Changes in version 1.0.6 * Debugging extricate * Adapting to dplyr 1.1.0 * citation update to ESR 2022 article Changes in version 1.0.5 * Correcting plot axis label in plot * Cleaning S3 methods conflicts * Adapt class() functions to inherits() * Add functions of hht package (that might be archived in the future) HilbertTransform(), HilbertEnvelope(), InstantaneousFrequency(), and PrecisionTester() Changes in version 1.0.4 * Adding the approx.cor() function, that allows a correlation of data sets having a different sampling rate, via interpolation * Adding the check.emd() function, that provides a complete diagnostic for decomposition's quality * Adding of a wrapper for Singular Spectrum Analysis based on the Rssa package: simple.ssa() * respace(), extricate(): definition of an error (to avoid duplication of dt values) * New data sets for examples * Change the extricate() function to use the definition of linear trend, cyclically-connoted residual, and nonlinear trend * Adding a new warning in the extricate() and pile.up() functions (checking the sorting of the dt values) * Debugging pile.up() Changes in version 1.0.3 * Adaptation to StratigrapheR 1.1.1, R 4.0 Changes in version 1.0.2 * Update to dplyr 1.0.0 to make use of the generalisation of dplyr::lag() and dplyr::lead() to matrices Changes in version 1.0.1 * Update to StratigrapheR 1.0.1 to get improved divisor() function * respace: fixed bug * gzc.departure: change in the definition of GZC departure, thereby changing the function output