonoid.ppc: Added MASE, MSE, and Quadratic Loss 2012-04-10 summary.demonoid.ppc: Added Quadratic Utility, and RMSE 2012-04-10 summary.laplace.ppc: Added MASE, MSE, and Quadratic Loss 2012-04-10 summary.laplace.ppc: Added Quadratic Utility, and RMSE 2012-04-10 plot.demonoid.ppc and plot.laplace.ppc: Added ECDF plots 2012-04-06 Vignette Examples: Added State Space Model (SSM), Local Linear Trend 2012-04-06 Vignette Examples: Added State Space Model (SSM), Local Level 2012-04-06 Vignette Examples: Changed DLM and Stochastic Volatility to SSMs 2012-04-01 Added IAT 2012-03-31 Vignette Examples: Added Stochastic Volatility 2012-03-30 Vignette Examples: Updated DLM and DFA to include Dyn 2012-03-29 : USAMWG and USMWG for SSMs 2012-03-28 Vignette Examples: Added Spatial Autoregression (SAR) 2012-03-27 LaplacesDemon: Added 2 algorithms: SAMWG and SMWG for SSMs 2012-03-26 Vignette Examples: Added Hierarchical Bayesian 2012-03-25 Consort: Changed the Demonic Suggestions due to a new MCMC alg 2012-03-19 Vignette Tutorial: Added a Sampler Selection section 2012-03-18 LaplacesDemon: Added the RAM algorithm 2012-03-17 LaplacesDemon: Redesigned arguments to make it modular for more algs. 2012-03-12 Vignette Examples: expanded Linear Regression with Full Missingness 2012-03-11 summary.demonoid.ppc: Allow missing values for L, S.L., and Discrep 2012-03-11 summary.laplace.ppc: Allow missing values for L, S.L., and Discrep 2012-03-10 Vignette Examples: Added STARMA(1,1) 2012-03-09 LaplacesDemon: Changed MWG and AWMG to random-scan 2012-03-06 LaplaceApproximation and SIR: Document sample size vs. parm. correl. 2012-03-04 Vignette Examples: Added Negative Binomial Regression 2012-03-03 Vignette Examples: Added TARCH(1) 2012-02-26 Vignette Examples: Added Ordinal Logit and Ordinal Probit 2012-02-23 logit and log-log functions no longer require vector arguments 2012-02-21 Distributions: Made rcat faster by using rmultinom 2012-02-16 Vignette Examples: Added Variable Selection, BAL (Lasso) 2012-02-11 Vignette Examples: ARCH models updated 2012-02-02 plot.demonoid.ppc and plot.laplace.ppc: Fitted now has na.rm=TRUE 2012-01-05 interval: Expanded to include arrays 2011-12-30 Vignette Examples: Fixed bugs in Mixed Logit and ZIP 2011-12-29 Vignette Examples: Vectorized Penalized Spline Regression 2011-12-22 Vignette Examples: Added LSTAR 2011-12-21 Vignette Examples: Added Approximate Dynamic Factor Analysis (ADFA) 2011-12-20 Vignette Examples: Added Dynamic Factor Analysis (DFA) 2011-12-19 Vignette Examples: Vectorized Factor Regression, and fixed bug 2011-12-18 Vignette Examples: Vectorized Confirmatory Factor Analysis 2011-12-17 Vignette Examples: Vectorized Exploratory Factor Analysis 2011-12-06 SIR: Prevent infinite weights 2011-12-03 Added plot.importance 2011-12-01 CITATION now includes citations for vignettes 2011-11-26 Added GIV 2011-11-26 OnLoad: Included version number 2011-11-23 Vignette Examples: Changed sigma in Kriging, Predictive Process 2011-11-22 LaplacesDemon: MCSE with method IMPS becomes default 2011-11-21 Consort: Changed the Demonic Suggestions due to new MCMC algs 2011-11-20 Added partial and Hessian 2011-11-19 LML: Added the HME method, changed defaults for LA and LD 2011-11-18 LML: Fixed major bug between LL and LP 2011-11-17 caterpillar.plot: Added posterior samples due to SIR from LA 2011-11-16 plot.laplace: Added posterior samples due to SIR 2011-11-15 PosteriorChecks: Added Burn-In and posterior LA samples 2011-11-14 LaplaceApproximation: Added posterior samples with sir=TRUE 2011-11-13 LaplaceApproximation: Deprecated the CG method 2011-11-12 LaplaceApproximation: Added algorithms LBFGS and Rprop 2011-11-11 LaplaceApproximation: Sped up AGA with efficient coding 2011-11-10 LaplacesDemon: Added 3 MCMC algorithms - AMM, AMWG, and MWG 2011-11-09 LaplacesDemon: Sped up MCMC algorithms with efficient coding 2011-11-08 Added Model.Spec.Time 2011-11-07 Added SIR for sampling importance resampling 2011-11-06 Added de.Finetti.Game 