Changes in 1.3.1: * added CITATION file with the reference to the published article * fixed typos in the vignette Changes in 1.3: * added new metrics: NDCG10, NDCG20, NDCG50, NDCG100. This changes the accuracies save file columns count * now accepting fractional genotypes in Noisy Data Set objects (if explicitly allowed by the user) * added new function phenoregressor.BGLR.multikinships to implement Bayesian GBLUP using more than one kinship matrices * added option to set the accuracy file name (before it defaulted to "accuracy.csv") * expanded interface to report the list of tested regressors Changes in 1.2.1: * added dependency to rmarkdown to comply to new knitr policy Changes in 1.2: * ridge regression BLUP now supports both SNP-BLUP and G-BLUP * plotResult function now has the option to select what to use as labels for the x axis * typos in the documentation Changes in 1.1: * now supports test on datasets different from the one used for training. Its interface, GROAN.Result object and plotResult function were changed accordingly * a second pea dataset, GROAN.AI, was included, and the old dataset was refactored as GROAN.KI * old dataset notation (GROAN.pea.SNPs, GROAN.pea.yield, GROAN.pea.kinship) was maintained but marked as deprecated in documentation * added or improved print and summary function for all GROAN objects