2011-11-05 Added burnin 2011-11-04 Added KS.Diagnostic 2011-11-03 Added MCSS 2011-11-02 Added Elicitation 2011-11-01 Added Importance 2011-10-31 Added CSF and additional MCSE methods 2011-10-30 Added BayesTheorem and more Mode functions 2011-10-29 Vignette Examples: Added Covariance Separation Strategy 2011-10-28 Made LML public and added methods LME2 and NSIS 2011-10-27 Added Gelman.Diagnostic, renamed indmat to as.indicator.matrix 2011-10-26 Added as.initial.values and as.inverse 2011-10-26 parm.names: Converted to as.parm.names, added arrays 2011-10-25 Added is.appeased, is.demonoid, is.laplace, is.stationary 2011-10-24 Distributions: Added Inverse-Chi-Squared and Pareto 2011-10-23 Added is.positive.definite and is.positive.semidefinite 2011-10-23 Added is.square.matrix, is.symmetric.matrix, and tr (trace) 2011-10-23 Added lower.triangle and upper.triangle 2011-10-22 Distributions: Added Log-Normal with precision parameterization 2011-10-21 Distributions: Added Multivariate Cauchy with precision param. 2011-10-20 Distributions: Added Multivariate Cauchy 2011-10-19 Distributions: Added Multivariate Polya 2011-10-18 Distributions: Added Skew-Laplace 2011-10-17 Distributions: Added Power Exponential 2011-10-16 Distributions: Added Asymmetric Log-Laplace 2011-10-15 Distributions: Added Log-Laplace 2011-10-14 Distributions: Added Student t with precision param. 2011-10-13 Distributions: Added Laplace with precision parameterization 2011-10-12 Distributions: Added Multivariate t with precision param. 2011-10-11 Distributions: Added Multivariate Laplace 2011-10-10 Distributions: Added Multivariate Power Exponential 2011-10-09 Distributions: Added Multivariate Normal with precision param. 2011-10-08 Added as.parm.matrix to prepare matrices in a model spec. 2011-10-07 Added as.positive.definite and as.positive.semidefinite 2011-10-06 Precision: Added elementary functions for precision conversions 2011-10-05 Distributions: Added the normal with variance parameterization 2011-10-04 Distributions: Added the asymmetric Laplace 2011-10-03 Added KLD for Kullback-Leibler Divergence 2011-10-03 Distributions: Added the half-normal 2011-10-02 Documentation: Added LaTeX math formulas throughout 2011-10-02 Vignette Examples: Added Multivariate Binary Probit 2011-10-01 Vignette Examples: Added Multivariate Regression 2011-09-30 Vignette Examples: Added Inverse Gaussian Regression 2011-09-29 plot.laplace.ppc: Added 2 multivariate residual plots 2011-09-29 plot.demonoid.ppc: Added 2 multivariate residual plots 2011-09-28 plot.laplace.ppc: Bug fixed with ylim in multivariate plots 2011-09-28 plot.demonoid.ppc: Bug fixed with ylim in multivariate plots 2011-09-27 Distributions: Added dinvgaussian, rinvgaussian, and rcat 2011-09-26 summary.laplace.ppc: Added 4 discrepancies 2011-09-26 summary.demonoid.ppc: Added 4 discrepancies 2011-09-25 cloglog, invcloglog, invloglog, and loglog added 2011-09-24 PosteriorChecks added 2011-09-24 summary.laplace.ppc: Added Chi-Square, Kurtosis, and Skewness 2011-09-24 summary.demonoid.ppc: Added Chi-Square, Kurtosis, and Skewness 2011-09-23 summary.laplace.ppc: Added L-criterion and S.L 2011-09-23 summary.demonoid.ppc: Added L-criterion and S.L 2011-09-22 Vignette Examples: Added Threshold Autoregression (TAR) 2011-09-21 Vignette Examples: Added Beta-Binomial 2011-09-20 Vignette Examples: Added Mixture Model, Poisson-Gamma 2011-09-19 Vignette Examples: Added Gamma Regression 2011-09-18 Vignette Examples: Survival Analysis renamed to Proportional Hazards 2011-09-17 Vignette Examples: Added Weighted Regression 2011-09-16 Vignette Examples: Added Conditional Predictive Ordinate (CPO) 2011-09-15 Vignette Examples: Added Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) 2011-09-14 caterpillar.plot: Now allows plotting of only 1 parameter 2011-09-14 plot.laplace.ppc: Added 14 plot styles 2011-09-13 plot.demonoid.ppc: Added 14 plot styles 2011-09-11 Vignette Examples: Added Koyck Distributed Lag 2011-09-11 Vignette Examples: Added Factor Regression 2011-09-10 Vignette Examples: Added Penalized Spline Regression 2011-09-10 Vignette Examples: Added Polynomial Regression 2011-09-09 LaplaceApproximation: Added test of each matrix rank with QR in Data. 2011-09-08 LaplacesDemon: Added test of each matrix rank with QR in Data. 2011-09-07 plot.demonoid: fixed bug with Parms argument 2011-09-06 Vignette Examples: Added Space-Time, Dynamic 2011-09-05 Vignette Examples: Added Kriging, Predictive Process 2011-09-02 logit function updated from scalars to vectors 2011-09-01 Vignette Examples: Updated Separable Space-Time to half-Cauchy 2011-08-28 Vignette Examples: Added Geographically Weighted Regression 2011-08-27 Vignette Examples: Added ARCH-M, GARCH-M, and Simultaneous Equations 2011-08-26 Vignette Examples: Added GARCH(1,1) 2011-08-25 Vignette Examples: Added MANCOVA 2011-08-24 Vignette Examples: Added MANOVA 2011-08-23 Vignette Examples: Added Frequentist Linear Regression 2011-08-21 Vignette Examples: Added Finite Mixture Model 2011-08-15 Added Combine 2011-08-12 LaplaceApproximation: Added wrapper to optim for CG 2011-08-07 Vignette Examples: Corrected epsilon in ARCH(1,1) 2011-08-03 Vignette Examples: Added Exponential Smoothing 2011-07-27 plot.demonid, plot.laplace, caterpillar.plot: Improved grep 2011-07-26 Vignette Examples: Added Beta Regression 2011-07-25 LaplacesDemon: Corrected error preventing multivariate updating 2011-07-25 Vignette Examples: Added ARMA(1,1) 2011-07-25 Vignette Examples: Added ARCH(1,1) 2011-07-24 LaplacesDemon: Only estimates LML when algorithm is random-walk 2011-07-24 LaplacesDemon: Added note to screen when estimating LML 2011-07-18 Vignette Examples: Added Vector Autoregression, VAR(1) 2011-07-13 Vignette Examples: Added Dicrete Choice, Multinomial Probit 2011-07-12 Included more else and else ifs with if() for efficiency 2011-07-10 Vignette Examples: Added Multinomial Probit 2011-07-09 summary.laplace.ppc: Included Categorical argument 2011-07-09 summary.demonoid.ppc: Included Categorical argument 2011-07-09 LaplaceApproximation and LML: Replaced () and x^2 with {} and x*x 2011-07-08 Distributions: Replace x^2 with x*x for speed where possible 2011-07-08 Distributions: Replaced () with {} for speed where possible 2011-07-08 Distributions: Laplace return() bug fixed 2011-07-07 Distributions: dmvn is corrected and expanded 2011-07-06 Vignette Examples: Added ANCOVA 2011-07-06 Vignette Examples: Changed nonsensible min(grep...:max(grep code 2011-07-05 Vignette Examples: Variable Selection error corrected 2011-07-05 Changed %*% to crossprod() or tcrossprod() for small speed gains 2011-07-04 Distributions: Added dcat for density of categorical distribution 2011-07-03 Vignette Examples: Added Discrete Choice, Mixed Logit 2011-07-02 Vignette Examples: Added Discrete Choice, Conditional Logit 2011-07-01 Vignette Examples: Added paragraph about statistical notation 2011-06-30 Vignette Examples: Added Cluster Analysis 2011-06-29 Replaced many apply functions with rowSums, colMeans, etc. 2011-06-28 Vignette Examples: Added Revision, Normal 2011-06-27 Distributions: 'Vectorized' dmvn and dmvt 2011-06-26 LaplaceApproximation and LaplacesDemon: Suggestion about loops 2011-06-25 LaplaceApproximation and LaplacesDemon: Warning for multiple LPs 2011-06-18 Added indmat function 2011-06-15 Vignette Examples: Added ANOVA, Two-Way 2011-06-09 predict.demonoid now warns about use of non-stationary samples 2011-06-08 Distributions: Added the half-t 2011-06-03 Distributions: Added the half-Cauchy 2011-04-09 Email Address: Changed to laplacesdemon@statisticat.com 2011-04-07 Vignette Examples: Added Robust Regression 2011-04-05 Distributions: Added the 3-parameter Student t 2011-04-04 plot.demonoid and plot.laplace: Changed Parms argument with grep 2011-04-02 Vignette Examples: Added Survival Analysis 2011-04-01 Vignette Examples: Added Space-Time, Nonseparable 2011-03-31 Vignette Examples: Added Space-Time, Separable 2011-03-30 Vignette Examples: Added Kriging 2011-03-29 Vignette Examples: Added CAR, Poisson 2011-03-28 Vignette Examples: Changed Panel, Autoregressive Poisson 2011-03-27 predict.demonoid: Fixed bug with non-stationary samples 2011-03-26 Vignette Examples: Added Panel, Autoregressive Poisson 2011-03-25 Vignette Examples: Added Multinomial Logit, Nested 2011-03-24 Vignette Examples: Added Binary Probit and Binomial Logit 2011-03-23 Added interval function 2011-03-20 Vignette Examples: Added Variable Selection 2011-03-19 Vignette Examples: Added Factor Analysis, Confirmatory 2011-03-18 Vignette Examples: Added ANOVA, One-Way 2011-03-17 parm.names function added 2011-03-16 Vignette Examples: Added Contingency Table 2011-03-15 BayesFactor: Included posterior probability of each model 2011-03-14 Added Cov2Cor 2011-03-13 Vignette Examples: Added Linear Regression, Multilevel 2011-03-12 Vignette Examples: Added Factor Analysis, Exploratory 2011-03-11 Vignette Examples: Omega and S changed in SUR 2011-03-09 Consort: Bug fix since Rec.Status was continuous in some cases 2011-03-08 Vignette Examples: Added Linear Regression with Full Missingness 2011-03-07 Vignette Examples: Added Linear Regression with Missing Response 2011-03-06 BayesFactor extended to more than two model comparisons 2011-03-05 LaplacesDemon now estimates LML (log-marginal likelihood) 2011-03-03 Vignette Examples: Added Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) 2011-03-02 Distributions: dmvn requires vectors for x and mu 2011-02-27 LaplacesDemon single-component updating replaces independent 2011-02-25 Distributions: MVN is improved 2011-02-24 LaplaceApproximation: Corrected typo in error message 2011-02-21 plot.demonoid: now also plots proposal variance changes 2011-02-18 Changed Proposal Shrinkage and Scale 2011-02-17 Corrected typos in documentation 2011-02-13 Added test statistics included in summary.(class).ppc 2011-02-12 Added BayesFactor 2011-02-11 Added Monitor names 2011-02-09 Added plot.laplace.ppc and summary.laplace.ppc 2011-02-08 Added Predict.laplace, print.laplace, and plot.laplace 2011-02-07 Added joint.density.plot, logit, and Mode functions 2011-02-06 Caterpillar Plot included 2011-02-05 Added CenterScale for centering and scaling variables 2011-02-04 Added LaplaceApproximation 2011-02-03 Distributions: Added Bernoulli and truncated 2011-02-02 Vignette Examples: Corrected off-diagonal asymmetry in SUR 2011-01-31 Vignette Examples: Added Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) 2011-01-30 Consort: Adaptive, Periodicity suggestions include Acc. Rate 2011-01-29 Initial Values: Missings are set to zero 2011-01-28 Vignette Examples: Corrected Typos 2011-01-27 Removed Software License 2011-01-26 Vignette Examples: Added Binomial Probit and Multinomial Logit 2011-01-25 Distributions: Added invwishart, mvt, and wishart 2011-01-24 Distributions: Added dirichlet, invgamma, laplace, mvn 2011-01-23 Vectorized some loops and increased speed 2011-01-22 Logo replacement: the horned-Theta 2011-01-21 Vignette Examples: Added Binary Logit, DLM, and Laplace Reg. 2011-01-20 Parameter constraints included 2011-01-18 Vignette style changes 2011-01-17 Logo adoption: the pitchfork-psi 2011-01-16 Vignette included: Examples 2011-01-12 Vignette included: BayesianInference 2011-01-11 Refined the LaplacesDemon Tutorial vignette 2011-01-09 Renamed the ESS function 2011-01-08 Vignette included: LaplacesDemon Tutorial 2011-01-07 Corrected typos 2011-01-06 Added summary.demonoid.ppc and plot.demonoid.ppc functions 2011-01-03 First appeared on CRAN, as the 2,768th package 2010-12-30 Added a predict.demonoid function 2010-12-29 Added plot.demonoid and print.demonoid functions 2010-12-28 Consort: Demonic Suggestions has expanded dramatically 2010-12-25 Version Nomenclature changes to Year-Month-Day (10.12.24) 2010-12-24 The LaplacesDemon package was first put together 2010-12-13 Project Laplace's Demon began, and LaplacesDemon was written